Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Third Sunday in Advent (Gaudete).

Our Lady speaks on Fatima and Pink Mysticism Day after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Our Lady speaks introductory words: You have celebrated the Sunday of Joy today - Gaudete. The altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were bathed in a particularly bright golden light. The starry sky became visible again, because you were not only connected with the house church in Mellatz, but also with the place of grace in Heroldsbach. You were allowed to receive these streams of graces. You, My little one, were taken away a little of this heavy suffering, but at the same time an exhaustion came over you. Do not be sad about it, for the Heavenly Father has also granted you this exhaustion as suffering for His sons of priests, who have disappointed Him very much today, because they did not celebrate this feast of joy festively before the coming of the Lord, and did not believe and trust. Only a Tridentine sacrificial banquet can replace this feast in truth.

My beloved little children of Mary, I, your dearest Mother, speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and today repeats words that come from Me.

The will of the Heavenly Father is most important to her. She suffers, she sacrifices, she atones, she prays and blesses the people who cause her severe suffering, that is, those who do not give glory to the Heavenly Father in their hearts.

My beloved children, what does joyful celebration mean? You should all rejoice at this Christmas, for the Lord is near. You, My little one, are the caller in the desert. You have become a caller because the Heavenly Father has chosen you to call people, especially priests, to conversion, because they are on the wrong path.

Many catholic believers have already adopted the Muslim faith because they think that there is something Christian in it. - No, My beloved, he is devilish! Move away from him! He leads men into delusion and unbelief.

This Catholic Church, which is in the modernism, is a misbelief. The people who go in there are led deeper into unbelief and they do not even notice it. The ship got off the hinges and was completely destroyed. Nothing is left over. And now I have commissioned my messenger to be this caller in the desert: Turn back, for the Lord is coming. Not for long, then your Savior will come to be born again in a manger. This new birth will also take place in the Catholic Church. This means that the Lord is near. Open your doors wide to the light. For only when this light flows in can true faith return.

You are ready, My little flock and followers, to whom I give thanks today. You persevere and give humanity the assurance that the Catholic faith is not yet extinct, on the contrary, that it is flourishing again in another place. Turn back and be converted! This I say, your dearest mother, also to you, my sons of priests.

Turn away from the devilish Muslim faith that wants to rule the whole world. Do you believe that Jesus Christ, My Son, wants to have His own Catholic Church, which He Himself established, destroyed to the foundations? No! Even if everything falls apart, the Catholic Church will never fall, because it contains the full truth. The truth has many enemies.

You, too, will be hostile because you spread the truth, especially you, my little one. That is why the devil does not like you. He does not like you because of your faith, because of your many prayers, because of your atonement, because of your small flock and your following. He wants to tear you away, but he can't because your dearest mother has put all the angels surrounding you at your side. No matter how furious he may be near you, he cannot keep you from the truth, because you are under special protection.

You have been chosen for the world broadcast. There is nothing to shake it, not even from evil. Many unbelievers who accuse you of this intense faith will not manage to dissuade you from the messages you send into the world, for they correspond to the full truth. You scream it into the world through the Internet because people need to wake up. It is shortly before 12. the heavenly father does not let himself be held back, because he has let his arm of wrath sink for a long time. He will show himself as the Almighty Ruler, then, when the mission of the world is fulfilled in everything, as it is written in the plan of the Heavenly Father. The time is not yet fully reached but it is approaching, in which the Lord will appear in great power and glory throughout the entire firmament.

It is His world and He will not let Himself be destroyed. He rebuilds them. He begins very small. The small and humble are those whom He draws to Himself, whom He favors, and whom He has chosen. They are willing to atone and sacrifice everything. They are also ready to take slander upon themselves, to let themselves be purified and to enlighten those people who continue to live in misbelief and unbelief.

You need information - especially those who put the devilish, Muslim faith first and prefer the Koran instead of the Bible. Only the Holy Scripture can introduce them to the truth. These Islamists, Salafists and terrorists come from this diabolical faith. There is nothing in it of the Catholic and Apostolic faith, which means the truth.

This Catholic Church has appointed My Son Jesus Christ Himself. He has chosen the sons of priests. His bishops, cardinals, even Peter and his successors were appointed and favored by Him. They too have fallen into delusion in this day and age and follow the false prophet who occupies the chair of Peter. Do not believe him! He is swept away by the Heavenly Father in the Trinity when He sees the time coming. He is the ruler of the whole world and knows when His plan must be fulfilled. This time has not yet reached full maturity. So continue to be patient and wait, even when your suffering has reached its peak. Then say yes, because you cannot put a stop to evil, only the Heavenly Father is able to do so. He changes His plan when it is necessary.

Stay brave and courageous and walk forward and not backward. People who harass you look backwards. They want to lead you into delusion, but you recognize the truth. The Holy Spirit has enlightened you. Therefore believe that the Heavenly Father will always make you aware of everything. You will never succumb to evil, although there are many indications that you are close to powerlessness, because your human power has long since been at an end. It goes deeper and deeper into exhaustion.

But believe that you are protected by many angels whom I send down to you as your Heavenly Mother, because I take care of everything that concerns you. You are my beloved little ones on whom I rely and whom I take under my protective cloak. So continue to be brave and go by my hand into the wide land. The wide land means the New Church. This old one is gone. It is dying out and shrinking into a small sect. Does not believe in them, but in the New Glorious Church. It will arise and it will be beautiful. It will lack nothing in credibility. All will see: "This is the truth, this is what we have longed for. When the old Church is completely devastated, the Heavenly Father rebuilds the Glorious Church on a small scale, firmly and deeply. Believes and trusts in it.

I bless you now on this joyful day, your dearest faithful mother, with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to heaven, for I love you immeasurably!


