Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 31, 2016

11th Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were again decorated with abundant candle and flower decorations. The angels moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. We were blessed by the Blessed Mother and also by the Child Jesus. The Heavenly Father above the altar of sacrifice looked at us tenderly and lovingly during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me today.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved faithful and pilgrims from near and far, and beloved children of the Father and Mary, I have united you all at this Holy Sacrificial Altar, for there the greatest streams of graces flow. Today I have let this love flow into your heart so that you can continue to receive strength for everyday life. As you know, many things are coming to you that you do not consider. I, the Heavenly Father, know in advance all that will happen to you. You are protected, My beloved ones, doubly protected because also your dearest Mother of God will spread Her protection over you and also the Holy Angels will be with you when you need protection.

You, My beloved ones, are united today, on this day, to receive the special streams of grace. It is your will that on this day you may worthily receive Holy Communion. Many people today are not ready and worthy to receive this holy sacrament. They are harassed by the evil one who gives them the wrong thing, that they may receive this sacrament even in grave sin.

You must not publicly confess your faith, because you cannot pass on the truth, because the world does not want to hear it. The Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the Seven Sacraments and the Ten Commandments are the guidelines for you believers for the whole of your life. You shall have joy in faith, joy in each other. You convey this joy to yourselves because you like to talk about faith. The truth unites with your hearts. Love, I say again and again, unites you. This love is the Divine Love that unites you. As you know, it is crucial, not only for today, but for your whole life.

You are still persecuted, My beloved ones. As you know, it is then true faith. If not, you should ask yourselves: "Am I still lying in the truth? Bear with patience and love all that comes upon you, even the sicknesses, the afflictions and the hardships. You, My beloved chosen ones, have to endure much suffering. Your Heavenly Father, as you know, is always at your side. He knows your needs. He strengthens you. Without His love, which you experience again and again, you cannot bear the difficulties, because only His love strengthens you. You are united in love. Although I repeat myself, love is the decisive factor. Sickness can also unite you, for you can give each other comfort. Sometimes one person needs comfort and sometimes the other. You will not always face the same difficulties. Sometimes it is diseases that want to crush you and cause you worry. The Heavenly Father is with you and knows everything. Come to me and I bless and strengthen you always anew.

Because you carry the love within you, people wonder how you bear the suffering. They look to you, My beloved ones. They sense that there is something special in you that cannot be explained. They are strengthened by you, and they feel that, just by being in contact with you.

You think you will succumb to your worries. No, My beloved ones, even if you think that your power is completely at an end, the Divine Power will become effective, the Divine Power that carries you. As you know, you are especially loved in this strength. It becomes effective in you and the others feel it.

My beloved ones, why do you ask yourselves so often: "Where is the Heavenly Father? When will He finally intervene? Does He not see the world? Does He not see the destroyed church? Can He not intervene? He himself is the omnipotent and has omnipotence. Yes, My beloved ones, you are about to undergo surgery. Only I alone know the exact date of this early intervention. Many harbingers will still appear in the firmament and many events will come upon you, which you cannot explain. One wants to explain these events in human terms. But it cannot be explained. What happens in the supernature depends on faith. If you believe, my beloved ones, nothing will happen to you. You will get the knowledge between good and evil and the evil spirits will inevitably have to give way.

The Holy Archangel Michael will always keep evil away from you. Also during this Holy Mass of Sacrifice he struck his sword in all four directions.

It is inexplicable to you what is happening in the Church today. It is completely destroyed and finished. Your Heavenly Father knows of everything, for I look at the whole world. I alone determine the time of the future intervention.

I will continue to meet you in fatherly love, protect you and take you in my arms, especially when the suffering seems too hard for you. Suffering and joy are close together, because they are part of daily life.

If only you would always experience the good, you would not be able to understand your neighbor. The other person wants to be understood and loved. Be there to comfort him in his suffering. Give him your love and your understanding, because this love comes from me. This love is not to be understood and not to be fathomed with the human. But she is there. Believe in it and hold on faithfully.

The Holy Sacrificial Feast, which you celebrate daily, strengthens you in a very special way. You will feel it during the day when the difficulties accumulate and you do not know what to do. Just then the streams of grace will become effective in you.

Grace over grace means a holy sacrificial mass. It is the greatest thing you can ever receive. The Heavenly Father knows everything you ask for. It is given to you as a gift. Ask and you shall receive. Only the good really comes from heaven. Evil shall be kept away from you. But this does not mean that the evil one will not press you, only you must resist him. If you meet him with divine power, he cannot harm you. Always make use of the Divine powers, and nothing will happen to you.

Often you do not feel the evil one and often you do not feel My nearness. You think I am far from you. But I overlook everything. I see your sorrowful face and consider your needs and also carry your cross. Be willing in 'yes father'.

"Also this suffering you give me, I will bear it in patience. It is from You, My Heavenly Father, well thought out and also right. Only I often cannot understand it. I often don't know what I really miss, but you know for sure. You know what happens in my soul. You also know my longings and pay attention to them.

In the Blessed Sacrament, which we adore daily, You look at us and we look at You. With Godhead and humanity we may receive you daily in Holy Communion. We cannot grasp this great mystery. Far too great is this mystery, and yet we may receive You. You come into our heart and strengthen us, because You want to dwell in us, because You long for each of us who receive You in awe.

I want to be close to all people who receive me, and I will strengthen you. I always want to be with you. This is my greatest longing for you because I myself am love. This love is divine and can never be compared to human love.

I never want to leave you, in any way, although you sometimes think: "Where is the dearest Jesus, is He still with me? Then I say yes to you, because you, my beloved ones, are my chosen ones. Could I ever forget and leave you for a moment? No, My Divine Love is too great for that. The longing for all my chosen ones is there and this longing is growing, above all for my chosen sons of priests. I would like to repeat this again and again, that this longing grows daily and certainly does not diminish.

Beloved sons of priests, remember that I love you. Turn back and celebrate this Sacred Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V in full truth and consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of your dearest Mother. Then you are protected for the time to come. Then nothing can happen to you.

I bless you today with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are all My beloved ones, come to My sacrificial banquet, I am waiting for you.


