Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Our Lady speaks in the Night of Atonement after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V.

and worship in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz by your tool and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we have connected ourselves with our followers, who are currently in Heroldsbach for the night of atonement. We include ourselves in their prayer. The altar of Mary and the Child Jesus were again bathed in glittering golden and silver light.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Mother, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats My words today.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, especially you in Heroldsbach, who celebrate the Night of Atonement and atone for many priests who do not lie in the truth and do not want to give My Son honor. How much I, as a mother, love these My sons of priests. I want to lead them all back to My Son Jesus Christ. They belong to Him. From Him they went out and received their calling. They have only partially pursued this appeal. Very quickly they forgot the demands made on them when they made their promise of consecration. Convenience has triumphed. They have not done much more. The first signs were that they had taken off their priest clothes. They did not pray the breviary either.

My beloved children, My beloved sons of priests, it is especially important for all of you to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of My Son in Truth in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V - daily! Why do you fail to do this, My beloved sons of priests? Do you not feel that the streams of grace surround you when you celebrate this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? What great value it has for all who participate in this holy sacrifice of the Mass. Deeply the graces are poured into the souls, and they are allowed to pass on these graces. You know it, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and you, My pilgrims. You gratefully accept everything that lets you progress in your holiness. I love you, your beloved mother, and I am with you every day.

You have joined My beloved place of grace Heroldsbach tonight. You have put yourself in this place of grace. My beloved pilgrims atone there. It is not too much for them to pray for hours. They want to awaken the priests from their sleep of death. How hard it is for Me, as Heavenly Mother, to watch when these priests do not want to. You atone, pray and sacrifice for them, my beloved ones. You will feel it. At least some who are ready to repent that night through your prayer, repentance and atonement. You will not see these priests. But believe, my beloved ones, your prayer bears abundant fruit. Continue courageously, for I, as Heavenly Mother, am with you and will strengthen you in your prayer.

Wigratzbad, My beloved, has become very important for you. Today you visited this, My place of grace, and prayed there in the Chapel of Grace. You were present. How much I rejoiced over your prayer. It was not easy for you to visit this place after such a long time, since you were expelled from it. It was some time ago, but in your heart you were connected with Wigratzbad. Now today you have brought all this to life, and also tomorrow you will seek out this my place of grace and pray.

I would like to thank you for going this way so willingly. Full of joy and gratitude I look upon you, My beloved children of Mary. Also tomorrow this day will bring fruit in Wigratzbad. You are also connected with the pilgrims in Heroldsbach, who are in the hollow and pray and celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Full of joy I look at you daily, My beloved children, and embrace you in this night of prayer.

I bless you now with all the angels and saints, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be prepared to continue on this most difficult path of atonement and sacrifice. I love you and am with you every day, your dearest mother. Amen.


