Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, December 28, 2015

Feast of the Innocent Children.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the Feast of Innocent Children. I saw many little souls in the sky during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice and angels accompanying them. They came over the house and formed a circle around it. They waved to us. They had happy faces.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Yes, My beloved children from near and far, especially My beloved little flock and followers, your Heavenly Mother today is not able to give you this message because Her Eyes are full of tears. At the time, these innocent children were killed in Bethlehem. They were martyrs for the Son of God Jesus Christ. My beloved children, how does it look today? One kills these little souls, which I, the Heavenly Father, have chosen in a special plan of love, bestially in the womb. The doctors are ready to kill these children because their conscience no longer beats. How much do these little people, whom I, the Heavenly Father, had chosen to suffer before they have to experience the bitter death. Nobody cares about them. They are not asked before they have to die whether they agree with it. You have no possibility to rebel or to say: "I want to live. They must accept death as little martyrs.

Therefore I thank you, My beloved children, for praying the Rosary for unborn life on this day. Unfortunately, due to illness, it is not possible for you to go to the abortion clinic on every third Wednesday for this vigil, in order to commit yourself to the unborn life. But you are willing to remember and pray for these poor souls every third Wednesday.

How sad it is for My Heavenly Mother that she must also today experience how these poor mothers who were willing to have their child killed suffer. Often they are not accompanied at all or have people who despise them and priests who do not even want to listen to them in their distress. There are mothers who have been hurt so much that they have no other option than to have their own child killed. After that, all of them, my beloved children, will become seriously ill - mentally and also physically. Therefore pray for them, that they may come to Me, the Heavenly Father, because I am bringing them to the Heavenly Mother. She understands you best, because she suffers for every single unborn child that has been killed. She wants to help these mothers in their great need, because they have the opportunity to go to the Holy Sacrament of Penance and repent of everything from the heart to begin a new life.

You have seen these little souls rising, My beloved little one, and they are in heaven. You can call upon them, My beloved mothers, so that you may deal with this murder you committed on your own children.

And what about the Muslim faith today? There, too, people kill their own children and kill them. Why? Because they want to accept this one true faith. If they get in contact with a Christian and the latter does not profess the Muslim faith, they are bestially killed by their own parents.

My beloved ones, can't you see that this Muslim faith can only be devilish? How many prayers are still necessary that this devilish faith be rejected, that one politically in the world be opposed to this faith, so that one does not lead these people even further astray and they must fall into eternal corruption. This is bitter for your Heavenly Mother, who has to watch helplessly and can no longer help anyone. After all, she is the mother of the whole church, the mother of all people. In any situation and by any person, she can be called and she is ready to help immediately. Call her, because you have the greatest weapon in your hand: the rosary! Pray him constantly for those who have not turned back until today and who still belong to the wrong and devilish faith.

I love you with all my heart and bless you now in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praised be Jesus Christ forever and ever Amen.


