Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Eighth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Even today, the altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were bathed in glistening golden light. The angels entered and they went out and venerated Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Also the apostles were brightly illuminated as well as the tabernacle angels and especially the tabernacle during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims and faithful from near and far, you are all especially loved today by your Heavenly Father, for you are being thoroughly informed about the coming time. Be attentive, My beloved children and pay close attention to My information which is important for you all over the world, especially in the Catholic Church.

Where is this Catholic Church still existing today? Where do you still see My Holy Catholic Church, which My Son Jesus Christ instituted? Hasn't it already gone under and is one of the many in ecumenism or is it a Protestant church? It is not possible to say exactly, because it is not recognizable. They have been destroyed beyond recognition.

My beloved Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops are not ready to support this Pope chosen by the Masons and to bring him into the truth. What he says and lives does not correspond to the Catholic faith. He has become a heretic, an antichrist. He no longer teaches the truth of the Catholic Church.

My beloved sons of priests, where are you, where are you, that you may confess, "I am a priest forever? I stand up for this truth in the Catholic faith." No, you do not confess Me and you do not bear witness to Me. You believe that you can follow this authority, which teaches and lives the grave sin, which is not willing to atone and reveal this transgression. Surely today one cannot say that this church is all right, that everything that is stated there by the authorities is true. One has twisted the truth. It has become a lie and Satanism has come. One can no longer distinguish between truth and lie. A complete chaos has resulted from this. All serious sins are now possible. They are even legalized. Why, because the Catholic Church is more and more heading for ruin. How sad is your Heavenly Father, who already had to take the scepter of the Catholic Church into his hand. How sad I have become about My priestly sons whom I have chosen and whom I have informed so often: Remains in the Catholic faith. Remain faithful to Me and express your loyalty to Me through your life, through your testimony. Is everything possible for you in this Catholic Church, My beloved sons of priests? Can you do anything you want? Do you know no boundaries? Have you forgotten the commandments? You say: "We must not believe in the messengers, for we have the Bible. The messengers are the false prophets and we can testify that we have the Bible. Do you know the Bible, My beloved sons of priests? No! This Bible must now be changed, because much is revealed there that you cannot live, that you are not ready to live. If you were to orient yourselves according to this Scripture, you would have to change. But who do you want to change? The Catholic Church, you want to change it. Today it is no longer modern. You have to turn and twist everything. The truth must become a lie, only then you are right. You obey the Freemasons. You give them free rein. Everything that is holy, everything that is pious, you must cast out. You must tell them: "We do not need you anymore. For years you have worked for this Wigratzbad site and fulfilled everything in the will of the Heavenly Father. In love you have done everything for Our Lady, the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory. But now you are no longer needed. You may go. You are left. We will now change everything as we see fit." So they tell you.

This church of expiation has already been transformed into a masonic church. Isn't it enough what you have done? No, it is not enough. They now also want to tear down this place of grace, this chapel of grace. Everything that reminds of My beloved founder Antonie Rädler must be no more. It must take a back seat and modernism must prevail here. "We don't want a place of grace, we don't want a place of pilgrimage, no, we want to form a tourist place," they say. Tourists are welcome, but no one is welcome here who wants to spend the night of atonement here, who wants to be responsible for the shrine, who wants to pray, who wants to atone. "That's outdated," they say. "In this day and age, we are modern." And this leader with his servile deacon is becoming more and more malicious. In him the evil one works quite powerfully. He's going wild. He rages out on these people who have agreed to do everything since the foundation of the sanctuary. You can now leave. Nobody should be here who remembers the real pilgrimage site. Everything is in complete chaos. No one can understand what is happening here. Satan has come, and this place of prayer and pilgrimage is to be completely destroyed.

My beloved believers, can you allow this? Should you not now appear, pray and testify that this transgression, which is intended, must not take place? I Am the mighty ruler, who wants to work and will work in his omnipotence and omnipotence. But I am waiting for the many believers who now confess this place of pilgrimage and who openly say, "No, this must not happen, for this is an outrage, it must be stopped. This leader with his servile deacon must be stopped". I Am the Ruler of this place of grace and pilgrimage, and yet I wait for My prayers and My confessors.

You, My little flock, have long since agreed to visit this shrine daily to walk and pray only on this public road which is allowed for you. You have been banned from the house. Many more will be banned from the house because they too are not wanted, because they pray and believe and thereby testify to their faith. One despises them, one persecutes them. And I love her more than anything. They have committed themselves to this pilgrimage site. They do not watch them being destroyed, but pray and openly confess that this is an offence. "This I must manifest through My atonement before all others. I do not watch any further. I am suffering, but I admit that this is a great offense that is coming.

Everything that reminds of this gracious place should be torn down. Everything should be destroyed. Can you imagine it, My beloved ones?

