Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 10, 2017

2nd Sunday in Advent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, on the 2nd Sunday of Advent, December 10, 2017, we celebrated a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The altar of the Virgin Mary was decorated, as never before, with countless white roses. The Blessed Mother appeared to me as if sunk in a sea of white roses. This splendor, which emanated from the altar of Mary today, had never been seen before. There was a wreath of flowers wrapped around the Virgin Mary. In addition, the golden supernatural light around them was distinct. The angels paid homage to the Mother of God, who appeared in a white cloak full of pearls and diamonds. They bowed down before her and fell on her face. The angels also grouped themselves around the altar of sacrifice and fell adoringly on her face. The Blessed Mother held out her white rosary to us for prayer. She showed herself with a particularly radiant face.

The Heavenly Father will speak today, the 2nd Sunday of Advent and in the octave of Her Immaculate Heart: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers, beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today, on the 2nd Sunday of Advent, I give you a special joy.

Today I, My beloved daughter Anne, have named and called as a caller in the desert. Why have I done this today, My beloved ones? She is truly the announcer of my event because my intervention will happen in the very near future. I, the great, mighty, almighty and omniscient God, will appear in great power and glory.

Before that, the soul view and the dark days go ahead. My cross will also be seen throughout the entire firmament in the whole world. My son Jesus Christ will appear. The whole earth will open up and rise up. One will not be able to believe how enormously the sky intervenes. The large cross and the lawn cross in Meggen and Eisenberg will also be visible.

The people who believe will sink down in awe. The people who have not believed so far will fall down in shame of their sinfulness and some will even die in the process, as they cannot bear the face of God. A great flood of water will flood whole continents and bury them. They will be extinguished.

My beloved ones, you who believe, you will not only be saved, but you will be allowed to experience the love of the Triune God. A great gratitude will arise in your hearts and also a supernatural joy. All, My beloved ones, will prepare and rejoice for the birth of My Son, the little child Jesus. I will grant grace to all men.

Many will not want to accept this grace. They persist in their pride and remain obstinate. Unfortunately I cannot free many and lead them to the truth because they do not want to confess their sins before me. You will not get to the remorse. They are so hardened in evil, because they do not want to move away from it. They are worldly people who live only in the world and have long since rejected the supernatural. Although they see the good, they cannot separate from the evil, because it holds them like a net.

With great love I have considered all. But this love of justice paired with mercy many cannot understand. My love also includes suffering. Many people flee from this suffering because it is not part of their lives. They reject it. That is why I cannot help many to confess their own guilt before me. They flee from the cross because they are tempted by the pleasures of everyday life and they want to enjoy them to the fullest in their lives without worrying about the future. Unfortunately their conscience does not beat. They feel disadvantaged and do not accept their own cross.

They grumble and lament their suffering to the other and think that the good God is punishing them. They do not feel gratitude in their lives, but only sorrow. Everything is contrary to them and they let the other one suffer from it, too. They often fall into severe depressions and can no longer find their way around. They inflict suffering on the other person and even enjoy it. With these people the evil one has an easy game, because they are useful for his machinations.

These people can become unbearable for others because they are dissatisfied with themselves. You cannot imagine that suffering also belongs to my love. This is completely foreign to them. They are leaving the True Catholic Church in rows.

I tell you that suffering is a privilege, because in suffering men become more like My Son and your Savior. Through suffering, they find repentance for their sins and can suddenly repent.

If I inflict suffering on these people, they may be grateful. They should accept suffering as I have intended for them. Let them rejoice that I do not let them sink into the eternal abyss in their grave sins. It is part of a special realization when many people feel: "I have to change, I have to give up some things that have been taken for granted in the world up to now and that seemed dear to me.

The worldly does not mean the divine. If people remain in the worldly, they overlook the divine. That is why it is easy for them to reject me, the redeemer of the whole world. Thereby I came into the world to bring salvation and redemption to all men. I am not understood by the people of today.

The Advent season is a time of preparation for My coming. Therefore, everyone should look forward to this event.

My caller in the desert, My little Anne, I have appointed and chosen to make people aware that My love is boundless and often incomprehensible. With this love I will surround all who still decide for truth in the last moment. But everyone has the possibility to turn back. But many do not want it. I respect their free will. No one will I force to the truth, since faith is the freest decision of a man. This freedom of their own will I leave to them. My love towards all people remains in eternity.

If you only knew, My beloved sons of priests, how much I love you as I want to embrace you and how great My love is for each one of you sons of priests. I even run after everyone. I offer each and every one of them a new chance.

"Oh, if only they wanted to repent to celebrate this holy sacrificial meal in all reverence.

My priest sons are still hardened. Not only have they committed many serious sins, but they persist in them. They do not want to bend down to true humility. They neither want to repent nor make a holy confession.

Some take it easy, yes they are indifferent to the Ten Commandments. "It will be all right, because the great Merciful God will already forgive us, because He knows us and also our weaknesses. He will surely forgive us."

No, My beloved ones, you cannot reach heaven so easily. To participate in the Eternal Wedding Feast forever means making great sacrifices. It is a sacrificial life of love and gratitude. No one will I reject who makes a worthy confession and confesses his burden of sin before me in deep repentance. If even his sins were red as scarlet, they become white as snow. Every single soul that converts, I will embrace and love in gratitude. This person will be allowed to see my love in eternity.

My beloved ones, I want to call your attention once again and tell you: come to My dearest Mother and consecrate yourselves to Her Immaculate Heart. Look at her purity, which I would like to emphasize today in the octave. Their purity of soul radiates outwards. She especially wants to press your priestly sons to your Immaculate Heart, so that they may still be saved in this last most difficult time. Full of love she looks at each priest and asks him with the words: "Convert, for you are precious to Me. There is still time. There is still a way for you to bring great joy to the loving God. Prove to the highest God that you really love Him, for He is waiting for your repentance.

The Holy Sacrificial Feast contains such a great grace that nobody can grasp it with his senses. Each priest is to be a sacrificial priest at the altar of sacrifice. If you knew what great joy I have in every single priest who brings me a true Holy Sacrifice.

The whole heaven rejoices over every single priest who converts. I wait for this every minute. Turn back, my beloved ones, I admonish you anew. Consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, who looks upon you in love and wants to shelter you under Her protective mantle. It is still time, My beloved ones. The intervention is just around the corner.

The whole world will be shaken when this intervention will take place, because it will be enormous, as nobody can imagine. The earth will rise and cherubim and seraphim will fall down before this great event.

I will separate the right side from the left side My beloved ones, who have held out until the end, I will press to my loving heart. Full of love and gratitude I will look upon them.

My beloved ones, look at this preparation time and thank your Heavenly Father that He will save you and has given you the great grace to persevere. Show Him your love for this important Christmas.

If everything seems impossible, then this impossible in my love will serve you well. You cannot conceive of much, for it will be different from what you want. The wicked one walks around in this last time, like a roaring lion. He has already devoured many who have fallen victim to his cunning.

Of course he will try to seize the colonels and will take possession of those who live the firm and true faith. The holy priests and sacrificial souls are an abomination to him. He wants to devour them at the last moment. He tries to reach them with his cunning. Be vigilant.

I love you and bless you with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be vigilant, for the hour of My coming is near at hand.


