Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Last Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the last Sunday after Whitsun. Now the new church year begins. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were bathed in glistening silver and golden light. The angels moved in and out of the house church in Göttingen. Our Lady appeared as Fatima, Rosa Mystica, Queen of Roses and Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory. I was able to distinguish them all. The tabernacle angels were illuminated during the Holy Sacrificial Mass because they venerated the Blessed Sacrament in a special way.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved believers, beloved pilgrims from near and far, you are all meant because you live in true faith and obey everything that these messages say.

My beloved Father's children, My beloved Mary's children, how I have longed for Pentecost this last Sunday. Once again in this church year, I wanted to enlighten My sons of priests about the true faith, about the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, because it is the only true Mass of Sacrifice. You who believe in the messages and obey them lie in truth. Everything that is said today corresponds to the full truth. I, the Heavenly Father, would like to emphasize it again today.

There will be false prophets. Yes, My beloved ones, so it says in the Bible. But by false prophets are not meant my chosen ones, but those who take action against my chosen ones, despise them and take away their honor. There is a difference, My beloved ones. You are called false prophets, even a sect, and yet you speak the truth. You believe in my words, you pay attention to them and obey them. Every word that I tell you is important to you, yes, you absorb it with your heart. You are so brightly illuminated that you can hardly believe it. The light comes from Me, the Triune God, into your heart. It illuminates every corner of your heart. Be grateful for every word I give you, especially on this last Sunday of the church year.

Because I love you so much, I speak to you to train you in the true faith. You cannot believe what is happening in the world now and in the church of today, which is still called the one, Catholic Church. It cannot be, my beloved ones, because sin upon sin is piled up in this church. My sons of priests do not pay attention to My words, on the contrary, they despise them, yes, they act with hatred against My messengers, although I am towards them with much love, because I have a longing in My heart for every single priest. I long for every priest. I would like to emphasize this and also repeat it. Every individual is important to me, because I have chosen and predestined him, that is, he was chosen from the beginning. What has become of them now?

The entire Catholic Church is no longer allowed to call itself Catholic, because it is completely destroyed. Nothing is left of this church as destruction, as chaos. Once I wanted to give you the true Church, which I bought with My Blood, with My Precious Blood, but what is left of it now, My children?

How much your Heavenly Mother suffers How many tears she has already cried for this church. My precious blood has flowed, but through many priestly hearts in vain. How often have I knocked at their heart doors. How often had I become the beggar, the beggar of their souls. But they have continued to keep the doors of their hearts closed and opened them to the evil one, to Satan. He could go in and he could confuse them and lead them astray. Everything has become chaos. It is incomprehensible to all of you.

How many messages and objections have preceded Six books are already on sale, all of which correspond to the full truth. In all libraries you can get it under the title: 'The Heavenly Father speaks'. You can read My words. These are words of truth. It cannot be disproved, because everything is according to the Bible. They are additions to the Bible. But unfortunately one disregards my true words.

For you, My beloved children, who atone, sacrifice and pray for the many sons of priests, it is incomprehensible that they do not want to repent. But this is about their power and their money. This is how it looks like. But they are to devote themselves entirely to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, with heart, mind and spirit. And where has their mind gone when they still say today: "We have the Bible, we do not need the supplementary words of the Heavenly Father, because we know the truth. And yet they do not know them. They have understood nothing of what I have explained to them so often through my messengers, who have given themselves completely to me, as my little Anne does again and again. She lives the life of atonement, sacrifice and prayer with her small flock. She does not give up, not even in the most severe suffering she has to endure at the moment. Their small flock supports them in every position.

Nothing is further from her than to give up the suffering of atonement. Again and again I knock at her heart door and she grants me entrance so that I can pour out the streams of grace, far beyond the center of her heart. The dearest Blessed Mother provides for these streams so that they may continue to flow. They are to reach many priests' sons. This is My wish and also the heart's desire of My little messenger. She will expiate, as I expect her to. She fulfills My plan and is far from her own desires. My love is in her, because I love her with all my heart. Also their small flock is loved exceedingly from eternity, because I have destined them for this task. Everything will now happen what is predicted in the apocalypse. It will now find its fulfillment. You cannot understand, My beloved ones, what will happen.

The sun and the moon will no longer shine. The stars will fall from the sky. A mighty storm will break out and fire will fall from the sky. The angels will announce my intervention with the trumpet. Yes, that is how it will happen, My beloved ones. Everything, as I have said, will come true. You cannot understand that. You cannot even remotely imagine what will happen. I speak to the many who believe today, who take these messages seriously, who follow and testify to them, who do not develop fears of passing them on, but on the contrary, spread them as the truth. The truth takes place in their hearts. My messengers and my followers who believe in my messages will be seen by their radiation how deep their faith is. They will pass on these rays of love. You will see what is going on in their heart. Because I love them, because I have chosen them, they believe. They want to pass on my testimony, my testimony of truth, despite all resistance.

My beloved ones, do not give up in this last time, which holds the weight of the cross. My Heavenly Mother will support you because she loves you unspeakably as your Heavenly Mother. Your Immaculate Heart surrounds your soul. She wants to reach many priests through you because she loves her priest sons so much. She is the mother of all priests and she wants to remain so. She wants to knock on the heart doors of her priests, so that they open them for the love of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. All your priest sons want to lead you to the Heavenly Father. This is your wish and your goal. With longing she looks at this goal. Beloved little flock, pass on the messages despite all resistance, where it is appropriate.

Watch out for the bad guy. Be vigilant, for the wicked one walks like a roaring lion. Already the next one who meets you can be of evil. Sometimes you don't know. But I will enlighten you. I, the Heavenly Father, will not leave you alone in this uncertainty. Always remember that only good can come out of good and only evil can come out of evil. You hold the good in your heart. You want to pass on the good. Remember that the other person cannot always be of the good. So be vigilant!

I love you and I thank you for all your willingness that you have shown so far to atone, to sacrifice and to ask for everything that is foreseen in My Plan. The Heavenly Father protects you as His Father children and as His Mary children in love and gratitude.

And so I bless you this Sunday with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love surrounds you, the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary. In the Blessed Sacrament you are safe and secure. Amen.


