Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through her willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Today, December 8, 2016, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, we celebrated a worthy Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

The altar of the Sacrifice and the altar of the Virgin Mary were bathed in an intense golden, glittering light. The angels, first of all the three holy archangels, moved into the house church during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, gathered around the altar of sacrifice and especially around the tabernacle. During the Holy Transubstantiation the tabernacle angels bowed before the great mystery of the Holy Eucharist.

The altar of Mary was today, on this feast, especially decorated with abundant candles and beautiful white flower decorations. A sea of roses and orchids surrounded the Virgin Mary. The mantle of the Mother of God, her twelve star wreath and also her crown were decorated with many diamonds that sparkled brightly.

The little baby Jesus blessed us during the Holy Mass of sacrifice. The Heavenly Father also spread His blessing over us.

Today, on Mary's feast day, Our Lady will speak to us: I, your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory, speak today, on My feast day, December 8, 2016, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

This special day will go down in the history of the Catholic Church and the whole world.

You, My beloved children and children of Mary, have solemnly consecrated yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. This consecration was performed by My priest son in Göttingen, because it is My wish.

In all reverence My priestly son Russia has consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, as I had foretold to the children in Fatima. This message is still relevant today.

This message is still valuable today, although My beloved sons of priests do not believe in it. Everything is provided for in the will and plan of the Heavenly Father.

Yes, My beloved children of Mary, today is a significant day when I may speak to you. This day has so much significance because mankind has deviated from the true faith. She believes, no longer trusts. It is no longer modern and contemporary. Unity in the Catholic Church is no longer given. Other religions are equated with the Catholic faith. This is a great outrage. There is only one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and this one, My beloved ones, lies in everything in the full truth.

What does truth mean today? The Heavenly Father in the Trinity says: "I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Whoever believes in Me will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Yes, I, your dearest Mother, shed many tears for My fallen sons of priests. In many places I even shed tears of blood. Also today I weep, because My sons of priests, despite the many opportunities given to them by the Heavenly Father, do not want to repent.

In the town of Göttingen all priests were informed about this hour of grace today. They did not accept the main message of December 4. It was another chance they got. I am also very sad about this, because Göttingen has been given a special grace. They have let this grace pass carelessly, yes, they have even rejected these graces. Thus they became the persecutors of the messenger, who received the world mission in today's church from the Heavenly Father. This world broadcast is so significant that you cannot grasp it, My beloved children. Astonished, you stand before the greatness of the Almighty God.

My daughter has accepted many sufferings and serious diseases from the hand of the Heavenly Father. She has atoned for years. For twelve years she followed the will of the Heavenly Father, as did My beloved priestly son. He himself has made this consecration today as an official of the Supreme Shepherd, which the Heavenly Father gave him in this emergency situation.

It is sad My beloved ones that this Supreme Chair is occupied in an unworthy manner.

It is a great outrage and heresy that in such a serious way the misbelief is spread all over the world. These serious crimes must be atoned for.

Put yourself once again at the disposal of the Heavenly Father so that He can use you as useful tools in the whole world. Atonement over atonement, sacrifice over sacrifice are necessary.

You, My beloved ones, do not let up in prayer and sacrifice. Surrender yourselves completely to the will of the Heavenly Father, even if it costs your life, for you have offered it to the Heavenly Father in your unique promise.

In an unusual way, My beloved little flock is now the center of attention, supported by their following. Firm, like an oak tree, it stands behind the small flock. Much is still to be overcome.

The evil one has not yet completely lost his power. Fight with Me, My beloved children of Mary, for I, your Heavenly Mother, will trample Satan's head with you.

Do not let up in your willingness to believe fully, even if the Heavenly Father asks the impossible of you.

He is the ruler of the whole world, the All-powerful and Almighty God. This alone you shall follow. Accept everything that comes against you, for it is in the will of the heavenly Father. Do not rebel, for the Heavenly Father knows everything. Therefore do not be surprised, because his ways will become evident. Loyalty is demanded of you.

Today is a very important day. Therefore I ask all of you, My beloved ones, prepare yourselves in this celebration hour for the gifts of grace from heaven.

A significant hour awaits you. Your Heavenly Mother will never leave you alone. Believe in it and trust more deeply. Every day I will be with you and lead you united to the Heavenly Father, who will embrace you in His arms.

Wait in patience for this day, because the hour of the intervention, which will be immense and will affect the whole world, is near.

So I bless you now, your Heavenly Mother, in the unity of the Trinity, in the love of the Heavenly Father, in the passion of the Son Jesus Christ and in the fire of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be ready, for the hour is approaching when Jesus Christ will appear in great power and glory with His Heavenly Mother, although no one expects this event to happen. It stands close to the door. Amen.

World Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

O Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary, help of Christians, refuge of the human race, victor in all the battles of God, we prostrate ourselves before Your throne.

We come full of trust to implore mercy, grace and help in our need.

We do not trust in our merits, but only in the infinite goodness of your motherly heart. We entrust ourselves to you and your Immaculate Heart and consecrate ourselves in this momentous hour.

Not only do we unite ourselves with the whole Church, the mysterious Body of Your Divine Son, who suffers and bleeds, is harassed and persecuted in so many limbs. We also unite ourselves with the whole world: torn by discord, riven by hatred, a victim of its own sin.

Let yourself be moved by so many ruins in the world and in souls, by so many pains and fears, by so many martyred souls, so many in danger of being lost forever.

Mother of Mercy, ask the Heavenly Father for the Christian reconciliation of the peoples! Above all, obtain for us the graces that can transform people's hearts in an instant, the graces that prepare and secure the longed-for peace!

Queen of Peace, pray for us and give the world peace in the truth, justice and love of Christ! Give her above all the peace of souls, so that in the tranquility of order the Kingdom of God may spread!

Grant Your protection to the unbelievers and to all who lie in the shadow of death! Let the sun of truth rise for them! Let them repeat with us before the one Savior of the world the words: Glory to God in the highest, and peace to men on earth who are of good will!

To the peoples divided by error and discord, especially to those who have a special reverence for You, grant peace, and lead them back to the one sheepfold of Christ under the one and true Shepherd!

Ask for full freedom of the Holy Church of God! Protect them against their enemies! Stop the growing tide of immorality! Awaken in the faithful the love of purity, the practice of Christian life and apostolic zeal, so that the community of those who serve God may increase in merit and number!

To the Heart of Your Divine Son was consecrated the Church and all mankind. On Him they should place all their hope; He should be for them the inexhaustible source of victory and salvation.

We consecrate ourselves forever also to You, Your Immaculate Heart, Mother and Queen of the world. Your love and your protection shall hasten the victory of the Kingdom of God. All nations in peace with God and with themselves, shall praise you forever.

With Thee they shall from one end of the earth to the other begin the eternal Magnificat of glory, love and gratitude to the Heart of Jesus. In Him alone they can find truth, life and peace. Amen.