Where are you, my sons of priests! Where are you, My faithful! I call upon you all: Come to My loving Heart, which is so sad that the pain has seized even My dearest Mother, the Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory. She weeps for this place of grace. Can you watch there? No, this cannot be possible. My mother has hardly any words for what is happening now. She has become mute. She waits for her confessors, for her children of Mary. She has promised to take them all under her salvaging, protective coat. Nothing will happen to them. But they must confess to this place of grace.

There are many possibilities and one becomes inventive if one wants to stand up for this place of grace. The will is decisive for you, my beloved ones. I, the Heavenly Father, will stand by you. But if you keep silent and think you can allow everything, because unfortunately nothing can be done, you have to watch what happens now, because we are powerless. This is not the right way, My beloved ones. I am waiting for what you are going to do to prevent this demolition of the Chapel of Grace, the original chapel. I am waiting for it because I love you and My pain is exceedingly great. Can you imagine that I cannot forgive this outrage? Whoever lays his hand on this place, I can no longer profess myself to him. The sin is oversized.

And yet I would like to warn you all again today: Do not commit this iniquity, but consider what you are doing to your Heavenly Father. He is your Father who created you and you cannot say, "We do not need this Heavenly Father today. He is in our way. We can reject Him because we ourselves have seized power. We will continue to act as we see fit. We may cast out everything that gets in our way."

My beloved ones, My beloved little flock, atone, pray and sacrifice. Do it to her right away. I love you all and on this Sunday after the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, which you celebrated with all reverence, I am very sad about what is to happen and what I, the Heavenly Father, must prevent. A great misfortune will come upon this place of grace. It is incomprehensible to your Heavenly Father, incomprehensible. I have the power and the omnipotence and it will take effect in the near future. Not everything is feasible, what is done in Satanism, what the Freemasons pretend, the heretics and the Antichrists, who no longer profess the True, Catholic and Apostolic Faith, who think that everything can now be twisted, because everything is possible. "We have the power and we decide and no one else" because they say: "There is no God.

Look at this homosexuality that has penetrated into My, Holy, Catholic Church. You let them. One wants to legalize them. This sin is especially grave because of the purity of your dearest Mother in this place of grace as the Immaculate Mother. What must it look like in your heart? How she must suffer for her beloved Priestly Sons, whom she has drawn to her attention, who want to draw you to themselves and who obey Freemasonry and not the loving Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

My beloved ones, this is not a good news that I have announced to you today, but neither is it a threatening message, but the love of your Heavenly Father calls you. Never will this love end. The love of your Heavenly Father is incomprehensible to all. Give yourselves completely to Him. Stay brave and strong and continue on the hardest way and don't give up, even if despair wants to take hold of you and you think that nobody stands by you anymore, you are lonely and abandoned and nobody wants to know anything about the truth.

I see your sacrifices, My beloved children, My beloved little flock I have promised you that I will always be with you in every situation. I look into your hearts. I see your sacrifices and your atonement is worth gold because you love and because you prove this love to me. You do not give up, even if everything speaks against it. Even then you prove to your loving father: "You my father and I your child. They love Me and prove to Me that they really love Me. They take everything on themselves even if they are pursued. And it will happen. Have no fear, my beloved little ones, you too have full protection.

You will grow, even if My little one has been cast out there in Heroldsbach with her spiritual director and her small flock. They have been reported to the police by the public prosecutor and this great injustice has happened to them. But who is the ruler of this place of prayer in Heroldsbach? I the Heavenly Father. I will direct and guide everything there and My beloved Heavenly Mother will be there. She is worshipped there and she is hurt if she is rejected as Rose Queen of Heroldsbach. People despise them, they do not believe that this place Heroldsbach will bear fruit. Even though My little flock is far away, these rays of grace pass over to Heroldsbach in this night of atonement, which My little flock performs in their house chapel in Mellatz. No one will be disadvantaged who is willing to make these sacrifices that night.

And that's exactly how it looks like with the pilgrimage site Wigratzbad. Also this site will not be able to be destroyed, although one wants to, completely. One wants to destroy everything. My beloved little Antonie is in heaven and she is looking at her wigratt bath. How sad it is that this church of expiation has been transformed into a masonic church. This leader became a freemason. Unfortunately this happens and unfortunately he has exposed himself to evil and obeys completely the will of the Freemasons and never My will and desire.

Therefore, have no fear, My beloved little flock. You have full protection and you stand in Divine Power. If you go there daily, you are in the will of your Heavenly Father. Nothing can ever happen to you there that your Heavenly Father does not desire. Believe and trust that you will become stronger and stronger through this persecution. The Divine Will will become visible through you. Your hearts will become strong through the rays of grace.

I love you and bless you now in the Trinity with My Heavenly Mother the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be strong and remain faithful to heaven! Amen.


