Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Night of Atonement.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. at about 9:30 p.m. in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The Blessed Mother moved in with us here, as she did in Heroldsbach. We were allowed to sing the song: "We come from afar on Heroldsbach's meadow ..." before the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, because the Blessed Mother accompanied us and connected us with Heroldsbach.

We are very close, although we do not appear visible there. We were not in Mellatz, but with the pilgrims in Heroldsbach. And therefore this song. In the Rosa Mystica bouquet, which stands in the chapel of the Blessed Mother's house, there were special pearls and diamonds in each rose. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice they sparkled in the bright glow.

The Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach will speak today: I, your dearest Mother and Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach, will speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, so that you, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, may receive there these mighty streams of graces from the Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the House of Glory. Be grateful, My beloved children, because this Holy Sacrificial Mass, which you will celebrate in the hollow tomorrow, is closely connected with the House of Glory in Mellatz.

My beloved children, how I have longed for you, My little Anne Since June 8, 2014, you have been far from the objections. June 8 was the feast of Pentecost. The last objection was on this day, and that was like bile for you, my beloved little one, because you were not allowed to receive any objections until July 8th because you had to atone and your atonement was very, very hard during these more than 5 weeks. You could hardly bear it with your human powers, but the Divine powers have been given to you anew. You have accepted the atonement, although it was sometimes very difficult for you to say 'yes father'. If your mind darkened - so it was during these 5 weeks - you lost your human mind. You knew little about the present time and had to stay in the dark. Temporarily I have shown you hell, My beloved little one.

Yes, your mother suffered much with you, because this bile and the vinegar that My son drank, you too had to drink to the end. It had been hard for your dearest mother and Rose Queen of Heroldsbach to see you suffer so much. I supported you with My angels, that is why you were safe in your place and could accept this suffering daily anew. My son had to and wanted to use you like a cue ball to save the priests. Every day your suffering has worsened or another disease has come in. You couldn't believe it and sometimes you couldn't even believe anymore. You asked: "What else is happening to me? Where am I? Is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, still in My heart, who must experience this suffering once again? "It is not I who suffer," you said, "but He who suffers in me."

How hard you felt the Saturday before Pentecost, June 7, 2014. How heavily you have been insulted. However, not you, My beloved children, but My Son has been expelled from this great place of prayer Wigratzbad, where I, as Mother and Queen of Victory, am revered. And you, my little one, had to suffer and were not even allowed to go to this place. On that day a police detachment was ordered to keep you, My little one, away from this place. Unjustifiably, you have now all received this prohibition to enter this place of prayer and pilgrimage Wigratzbad again. Even you, My little followers, who once wanted to experience Wigratzbad, had to witness this crucifixion of My Son for the first time, because this leader of the Wigratzbad prayer center crucified My Son on that day. "Crucify him," he said. "On the cross with Him and away with the messages. I don't want them, I don't need them. I am the leader and I am in charge. I am the ruler of this place, and I have pronounced the house ban for all" - not only for my small flock, but for the whole following. They were all persecuted by the police, because a large police detachment was called up, and my beloved followers had to leave Wigratzbad that same evening, although this leader did not even know these pilgrims, did not even see them, did not even know the messages of my beloved little one, although he did not even speak and see my little one personally. So hatred had entered his heart and Satan ruled and guided him.

You, my little one, were not allowed to go there that evening. You had already received your atonement, and you suffered, suffered beyond all measure, because you knew that I, the dearest Mother, am suffering and you, My little children, must not be with Me in future in this great place of prayer and pilgrimage. It became an end for all of you. Your dearest mother suffers most from this house ban given to My Son Jesus Christ and to Me, your dearest mother, your mother and Queen of Victory. That is what I am called here and that is how I want to work here. I will appear, even though I and all other believers and established Catholic pilgrims have been expelled. At night, they even had to find quarters. They were expelled from the pilgrims' home. Which atrocities were committed by the police and additionally by the public prosecutor's office. Everything was summarized in Freemasonry.

Yes, My children, it is said, drink the cup until it runs out. It was filled to the brim with vinegar and bile for you. And you had to drink it because I, your dearest mother, had to suffer so because of My Son, who suffers immeasurably in My daughter Anne and has gone to the cross again for this leader, or as he calls himself, director. No, he's not a director. Director is said in the world, but he is My priest and remains the priest of My Son Jesus Christ. How grievously he has sinned, and how much he will have to suffer. And you, my little one, have atoned for him the very same day. The Pentecost that followed was a single atonement for you. You cried bitterly on those days, because the Holy Spirit was to be led to Wigratzbad by these pilgrims. They prayed for the Holy Spirit and could not bring Him there because this leader of the place of prayer hindered Him. It was not the Spirit of God that guided him, but the spirit of Satan. Thus he became an accomplice to evil. But the Holy Archangel Michael has kept all evil from you.

