Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Feast of the birth of St. John the Baptist and fifth Sunday after Pentecost.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 5 pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today I would like to share with you important information that affects the whole world today.
My beloved ones, the division of the Catholic faith has already occurred, although the authorities want to deceive you. There is a modernist and a traditional Mass of sacrifice. The two are in no way alike It is said that they complement each other. This too is a complete error, to which many believers succumb. .
My beloved father children, why do you let yourselves be carried away by the great crowd? Why don't you form your own opinion? Is it so difficult to follow the true faith? Do I, your dearest Heavenly Father, not give you an exceedingly great love? daily and even hourly I want to embrace you and prove My Divine Love to you. But you unbelievers turn your backs on Me and close the doors of your heart.
Why have you become so hard and stubborn? I love you all boundlessly and want to save you from eternal damnation. You are My children and I do not want to leave you to Satan. He has his claws out on you.
I have loving hands to embrace you. These hands want to caress you. I desire your repentance.
Yesterday, My beloved ones, you visited the relative of My little messenger, in order to induce her to repent. So far I have put her through a lot to get her out of the confusion. But she does not listen to my words and remains silent.
You, My beloved ones, have dared to fight against evil and have entered the lion's den. Like sheep I have sent you among the wolves. You have completely fulfilled My will and have not avoided the fight of the satanic powers. .
For this I thank you with all my heart. I have placed all the angels at your side. You were in my protection. Never will I deliver you defenselessly to evil, for I am your loving heavenly Father after all. Rely on my love and gentleness.
I put words in your mouth that can never be yours.Why did you show such a great confidence yesterday? You have been working with Divine Power.
My beloved priest's son took the holy water and scattered it in all four corners of the room of this home for the elderly in the Land an der Lippe. With the stole, My beloved priestly son, you have exercised your priestly power.
You fought with evil and above all did not give up when evil was hurled at you.
Please do not give up, My beloved little band, you have My trust because you are equipped with My love.
Joyfully fighting, you stood up together for the True Catholic Faith. Unbelief has been brought to you. But you have defeated the wicked one with the weapons of faith.
If you fulfill my wishes completely, you will become stronger and stronger. The defeats will not affect you, for you defy evil.
My little one, do not be sad that your sister has not responded to My words and instructions. The time is not ripe yet. True faith must grow. You need a lot of patience now. Until now I was rejected and found only locked doors. Full of sadness in your hearts you had to make the long way home.
My children, I see your will and pay attention to the many sacrifices you have willingly made.
My beloved little one, I showed you your sister in a vision the day before. You could not grasp it and yet you followed my foresighted paths. You have researched My Internet and found the addresses you need.
Immediately you have fulfilled My will. You immediately set out on the long journey. Humanly, you were full of fear and uncertainty, because you did not know what to expect there >strong>. By My sure hand you have let yourselves be guided. That alone was your strength.
You have been admired, for this strength of faith was not expected of you. This example of yesterday's day you shall follow in future, my beloved ones, you who believe. You are put before inhuman facts, and I, the Heavenly Father, will solve them in you.
You are sent like St. John and become voices in the desert. The world has become a desert. Everything has been destroyed in My wonderfully designed world. Yet I will work in My beloved and faithful children.
It is a completely new path that I will now take. Do not develop fears when the impossible is demanded of you. I will steer everything into the right direction. Take the path of persecution as well, for it is the narrow path that leads to heaven.
My beloved, I have developed a love plan with you. Remain My faithful and fulfill My mission.
Have I not chosen My apostles to spread the true faith? They spared no effort and went to the countries of unbelief to do missionary work. They have not failed, but faith has spread more and more.
So I wish it also from you, My beloved ones. Please pay attention to My exact instructions and do not let yourselves be disconcerted by the cunning of Satan.
Become strong My beloved ones for you are in the greatest struggle of persecution of Christians. You will not succumb to it. .
Raise the flag of the Rosary high, for your Heavenly Mother will not leave you alone in the struggle. .
I will now administer justice. My children will recognize my ways because they walk the path of faith.
Many unbelievers say that I am to be only the "Merciful Father". This does not correspond to the truth, for I am also the "Righteous Father" in heaven. "I know the ones who are mine and the ones who are mine know me. Jesus says in the Bible: "As the Father has sent me, so I send you" .
I the Heavenly Father teach you not to despair in the inconsistencies of life, but to walk My ways with courage. Never give up, but look at the hope, it must never be missing in you. "Hope dies last."
You, my beloved ones, will experience true miracles of conversion, which you cannot explain to yourselves. Wait in patience, for my instructions will be given you. Never will the evil one celebrate his triumph over you.
Look at Saint John. Has he not done wonders on his path of faith?
My beloved ones, as you have heard today in the Gospel of the fifth Sunday after Pentecost in the Final Gospel, you must not say evil to anyone, for Mine is revenge. .
Forgive one another and bear no grudge against your neighbor. My Son also forgives you all your iniquities in the Holy Sacrament of Penance. He died on the cross for your sins and also wants you to forgive your debtors. .
Look not on the transgressions of others and turn back before your own door. Then you will become my favorites, to whom I will put my guideline in your hand.
There is still a long and arduous path to follow. But you will go this way because I will guide you. The angels will surround you and will not rest until you fulfill my will.
It is the way of love and love will drive you forward. Remain faithful and do not give up, because my time is pressing .
I bless you with your Heavenly Mother and all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My beloved, do not leave this arduous path. Do not deviate one step from it. Your Heavenly Mother will put her angels at your disposal.