Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Feast of the Heavenly Father and transfiguration of Christ.
The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, August 6, 2017, we celebrated the Feast of the Heavenly Father with a Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The Heavenly Father was bedded on roses today. Many bouquets of roses had been sent by individual persons of the following for the Heavenly Father, so that the Heavenly Father could experience this feast in its full splendor, for we all want to give Him the honor that is due to Him alone, for the Heavenly Father is after all the Almighty, the Greatest, the Most Beloved, for He is the Heavenly Father of the Trinity.
That is why the altar of Mary, but also the altar of sacrifice was shining in bright splendor and decorated with abundant flower and candle decorations. The individual roses given to the Heavenly Father were each adorned with diamonds and pearls. Everything was radiated with a glowing gold. The angels and also the archangels moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and sang the entire Holy Sacrificial Mass in different pitches.
The Heavenly Father will himself speak on His Day of Honor: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on My Day of Honor, through My willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers, beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I welcome you all today to My Day of Honor and thank you for this honor you do Me. You are here to comfort me, you who are my beloved chosen ones. How happy I am that you are celebrating this day. This modernist church still does not recognize this festival. But you, my chosen ones, know that I have wished for this day.
I myself have chosen him for myself and you show me love and gratitude on this day of honor. How much joy I have already experienced with you. But today is a very special day, because your counter-love is simply unique. I, the Heavenly Father, would like to give you constant joy and shower you with gifts.
Always come to your Heavenly Father when you are tormented by worries. You often think that your crosses, which I allow, are too hard to bear. Out of love I will then embrace you, my beloved ones, when you accept them, because through your crosses you become lovable and valuable.
Did not My Son Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prove His love to Me by accepting the Cross? He responded completely to my wishes and gave himself up for all on the cross. Was that not the greatest love for you humans?
Please show Me, My beloved ones, the gratitude and accept your crosses as I wish you to accept them. You are my beloved ones and heirs of heaven.
Unfortunately, there are many people today who cast off the cross because they think that in the cross they suffer contempt or they feel unloved. They do not think of doing Me, the Heavenly Father, the honor. They have completely cut Me out of their lives.
The Holy Mass of Sacrifice, which My Son Jesus Christ has established as a legacy for all, the priests are to celebrate in awe. I do not want them to turn to the people, but to offer the sacrifice to My Son Jesus Christ in all reverence, because every Holy Mass of Sacrifice is a repetition of the Sacrifice of the Cross of My Son.
The Holy Mass of Sacrifice has unfortunately been removed from memory today. This means that all priests turn to My Son and not to the people. The hands of the priests are also consecrated by the sacrament. Only with these priestly hands may Holy Communion be distributed to the faithful, kneeling and in oral communion. This is the true sacrament in all reverence, which cannot be found in any religious community. It is unique in the Catholic faith and cannot be replaced by anything else.
If only this truth would finally be recognized by the faithful? This is what I am waiting for, as Heavenly Father. All other possibilities that are carried out in this modernist church are not allowed and invalid.
These are sacrileges, and very great ones at that. Everything must be atoned for because my sons of priests have not yet recognized that I want to lead and guide them. For this I need their free will and that they say: "Father, I am completely yours and I want to fulfill your wishes. I do not want to see myself, because it is not my honor that is important as a priest.
Today's priests are in the modernist meal community. You have turned your back on My son. They have turned away from him.
As you know, My beloved faithful, today one has already taken off the priestly clothes. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is no longer celebrated, the Holy Sacrament of Penance has been replaced by a penitential prayer, the Holy Sacraments are often administered by the laity, and in addition, there is already a divine service with the distribution of communion, the layperson.
These persons are authorized by a deed of their diocese to administer the sacraments. This church is consecrated to Satan, for it is losing more and more truth and substance. Nor is it stopped, because it is controlled by Satan.
But if I recognize this true Catholic Church, I must also celebrate as a believing Christian the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, which My Son Jesus Christ instituted on Holy Thursday. This is difficult for most believers, since they are shunned, rejected and despised by their acquaintances.
Thus every priest may not change the words spoken by Jesus Christ himself at the institution of the Lord's Supper. These words were canonized by Pope Pius V, which means that they must never be changed again. Let him who does so be cursed. The priests do not follow this today. They change these words at their own discretion, just as they please and as they personally wish. This no longer has anything to do with the Holy Mass of Sacrifice that My Son Jesus Christ instituted. This Church is no longer the Church of Jesus Christ, My Son, namely the Only True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Therefore this church has lost its true value. That is why Islam can spread so quickly in Germany today.
You can clearly see that this false pope who occupies the Holy See has been manipulated and certainly does not represent the Catholic Church. One must not follow him. One is then subject to error or disbelief. Little children, why are you so blind to follow the stream that leads you astray?
I wish from My cardinals and bishops that you finally recognize the truth and spread again the true Catholic Church, I urge you to stop spreading these grave sacrileges.
I wish that a division is finally brought about and that it is put into practice. I, the Heavenly Father, pronounce these words on My great feast day, for I Am the Heavenly Father, who will direct and guide all things. And that remains so, whether one recognizes me as heavenly father or whether one rejects and despises me. I remain the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.
Well, My beloved children, you can choose. Am I for you the True and Almighty God in the Trinity, the Heavenly Father. Or will one still say today: "For me this is not reality, reality, but I follow the Second Vatican Council. There I have the freedom to develop as a priest in the way I want to. There my wishes are fulfilled and not the wishes of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. There I have the freedom that is granted me only in the modernist church, I find it comfortable above all that there is no more sin, because purgatory and hell no longer exist either.
Everything has now changed for the benefit of the people and the general stream is the people of today's modernist church. This is the false and unbelief.
Will you, My beloved sons of priests, finally recognize the true faith? Or do you want to plunge into the eternal abyss? One day you too will be asked: "Have you in your life witnessed the true faith? Then you will be judged. No one is spared this, not even the one who despises faith or puts it on the side. I then ask you: "Have you put Me, the True God in the Trinity, in the first place? Have you loved My Son Jesus Christ above all in your lives? Have you, My beloved sons of priests, have you celebrated the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the true rite, as My Son instituted it? Otherwise you are not the called priests I have chosen. You have not honored him. Depart from me, accursed ones." Do you want to be one of them?
Today's Catholic Christians can no longer testify to their value in faith and how quickly they became Protestant without having felt it. Today one already says: "We all have only one God, whether Catholic or Protestant. This is unfortunately a mistake, My beloved children. Today the True Catholic Faith has become a disturbing factor in the whole world.
If you think you can reform this church of today, you are unfortunately in error. You cannot destroy this One True Catholic Church in its hinges, for this Church will always remain, "for the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
The evil spirit, namely Satan, still has his power and he exercises it. But the Holy Spirit watches over the church. If I, the Heavenly Father, set Satan the end point, that is, he has then lost power.
Wake up, therefore, you My sons of priests. There is still time, nor can you be converted. Ask yourself: "How do I live in the future? Do I live the true faith or do I reject it", as the priests of the modernist church do today. Then decide how you want to go on living, because I, the heavenly Father, will intervene in omnipotence. I will intervene when I see it right and not as My priests expect it today. This intervention will be unexpected for everyone and will take place with unfathomable strength. You will be able to understand and grasp nothing because my omnipotence will come into effect, and that completely differently than you expect it.
I bless you now in all confidence and love with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You are loved from eternity. Continue to offer me your counter-love.