Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tenth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were bathed in golden light.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved children, My beloved father children, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far and My beloved little band in Mellatz and Göttingen, I, the Heavenly Father, will give you some instructions through this My Message.

Yes, my beloved ones, you have heard the Gospel. My sons of priests today are the Pharisees. They put themselves on the first step and say: "This is us and these are the others. What can someone do to us when we are in power? We do not need these little messengers sent by Heavenly Father, because we say everything that needs to be said. We have taken up the scepter." Especially the authorities believe themselves to be in true faith. They teach unbelief and erroneous belief.

And you, My little one, are the messenger who is most persecuted and rejected. You have to bear the worst of suffering and illness. They continue to reject you and they do not believe that through you My messages are sent into the world. The Heavenly Mother weeps for her priestly sons, who so proudly rise above the others, because they say: "We are the studied ones and this little messenger, we put her on the side, because she teaches misbelief and she is of the devil.

Yes, my beloved ones, this is how you are placed. So I, the heavenly Father, am denied and persecuted even today in my messengers, even though I have sent these messengers to you, my beloved sons of priests, so that you may recognize what the truth means. Where does the truth lie today? Can you still recognize the true, Catholic and Apostolic faith or are you already so addicted to Protestantism, ecumenism and misbelief? Nothing is left of My true church. Everything is destroyed. Must I not rebuild My Catholic Church and proclaim again through My true sons of priests who obey Me? These priests, who today lie in modernism, do not obey Me, and many of My messengers still take part in the Protestant meal fellowship.

Yes, My dear Christian Sch., you too are in the wrong. You too still believe today that you could reject this True Holy Mass of Sacrifice, for the authorities teach you something else. On the one hand, you think that this Supreme Shepherd lies in misbelief and he also teaches this one, and on the other hand, you think that you can present the meal fellowship that he celebrates as a true sacrificial mass. What does this meal fellowship teach? Do you not feel it that My sons of priests are turning their backs on Me? They do not take care that My Son Jesus Christ can no longer be in the tabernacle, that He can no longer be transformed in these modernist mealtimes. Only in the true Holy Mass of Sacrifice can He be transformed by His true only sons of priests. They still think they have seized power and taken the scepter in their hands. They can change everything at their own will and discretion. Everything is changed and the true Holy Mass of Sacrifice does not appear.

Only My beloved priest son here in Mellatz, with whom you, My beloved little flock in Göttingen, are connected by telephone, celebrated the true Holy Sacrificial Mass today, this Sunday. You may thank, thank, that this Holy Mass of Sacrifice which you have celebrated is in the truth, in the true faith, in the true Catholic faith, not in the world religion which is being proclaimed today.

Many of My beloved messengers are in the modernist churches and think they must continue to follow this mistaken belief. Soon you will see that I will separate you all from this modernism, because it teaches misbelief ever further and ever more deeply. Wake up at last, my beloved sons of priests, and feel what you are announcing. Believe that this modernist church was destroyed, completely destroyed by the misbelief and disbelief in Rome, in the Vatican, by that false prophet who sat there on the Holy See and thought he could take the scepter in his hand. Many friars and religious communities turn away from him. And yet they think they themselves teach the true faith when they celebrate the meal fellowship.

Believe, My beloved ones, that you will be cut off You can't go on like this. You are also destroying My Church. The true church, where is it? Look at My mother, how she weeps for her priestly sons whom She wants to bring to Me, the Heavenly Father, but in truth. But it cannot do it, because they do not obey me, the heavenly Father in the Trinity, and because they do not love me, the heavenly Father, and also deny the Son Jesus Christ, turn away, because they want to rule themselves. What's gotten into her? The Evil One. Satan is at work. He wants to dissuade all My sons of priests. And he does this with success. They have become proud and they do not believe that in these times of crisis I must bring My messengers to the plan so that they feel: I am the Lord, the Ruler of the whole world and I lead My New Church with an iron scepter. I will call My sons of priests into holiness and will elect them anew.

Those, My priests, who are in modernism, I will soon cut off to such an extent that they shrink into a small sect. Then the believers will ask, "Where is she? I went into this church every Sunday and did not feel that I was in modernism and that the priests were teaching me misbelief. I myself did not turn away either, because I thought it was enough for me to visit this church every Sunday and otherwise not commit any serious sins. It is enough for me to be catholic and to bear witness to this faith".

No, My beloved believers, it cannot be enough. You cannot love Me in modernism. You cannot love Me in this meal fellowship. In this popular mass at the popular altar, these priests hold the meal fellowship and yet they announce to you the mistaken belief. Although you notice that it is going downhill all the time, you still believe: "We are in the truth, we can live on like this, for we are all doing quite well. We do the most necessary things and that is enough for us, because we also need to rest, because we have worked hard all our lives and so we turn to this church now, because these priests are the ones who are responsible. And if they denounce the misbelief, they are responsible and not I, who am only a believer in these modernist churches.

Self responsibility, My beloved believers, you must show! You must also prove and testify that I am the Father in the Trinity - the Heavenly Father, who wants to guide and lead you, namely into the true church. The Mother of the Church, the Heavenly Mother, is waiting longingly for her priestly sons, who must and should repent, otherwise they will not reach Eternal Life and will be thrown into the eternal abyss, because they do not even realize it. They no longer feel anything because they have turned away so far from the true faith that they think, "What we proclaim must surely be in the truth, for we are the authorities who determine everything, and these little believers, they have always obeyed us and will continue to do so. This is how it will be, because we can allow ourselves everything. We have long since taken off the priestly clothes and thus we live in the world and the world has us. The world is allowed to seduce us in the desires we are allowed to pursue, for we are and remain, after all, the authorities, the students, and we look down on others.

This is how it looks like, My beloved children, My beloved little flock and followers, you who pray, you who sacrifice, you who atone for this My priesthood, because you wait with Me longingly that everything will change in this New Church.

Yes, My beloved ones, I have everything in hand. But the time of conversion into the true church is determined by me, the Heavenly Father, according to my plan. You cannot see through this plan. It is so complicated that I, the Heavenly Father, do not want to tell you. You are not to fathom it, but you are to believe and trust that I will change everything in a moment, which you do not expect, but which will come very quickly.

My sons of priests, I call you once again, turn back, because I have called My little one to tell many priests by telephone that you forgive them all that they have done to you, because that is what they have done to Me. Some are happy about it, but they do not want to change. I have to make the change, very different as you can imagine.

My children, My beloved father children, hold on! Remember that I will guide you, that I have cut you off from this modernism, that I continue to love and embrace you because you live, witness and proclaim the true faith. I love you the more the more you live and suffer this atonement. Boundless is my love for you and boundless is also the love of your mother.

Now the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Believe in love! Witness the faith and hold out until the end! Amen.


