Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Friday, Sacred Heart Festival.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 8:30pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen,

I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you My beloved children who believe and trust in Me, today, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of My Son.

It is a special feast, My beloved ones. The pierced Heart of My Son is so much disfigured in the present time. My son shed His last drop of blood for all. This sacrifice of the cross is renewed on all sacrificial altars.

Unfortunately, it is not usual today to celebrate this One and True Sacrificial Feast. Today's priests celebrate a meal together at the grinding tables and folk altars. I cannot repeat it often enough that this sacred ceremony does not take place at every altar.

I, the Heavenly Father, wish that the Holy Sacrificial Feast be celebrated on all altars in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. It is a long way until My wish is fulfilled in all churches.  The words of consecration that My Son spoke in the Upper Room have been changed. Thus the great disaster has befallen the Catholic Church.  Even today they are still following the Second Vatican Council. Thus sin continues to spread to the whole Church. It does not lead to forgiveness and must be atoned for  .

My Son cries bitter tears and is infinitely sad about His chosen ones.

My beloved ones, all of you who proclaim and also spread the True Catholic Faith, you are being persecuted, because the persecution of Christians is already taking place in many countries.  They take away your glory and drag you before the courts. "If they have persecuted Me, they will persecute you also." This is what My Son says to you, My believers. "Love your enemies and pray for those who hate you" this means true love in the Catholic faith.

You shall love them and pray for them, for they shall thereby find conversion. .

What love has My Son mustered for sinners. He goes after every single prodigal son and leaves the ninety-nine sheep alone. What a great love he has for everyone who shows his willingness to repent. When one repents, a great feast is celebrated in heaven. .

My beloved sons of priests, show your open heart to the loving heart of My Son, so that He may have a retreat.

It is the very last time for your conversion. He begs every day and begs for your love. Show Him this comfort. Open wide the doors of your heart and you will already now taste the earthly pleasures. The love of God urges you to do deeds.

Be still in your hearts and remember today's feast, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of My Son. You are in the month of June, the month consecrated to the Heart of My Son.  In this month you receive special graces. Take this time to connect with the loving heart of My Son. .

Take this time to receive the joys of everyday life. There is nothing more beautiful than to live the True Faith. Heaven holds so many gifts for you. He even lavishes you with the comforts of everyday life. You cannot believe how great the love of the Triune God is.

What is holding you back to fulfill My Will? My Son wants to be with you and unite with you in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Why do you not believe in the true Eucharist? Is it too difficult for you to have inner reflection? Don't you want to taste my love?

In the Latin language My Son can be present with you in every church. This dead language cannot be changed, as it is done and possible in the native languages. That is why I desire in all churches this One and Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son, which was canonized by Pope Pius V in 1570. It must not be changed because it was laid down in a bull. If anyone changes even one iota, he commits sacrilege and will be condemned .

Unfortunately this is not known to the priests of today. They perform the meal at the popular altar and claim that this meal is equivalent to the Latin and Tridentine sacrificial meal.

How should My Son be transformed in the hands of these priests who commit sacrilege? It is not possible at all, for it is a grave sin that must be atoned for.

Again I call you today, on the feast of the loving heart of My Son, to convert to the truth. It is the very last time. .

Repent of your sins in a holy confession Follow My Son and prevent that so many believers receive this sacrament unworthily. "He who unworthily eats this flesh and drinks this blood, eats and drinks his judgment.

Wake up, My beloved ones and receive these graces of My Son. He is waiting for you longingly and will not stop knocking at your heart's doors until the last chosen priest receives this knowledge.

The deepest mystery of His love is there. This love was already there before the beginning of His creation. It is the creative power of the incarnation of God. Therefore, let each one bend his knees on the earth and under the earth. He is great and mighty in knowledge. No one can really explain the greatness of God. He is inconceivably great and glorious in His contemplation. Allow yourselves to be filled with the love of His whole being. You are already loved from eternity and no one can grasp and fathom this love. It is unimaginably beautiful  .

Again and again He expresses His longing because His love embraces us. In His Church He wants to reveal Himself to us. Again and again He wants to unite His heart, which beats full of love for all of us, with His heart. In His Church His exceedingly great love is revealed.

If only you, My beloved sons of priests, could finally understand how you are loved, even when you have committed many errors.

Pay no attention to the sins and mistakes of the past, but take the sacrament of penance. It will wash you clean and the sanctifying grace will be given to you once again.

All human beings are stained and defective by hereditary guilt. These sins will be forgiven you, for His mercy is incomprehensible and great for all.

My beloved believers, forgive one another and do not give up, even if despair sometimes seizes you. Come to me, for I want to refresh all. .

Now the next book, the first half of 2018, will be printed. It is the tenth book. Be glad of the words of heaven, for it will strengthen you.

Today's problems of this difficult time sometimes rob you of joy. But I will fill this cup of joy again, if you hold out until the end.

Therefore persevere, for the reward in eternity is certain to you.

Again I would like to remind you of the signs in heaven. Sun, moon and stars will show a change very soon. Yesterday My beloved ones, you have already noticed the change of the setting sun. Blood-red it will soon set in the sky. All are the signs of My end time. .

My beloved do you not look at the many disasters? Or have you become indifferent to that? The weather in all areas is constantly changing and the weather forecasts are no longer accurate.

I have everything in My creative hand. Remain strong My children and do not let yourselves be influenced. I have the scepter firmly in My divine hand. No one will be able to fathom my ways. Believe and trust, My believers. Then you will be led and guided by a sure hand .

If you look closely, you will see that you are not up to this chaos. But if you follow My will, you will feel a certainty and will not be disturbed by the evil powers that oppress you, for Satan's cunning is great.

Do not worry about tomorrow and put your worries in My loving heart, in the heart of My divine Son .

Take the yoke of your daily cross on your shoulders. Then you will willingly carry your cross and will save me to the consolation of many people who stand before eternal damnation. You can still save her. Above all, pray the rosary for the unfaithful priests who have strayed.

The world will soon change. Only a little while more and then the event of My coming will take place.

Are you still wondering how this will happen? I have revealed the truth to you in everything. Have no fears, for if you believe in My omnipotence, nothing can happen to you.

If you are always prepared, you have a share in Me and My house of glory of the newly oriented church. .

Live for eternity and not for the world, for it is transitory. All the wealth of the world cannot be replaced by eternity. Hold on to this treasure and do not let it be snatched from you.

So now I bless you with your Heavenly Mother all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.  .

Believe in everything that I reveal to you; it corresponds to Divine Truth. Let no one lose you, for I am with you all days and will protect you. Believe in the loving heart of My Son. It beats for His True Catholic Church, which will never perish.


