Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Rosary Festival.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the sickroom of the House of Glory in Mellatz through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, October 7, you celebrated the feast of the Rosary. The altar, especially the altar of the Virgin Mary and also the many bouquets of flowers were bathed in golden light, as well as our dearest Mother of God. The Immaculate Receive Mother and Queen of Victory will speak today, on her day of honor.

Our Lady says: I, your dearest mother, speak now through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and speaks only words that come from Me today.

My beloved children of Mary, My beloved followers, My beloved faithful and pilgrims from near and far, you are all meant. On this, My Day of Honor, I want to ask you special graces from the Heavenly Father, as you all take the Rosary in your hands daily and pray it. Pray for your fatherland Germany!

Yes, My beloved children, My beloved children of Mary, how much your Heavenly Mother suffers from this misery in the Catholic Church today, especially in Germany. That Germany has lost its mission hurts My Immaculate Heart very much, because I, as Heavenly Mother, have daily prayed for My sons of priests on the throne of the Heavenly Father, that He may have mercy on them and soften their hearts, for they are frozen. No ray of hope can enter their hearts. They no longer recognize anything; on the contrary, darkness has taken hold of their hearts, so that they have lost their minds.

So far it has already flourished in the Catholic Church. How much I, as Heavenly Mother, suffer under it and yet I cannot change it because My beloved sons of priests, whom I love so much, have gone astray and gone astray. If they do not convert at the last moment, all are doomed to perdition. They will then sink into eternal damnation, where there will no longer be any light of heaven - and that forever, my beloved sons of priests. Are you aware of this? I have admonished you, as Heavenly Mother, again and again: Turn back and be faithful to the will of the Heavenly Father! - No, you have not obeyed until now.

My little one suffers for you and has accepted this severe inflammation as atonement. She will still have to endure much suffering because it is in the plan of the Heavenly Father. She will continue to say 'yes father'! "For you I suffer these pains, for you suffer most of all for your priestly sons, all of whom you have chosen and who will sink into the abyss, which you can hardly bear. They no longer took in hand the rosary that could have helped them." The rosary is the ladder to heaven. I have given this rosary to all people.

Pray and implore that nothing more will happen in this modernist church as before. The Heavenly Father will intervene! You are about to be.

My beloved sons of priests, why do you not wake up? Why have you committed yourselves to this modernism, even though you know that it is your downfall? You want to change everything, even the 10 Commandments. Divorced people who are remarried may receive the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. This is a grave sin. Homosexuality has particularly penetrated Germany. The Heavenly Father cannot see this grave sin.

I, the purest Mother, suffer great tortures in heaven for you, My beloved sons of priests, who commit this grave sin and yet do not repent, although I have admonished you so many times, although the Heavenly Father has never ceased to ask you to repent at last. You do not believe and trust Him that He can forgive you if you finally grasp this straw at the last moment, take the Rosary, consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart and make a penitent confession. Thus you will be saved and can repent and finally proclaim the true Catholic faith and celebrate the true Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. Only then are you saved forever. I weep for your souls, especially on this day in honor of the Holy Rosary, which I have given you and which is to save you, just as I did at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.

So it is also today, My beloved sons of priests. Turn back! I suffer great agonies for you, as also my little one, because also she wants to save you and sacrifice her suffering of atonement for you.

I ask you many graces on this, My special day of honor and bless you with all the angels in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remain faithful to Me, My beloved ones, and continue to pray the Rosary diligently for all those who are still not willing to repent. Amen.


