Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, June 29, 2015

Feast of the Holy Apostle princes Peter and Paul.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the feast of Peter and Paul. These two saints are of great importance. The altar of sacrifice was brightly lit. I saw Father Lodzig as a priest during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice again and again in a golden glow of light. The whole event at the altar today was supernatural. It expressed the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. I have seen Jesus Christ standing at the altar. He was brightly lit. He had a halo above him. During the Holy Transubstantiation I saw the angels in long white robes with small wreaths on their heads descending. They fell on their knees in awe.

Also today the Heavenly Father will speak. He made me understand in ecstasy that there would be a message from Him that was of worldwide significance. The whole world should experience this objection. He asked me again: "My daughter Anne, do you agree with me giving you this worldwide appeal? Will you be ready to proclaim it because you will now be attacked from all sides?" I told Him in ecstasy my ready yes. Everything was supernatural even in ecstasy. Nothing was as usual. I was allowed to experience the depth of ecstasy. I floated and had no reason beneath me. That is how I felt.

The Heavenly Father will speak now: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument, which I have purified and which is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me, from Me, the Heavenly Father.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far, today I am giving you a directive that will be of worldwide importance. I, the Heavenly Father, have given My Peter the power of the keys. He himself was to ascend the throne, the throne of the pope. And he climbed it. He executed this key power and passed it on to all future popes.

What is the situation today, My beloved children? Completely different than it is in my will and desire. This Pope, who resides today, is not My Pope, but he was elected by the Freemasons. In the Sistine Chapel was manipulated. My cardinals, who were responsible for the election of the pope at that time, swore a perjury on the Bible. Yes, that is so, My beloved. They should be led by the Holy Spirit. And what have they been led by? By the freemasons. They obeyed the Freemasons and not Me. Therefore, this Francis is not My Pope, but the Pope of Freemasons. What have I done since then, My beloved believers from near and far? You in the world, who fulfill my will, go to the right side. I will now explain the right side to you, and I will tell you everything that you are to do in my name.

I myself have had to take the scepter in my hand, because this pope is not the true pope in this chair of My sent Peter. And now, my beloved believers and children from near and far, I have taken the scepter into my hand and I will not let this scepter be taken out of my hand. I myself mention the future pope. The world has chosen this Francis and not I. That is why I cannot allow the wrong pope to sit on this throne in the future. I now decree: This one, My future Pope, shall start from Mellatz. You cannot believe it, but this priest is the future pope. It is incomprehensible to all of you, but my will is decisive not your will. You need not fathom it and I cannot explain it to you because your intellect is not sufficient. Your intellect is too small to understand the mighty of this my arrangement. These instructions are for the whole world.

Now I have raised the scepter and I rule with an iron hand. Everything that is not on the right side and does not fulfill my desire and will will will be thrown down into the eternal abyss. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. But My Church will rise gloriously. Glorious, I said, from My House of Glory. I have ruled this house, not My children, not My little band. She would have been unable to build everything here and to live in this order and to meet these requirements. They have fulfilled everything so far because my wish and will is their command. They have done everything and they have taken everything upon themselves and will continue to do so.

Wigratzbad will be the important place of pilgrimage, the place of pilgrimage of My beloved mother. There the biggest fight takes place. And you, My little one with your little flock, are the center of attention and in the fight. If I would not protect you, they would kill you because the hatred is so powerful, the hatred of Satan. He wants to destroy everything. Those who listen to him are lost. The lie goes on and on, for it is inspired by Satan. Whoever is on my side can live, testify and announce the truth. And that is what I wish from all who read this message today. They should follow and believe them.

What is faith, My beloved believers? Faith means not seeing and yet believing. My greatest mystery is the Holy Eucharist, which one wants to destroy completely. But My Church will continue to exist and the gates of hell will not overwhelm them. I, the Heavenly Father, will build the glorious Church with My Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. You will see it. All over the world the Holy Sacrificial Feast will be celebrated in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V. When it will be, I decide. When the great event will come, I also determine, the heavenly Father alone. Not my little one will experience this moment, but I will let it enter when nobody thinks of it. Quite unexpectedly this event will happen. Therefore believe blindly, my beloved believers, because I need you for the New Church, and I fight for you so that you decide for the right side, for me, the heavenly Father in the Trinity.

I love you all and I embrace you in oversized love. You are protected, you are loved from eternity and never will the evil one be able to seize you in such a way that you deviate from the true faith.

And so I bless you in the Trinity with your dearest Mother, with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You cannot grasp the greatness of my love but the omnipotence will seize you so that you fall down in awe, those who believe. Amen.


