Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sixth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were again bathed in golden, glittering light today. The angels moved in and out and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. The Blessed Mother was dressed in radiant white. Many diamonds glittered on your coat. She had a light blue rosary in her hands.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved children, beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far, you are all called to receive these My instructions.

My beloved children, are these weather conditions not dependent on me? Can you not imagine that I am the Ruler of all the stars and of astronomy? So you have to endure this tropical climate at the moment. Many people will now die from this heat. They will not be able to bear it because you, my children, are not used to exposing yourselves to this heat in your regions.

You, My beloved little ones, are protected. You may struggle with the heat, but you will not succumb to it. That is the difference between my believers and the unbelievers. You will endure everything, as your Heavenly Father desires you to. You will be strengthened with the heavenly power.

My beloved children from near and far, what is happening today to the Church of My beloved Son Jesus Christ, who went on the cross for all and endured the greatest sufferings? Today he is crucified again. One does not pay attention to His instructions. But he wants to save everyone and save them from eternal ruin.

This terrible sin, homosexuality, impurity, is the greatest sin. Your Heavenly Mother suffers greatly because She is purity in person. She is completely pure, not like you, My beloved children, who are burdened with original sin. You need the sacrament of Penance! Again and again you commit sins. But My Son Jesus Christ washes you clean in His Precious Blood. To those who repent of their sins in their hearts, I will forgive all sins at the moment of their repentance. But my desire is a burden to those who want to continue to live in sin, who do not call sin a sin, but regard it as normal. They say, "I can do anything if it is according to my will and desire. My plan is in their way. They want their own wishes to be fulfilled. They live in liberalism and materialism. They live in grave sin.

What is sin, My beloved ones? Sin means to be separated from Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. A thick wall builds up that cannot be broken through. They can no longer recognize the truth and cannot live the truth. Only My beloved children who have chosen Me, who believe without seeing, who obey My commandments, who receive My sacraments and keep them holy, they are in full truth and can distinguish evil from truth. They live the truth and willingly take up their cross. My children, who do not believe, cast off the cross and not only live in unbelief, but sin after sin is piled up with them. They are going deeper and deeper downwards. But they do not believe. How often have I called their attention, especially through the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My beloved Son. Come to this holy sacrificial banquet and stay away from this modernist church. How much I long for your hearts, which are pure, which are turned to me.

My beloved priests, where are you, where are you and why are you leaving me? My son has chosen you. You have received the vocation and yet you have become unfaithful to that vocation. You have taken off the priestly robe. You have become world priests and you no longer recognize sin. Jesus Christ, My Son, died in you. He is no longer alive. From the tabernacles of modernism I had to take My Son because this sin of uncleanness is so grave for My Son that He cannot bear it. He will cleanse you with His Precious Blood. And this Precious Blood shall flow upon you in the Holy Sacrament of Penance. Take this sacrament and repent of everything from the bottom of your heart.

My beloved authorities, you have fallen into grave sin. Why is the Vatican not in order? Because there the serious sin of uncleanness is in the foreground. This homosexuality is so cruel to My Son that He can no longer bear it.

And now My hour has come. Everything will be fulfilled, which is written in the Apocalypse of St. John. The stars will fall from the sky. The sun and the moon will no longer shine. Darkness will come upon you and fire will fall from the sky. Whole stretches of land I will have to destroy and many disasters will now occur because my arm of wrath has sunk down. The time of my happening has come. I can't wait any longer!!!

Why must I let so many priests sink into the eternal abyss? Because they are not ready at this last moment to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast and not the popular mass, no! My Holy Sacrificial Feast is the only Holy Sacrificial Feast.

