Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Feast of the Holy Trinity.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We have celebrated today, June 11, 2017, the Feast of the Holy Trinity, in a Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V.

Also today again many angels were present during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The altar of sacrifice was bathed in a golden, warm light. The altar of the Virgin Mary has been illuminated many times. On the altar of sacrifice, during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the candles were also lit up like bright flames. These flames became bigger and bigger. In the abundant floral decoration were small crystals that sparkled like diamonds and there were also small white pearls visible. These sparkling crystals were supposed to signify reverence for the Trinity. This was communicated to me.

This is the greatest treasure of our Catholic faith. The trinity means three persons. These three persons join together in the unit. You are a ghost. This oneness, My beloved ones, you cannot understand. Your little common sense will not grasp this.

Now I, the Heavenly Father, have already spoken. I will continue to give instructions and directives through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and only repeats the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. How much I love you all.

How much and how often do you fulfill my will. How often do you offer me sacrifices, sacrifices which I actually expect from my priest sons. But unfortunately, even today they are not willing to become victim priests. They are not willing to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast at a sacrificial altar. I love everyone and want to continue to save everyone from eternal damnation.

That is why, My beloved little flock, I still wish the many sacrifices of you today. I, the Heavenly Father, look even today at the many priests who proclaim and live the mistaken faith. How often have I, the Son of God, already become a beggar and beg on the throne of My Father, for these, My erring sons of priests. How often do I look sadly at My priests because they do not obey Me.

I also look at My little Katharina. How many prayers have I given her. Day and night the followers pray for her. Of course, My beloved ones, I could cure their sickness with a touch of a finger. But I wish that it brings me many sacrifices. Many sacrifices, My little Catherine, I demand of you, because you are in a community of four. This community of four has a world broadcast. It is so big that you do not understand it. You often do not understand Me, My little one, that I love you, that I love you untameable. And you, where are you? Where are the sacrifices I ask of you? You stumble back and forth and often do not believe that I want to make you healthy. This is what I want from you, that you become completely healthy. Of course I will work the miracle. But your faith is missing, your firm faith and the sacrifices. You know that the chemotherapy has had many consequences in you and that I did not want this therapy from the beginning. This damage caused by chemotherapy must still be flushed out with plenty of fluid. That is what I want from you. Bring Me daily the sacrifices, then I, the Heavenly Father, will give you new happiness. This happiness will be great in your heart; you may expect this from Me, the Heavenly Father. I love you and I repeat this daily.

From My Catherine I demand in the future that she brings me these sacrifices daily. Otherwise it cannot exist in my community of four. This community of four contains so many sacrifices that you can hardly bear it.

I love you all, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, because you bring so much joy to Me, the Triune God. I Am the great God, the holy, the most holy.

And you celebrated this Trinity today together with the house chapel in Mellatz. There is your feast of patronage. This chapel is dedicated to the Trinity. This is a great gift I have given you. It is my house in Mellatz. I have wanted it myself as it is. All wishes I have expressed to you, and you have gratefully fulfilled them. I rule in this house, even if you cannot be there.

My little one, you consist day and night only of sacrifices. You give Me these sacrifices. Of course you get the grace to do so. You accept this grace and give Me the sacrifices for My sons of priests. You still pray to Me in the night, although you sometimes endure a lot of pain because of your four herniated discs, out of love for Me and out of love for My priestly sons. Thank you. You know that you will still bear a lot in the future. I support you in all your worries and sacrifices, because often you are desperate and think you can't take it anymore. But then I am there, because I have said that I am with you all times, even if you do not feel it. If you think everything is going wrong, then I am with you too. Then I direct it into the right paths; I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and the Trinity, will direct everything to the good. I could change everything with a flick of my finger. I could work miracles on miracles and I will work miracles. But you must believe and trust and prove your love to me through many sacrifices. You will not recover in one day. No, if you continue to bear your illness, you will make the greatest sacrifices, but in love and gratitude. Bear it not for your own sake, no, for my sake, without grumbling and without growling. This love is crucial for your recovery.

If I wish, you can lose the most serious illness in a moment. If you believe and trust, I will be able to work wonders. But if you work against it, then you work against my will. I know that it is often difficult for you to make the hardest sacrifices. Often you think that I have left you. It is not so. In the heaviest crosses I am there and hold you. Even then you are not alone; even then you can prove to me your greatest love, your human love. She cannot be compared with My Divine. Then you get the Divine Power. Then you will still be able to do a lot in your old age. You think your memory decreases with age. That is not true. It is the healthy cells that are mobilized when you become active. But if you remain passive, I cannot help you. I wish you sacrifices and employment. What you do not like to do, do it gladly, then, for my sake. I prove My Divine Love to you daily. I desire from you the proof of human love.

How often do I take you in my arms and give you comfort? How often do small miracles happen in a day? The time will come when I will work great wonders around you and in you.

But my intervention is just around the corner. It is sad that I, the Heavenly Father, must constantly remind you of My intervention. People do not believe that I will intervene. Because I am not given the greatest honor and because even today the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not offered to me.

This Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was instituted by My Son Jesus Christ for the redemption of all mankind.

I, the Triune God, am waiting for yours: "Yes, Father, even today I will do your will and not mine. How happy I am over every priestly son who repents and proves to Me that he really loves Me, that he becomes a sacrificial priest and gives Me the highest honor.

The laity must never continue to distribute Communion, this Holy Communion, the most holy thing. Jesus Christ is present with Godhead and humanity in the Holy Host. One cannot receive this communion with the hands, but only kneeling in oral communion. And that is missing today, My beloved ones.

The folk altars are not sacrificial altars.

Lay Communion is a sacrilege, a grave sacrilege.

The devil then has his power and he will exercise it. If all of you, My beloved ones, who still today go into these modernist churches and believe in these popular altars, you will all visibly experience the devil. Yes, unfortunately, My beloved ones, I must tell you.

I want to prevent it, because I want all to be saved, that is My desire and will.

I have appointed and chosen my little atoning souls to atone for the many sacrileges of the priests. Everything must be expiated. All are serious offences. But I love My sons of priests, every one of them with all my heart and with all my soul. My dearest mother, how much she loves your priest sons, for she is the mother of all priests. A loving mother never forgets any of her sons. In the greatest need she is there, the mother. You can call her and she will call down a host of angels on you. You will be able to offer your sacrifices to the Heavenly Father. Familiar deeper and deeper. Then I will work miracles. You will not be able to believe it, so great will these miracles be.

I bless you now in the Trinity and Trinity, in all love and gratitude, with your dearest Mother and all the angels, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Divine Love is boundless and it works in you if you believe and trust.


