Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Feast cross elevation.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, and also the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross one day before the Feast of the Seven Pains of Mary. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the Sacrificial Altar, the Marian Altar, the Pieta and especially the Way of the Cross were bathed in a bright, shining, golden light.

"Why, My beloved children," says the Heavenly Father, "I instituted the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross before the Feast of My Heavenly Mother. I will reveal it to you in a moment."

The Heavenly Father speaks: The Heavenly Father will speak today in His Son Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and the bearer of the Cross.

My beloved children, My beloved father children, I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

You are My Father children, you are My beloved ones, you love My Son Jesus Christ and you love His Cross which passes to you. You are the redeemed who have accepted the grace of the cross. You, my beloved little flock, you, my beloved followers, you alone go this difficult way, the most difficult way of the cross. You have accepted your cross out of love. You wear it not out of duty, but out of love. Again and again you ask yourself: "What should I do? What do I have to do to take this most difficult path, the Way of the Cross?" My Son Jesus Christ has preceded you this most difficult way. This does not mean that you have to accept this way of the cross, no, that you accept it gratefully - out of love, because you feel in your hearts what the cross means for you: love over love, grace over grace and faithfulness to the last. You say, "I take up my cross as the Heavenly Father wants me to. I say yes to my cross even when it seems too heavy. I often don't understand it, because I know that the Heavenly Father always means well with me, because this doesn't have to mean that I know why I am carrying this cross right now, but that I say my full yes to everything, that I give myself into this sacrificial cup of love.

In every Holy Mass of Sacrifice, My priestly Son, who serves Me, gives Himself into this sacrificial chalice. And my beloved little flock also gives itself into this sacrificial chalice. This brings blessings, My beloved children, blessings and grace for the whole world. You, my little one, have of course received the greatest graces because you receive the greatest sacrificial sufferings and also get these graces to be able to suffer this. My son Jesus Christ suffers everything in you. Often you think your cross is too heavy, you cannot carry it with your own strength. But then is not your dearest Jesus Christ with you and takes up your cross? And doesn't your dearest mother then go after you and say, "My dear child, I am your mother after all. Have you forgotten that I was always there in your greatest suffering? Have you forgotten that your mother cannot see your suffering, for what mother can see her children suffering without suffering herself?

The Mother of God speaks: And I, the Heavenly Mother, how much must I suffer for all of you, - for your cross? Did I once say, "It is becoming too much for me" when I stood under the Cross of My Son? For you, My beloved children of Mary, I stood under the Cross and I said yes even then when My only Son, the Son of God, was taken from Me. Have I despaired there and am I despairing in the greatest suffering of the cross? No! Then My greatest love for My Son was expressed.

The Heavenly Father continues: And so it is with you, My beloved ones. When your cross becomes unbearably heavy, love My Son Jesus Christ with greater love. Then let your mother take you in her arms and let her lead you to My Son, Jesus Christ. He then comes to Me, the Heavenly Father, with your cross and asks Me for forgiveness for the sins of the whole world. He Himself has suffered everything, has taken everything upon Himself to redeem you from your cross. Do you understand this, My beloved ones? This means love above love.

I want to see action, My beloved. Often I test you. Often you are in the greatest trial and do not even notice it. Not only empty words, but deeds should follow. Love proves itself in deeds when I am there for the other person, when I show: "I feel with you. I am with you in this and that suffering. I'm not leaving you alone. I will get this and that thing for you, because I feel in my heart that it is getting too hard for you. Then I stand up for him. This is love, My beloved father children. I would like to have proved that from you, because you are the elite. Do not forget it. Elite means to give the honor to the Heavenly Father in everything, to practice love of neighbor, to change over to love of God and to strive for love of enemies.

Yes, this is the hardest way for you, My beloved ones. If I would not hold you, you would fail, - fail miserably. You are and remain a little nothing, a little tool for me. But you can prove your love by loving your neighbor exceedingly. This leads to the love of God by proving to me that you gladly and willingly carry your cross, which serves your salvation, and do not throw it away, but bear with one another in love with all their weaknesses, and do not give up, but begin to fight anew. Then, when it becomes difficult, when it becomes exceedingly unbearable for you, then love with all your love. Often you do not understand my love because you do not want to understand it.

The seven major sins, you know them, My beloved ones. If I would not teach you in these seven major sins, then you too would fail, because you are children of Adam. You have grown up to be children of God, because I love you, because I have chosen you, chosen to be able to go out of this modernism. First you had to understand my love. First you had to go my way with all consequences, leave everything behind you and never think of your honor. For then, when you begin to think of your own honor, pride is in you. You are also not protected from sloth and also not from anger.

Always look at the love of My Heavenly Mother. Tomorrow she celebrates the Feast of Seven Pains. You too must experience this pain, because you are Her children of Mary. A sword of pain will also go through your heart because you are participating in the love of the Blessed Mother. Do not forget to grasp your mother's hand firmly so that she guides, directs and forms you. She does everything out of love for you.

And so I would like to greet you today with my cross, because in the cross is salvation. Remember this when you get your cross. And what do you say then? Do you then say, "Yes Father, my cross is important, not the other person's cross"? Look at yourselves and over and over again. Then bear your cross in patience, gentleness and love and never become proud of yourself.

Your Heavenly Father loves you immeasurably, and in this sense blesses you with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. The love of the cross should flow through you today in a very special way, so that you may feel this love for your cross in your heart. Amen.