Many believers still go into this modernism and think, "This I can do. It does not matter whether I go to this ordinary or extraordinary fair. How the Holy Sacrificial Feast is called is the same. In every fair the transformation takes place". No, My beloved ones! The transformation does not take place in these popular fairs. The priest turns to the people. How then can a transformation of My Son take place? It is not possible. He cannot change the bread and wine into His Holy Body and His Holy Blood. They mean: "The Lord's Supper and the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist are the same. They do not recognize any difference. Protestantism and ecumenism have penetrated so far into the Church that it is no longer possible to recognize what is true, because this Eucharist is the greatest mystery instituted by My Son Jesus Christ on Holy Thursday. All this has disappeared in this Catholic Church of today. Everything is made equal. All religions are one. That is globalism. There is no difference between the Muslim faith, Hinduism and other sects. The Catholic faith is no longer recognizable. Sin after sin accumulates. And where is My Son Jesus Christ? Who is still looking for Him? He has become a fantasy.

Why, My beloved sons of priests, you still refuse My instructions, although I am giving My little messenger one message after the other to My little messenger to give them into the world. And yet you reject them. You reject my messenger, who takes everything upon herself, and who bears the heaviest diseases as atonement for you. She is atoning for your sins.

Every day My little band goes to the place of Wigratzbad, where My Son will appear with His Heavenly Mother. This is no fantasy, My beloved sons of priests, My beloved authorities. Your Heavenly Father will make it all true. He will bring the truth to light, although the truth is unwelcome to all. It is uncomfortable, because you have to change. You must not do everything you want to do. The boundaries are set by the 10 Commandments. I have given them to you as help. Not that you transgress them, but so that your life may become worth living and you may once experience eternal glory.

Why do you not recognize it, My sons of priests? Why do I have to weep over you every day? Tears of bitterness are coming out of My eyes, and My beloved Mother is also today standing under the cross and shedding tears, even tears of blood, in many places. But people do not believe her. One despises the purity of My dearest Mother, although I have offered it to My sons of priests: Consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of your dearest Mother.

And what happens in Wigratzbad? The evil one has come there as well. In this leader he works. He really wants to level the Chapel of Grace, the origin, to the ground in Wigratzbad. A date has already been set. And yet I will intervene. I will not allow the place of grace of My dearest Mother to be destroyed. This leader with his servile deacon have heaped so many sins upon sins that I must intervene. They have rejected me completely because they are in bondage to the satanic powers. Satan reigns in them, and the Freemasons lead this director of the Wigratzbad prayer center with the deacon.

Therefore, My beloved believers, nothing can correspond to the truth. But my beloved little flock will endure. She will bear anything. She will pray there daily. You cannot remove them from this public road, although you want to and you have tried. But since I hold my protecting hand over them, nothing can happen to them. Otherwise they would have been tormented, disowned and persecuted. To a certain degree I still leave Satan his freedom. But then, when My intervention will be certain, it must give way. You will be amazed, my beloved little flock, my beloved followers, what will happen then - in the will of your Heavenly Father. His plan will become reality. Miracles will happen around you that cannot be fantasy because they correspond to full reality. One will not be able to imagine these miracles without them, because they cannot be explained.

All over the world you will see these wonders in the sky. They cannot be explained or fathomed, not even by the greatest scientists in astronomy. I Am the Ruler of the entire universe. And this I will show to all through my great omnipotence and omnipotence.

You, My children, are shaken by this My greatness of the Godhead. But many will succumb. They will have to give their lives because they cannot bear their own sins. Some will still repent, but most priests will sink into the eternal abyss. They will see their grave sins expire before their eyes.

Therefore, My beloved ones, persevere and atone until the last moment because I need your consolation for My beloved Son who died for all and weeps today for His Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which they want to destroy completely but cannot, because the gates of hell will not overwhelm them. You will recognize this, my beloved believers.

And so I bless you now in this moment in the Trinity, with all angels and saints, with My beloved Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Come all under the protection of My beloved Heavenly Mother.

Immaculate received Mother and Queen of Victory pray for us.

Immaculate received Mother and Queen of Victory pray for us.

Immaculate received Mother and Queen of Victory pray for us.