My beloved little ones, be brave and fight as you fought for your mother this morning Even if tribulation and lack of understanding seize you, you shall take up the fight. You have to talk about it, and you have to agree on how to continue the fight. You cannot just sit back and relax. Now the big fight in Wigratzbad is just beginning.

Do you believe, My beloved little ones, that the loving Heavenly Father will watch when I, as Heavenly Mother, am so disgraced here and My Son Jesus Christ is cast out of the place of prayer where He appointed Me as Mother and Queen of Victory? This is a great outrage. This leader will have to suffer. There is no other way, because these wicked deeds require a heavy atonement. You, too, will still have to atone for him, although you have already taken on much atonement.

I thank you for being willing to endure so many sufferings for My priests. I want to give My priests back to My Son, My ordained priests who do not want to, who stand aside and have already said goodbye to the Church like this Me. B. So as not to expose him bare before all of you, my beloved sons of priests, I shall mention only the first letters. But everyone knows who is meant. And now you will suffer for the next outrage of the former chaplain of the parish of Mary Queen of Peace. He, too, will feel that he is completely off the track of the Catholic faith. This Me. B. is completely lost and will one day have to lose his mind to be saved. I, the Heavenly Mother, will answer your prayers of intercession when you suffer. But My Son suffers deeper and harder in you. He had this me. B. even as a spiritual guide for you, My little one, chosen to be able to save him. Of course he did not let himself be saved right away. Through his pride the wicked man has entered into him. And now he is being courted by the Old Catholics and has completely slipped away from the Catholic Church. This is bitter for Me as Mother and Queen of priests. I love all priests. For every priest who strays, I must suffer. My burning heart of love is getting heavier and heavier because the flame of love is dying out and my son leaves him to his own will, as well as to this leader in Wigratzbad. And that is bitter for these two priests, as well as for the third, who is still in a parish - still, I say.

You, My little one, would be overwhelmed if I were to tell you everything I, as Mother of the Church, know about My beloved Son. My suffering is getting worse and worse. You, My little one, are so loved by the Heavenly Father that He imposes great sufferings on you. Using you as a plaything was bitter for Him. One sickness after another has been imposed on you for the iniquities of the priests who have committed them and will continue to commit them, for the Church will sink even deeper. There will be nothing left of the Catholic Church.

But My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity will then raise the flag of victory and take the scepter firmly in His hand. Believe in it, my beloved ones, and bless yourselves quite often with holy water because the wicked one must give way. Especially he wants to enchant you, my little one, and with cunning, which you can hardly recognize, he wants to lead you away from the true church. That is his wish. But never will your Heavenly Father leave you alone. I will circle you with all the angels at this time when Satan wants to approach you here, because I love you, because you are My beloved little atonement soul, just as you, My beloved Monica, will get your suffering.

Two atonement souls in the House of Glory brings blessing and grace. It is a great thing to be allowed to be a soul of atonement and to bear the suffering of the Savior. But I know, my beloved little ones, how you often despair because you are weak in your humanity but in the divine power you will strengthen through the many sufferings. The salvation of souls depends on you. The more you are allowed to suffer, the more priests will be saved and saved from eternal damnation. Thank your dearest Saviour that He has so much patience, kindness and love for His priests who have left Him, who deny Him, who want to lead their own lives and commit grave outrages, one outrage after another at the moment, and cannot distinguish between the true Catholic faith and erroneous faith.

Now your dearest Mother wants to bless you, especially you, My little one, and give you strength with My angels because you are protected with your little flock that must continue to support you to persevere until the end.

Persevere, be vigilant and become strong because in deep trust in My Son you will never be able to fall and stray from the true Catholic faith. The gift of discernment will be given to you more strongly and the Holy Spirit will be in you to discern all things in the last days before My Son Jesus Christ appears with Me, His Coredemptrix and the Victress and Queen of Wigratzbad.

So I bless you all because I love you and want to press you to My burning Heart which is united with the burning Heart of My Son Jesus Christ and merged with your hearts. With all the angels and saints you are blessed, loved and protected in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, My beloved children, for all your love Your mother will be with you in all difficult hours and suffer with you. Amen.


