Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Feast of the Candlemas.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Today we celebrated the feast of the Candlemas of Mary. It is a great feast, although many believers have forgotten to celebrate it. They simply forgot, because it is not customary to celebrate this feast in honor of the Blessed Mother. The Blessed Mother has long been ignored. The Christmas season ends with this day. In all religious houses, the Christmas trees are still standing and the Christmas lights are still in place. You too, my beloved ones, have let your house of glory shine in bright splendor, for it is the house of the heavenly Father.

Our Lady will say: I, your dearest Mother, the Mother of God the Bearer of God, the Queen of Angels and the Priest will speak today on this day, on My Day, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My Will and speaks only words that come from heaven, today from Me, your dearest Mother.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved believers from near and far and beloved pilgrims of Heroldsbach and Wigratzbad, I, your dearest Mother, would like to tell you today some words of truth, so that you can give them into the world.

Candlemas, what does this feast mean for you all? I, the Mother of God, have brought the Son of God into the temple this day, forty days after His birth, and the aged Simeon has taken the Son of God in His arms and has praised Him because it was so intended.

You too are to bring this light, the light of truth, which is My Son Jesus Christ, into the world. It has become dark in all houses where people do not worship or believe. My Son Jesus Christ has been completely set aside and most have fallen into error and unbelief. In addition, the Supreme Shepherd, who should be, is today spreading misbelief and disbelief.

He himself does not live in faith. He does not even believe in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. He no longer kneels down before my Son Jesus Christ, because he does not respect Him. For him He is a symbol and nothing more. He wants to continue to spread this mistaken belief, my beloved ones. Do not believe him! Do not trust him, even though many institutions spread the faith in such a way that one should believe in the Supreme Shepherd even when he goes astray. No, My children. You have to obey God more than people! When you go after this false prophet, you also spread erroneous belief and testify with it: Jesus Christ, My Son, no longer exists. He is no longer present. Jesus Christ, My Son, is no longer present in the tabernacle.

Have I not announced to you for many years that My Son is no longer present in the tabernacle of the modernist churches? And you did not believe it. You could not believe it because you thought my little one was spreading a misbelief. You have turned away from it, that is, you have put all the messages of the Heavenly Father in the false belief and said, "These messages are of the devil. This is how you have expressed yourselves. And still my small one spreads the only, true, catholic and apostolic faith and atoned for it for weeks, last 7 ½ weeks. In the most severe sufferings she thought of the many sinners who otherwise fall into the abyss. She atoned to comfort the Heavenly Father. And He has accepted their atonement.

Many priests have been touched in their hearts by this. They have recognized that "what we have hitherto proclaimed in modernism is no longer true, for it does not correspond to the truth. We were wrong, and I, the priest, will from now on worship Jesus Christ in the tabernacle and continue to uphold the Seven Sacraments. He Himself, Jesus Christ My Son, instituted them. He is your true ruler. In the Father you know the truth. He, the Triune God, is the true God, and he is never to be found in religions that lie in delusion and worship idols.

Why do you not believe, My beloved sons of priests? Why do you continue to be stubborn and unyielding? Will you not confess your own guilt and take advantage of the Holy Sacrament of Penance that My Son Jesus Christ instituted for you? Will you not confess that you have so far spread unbelief and now want to enter the True, Holy, Catholic Church in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to Pius V is the only true one and never the one after 1962, which many communities celebrate, like the Pius brothers. Furthermore they partly lie in erroneous faith, and they do not believe in my messengers, whom I have sent out of love so that men recognize: The true faith can only be the Catholic faith and My Son Jesus Christ came into the world to redeem all people. He went to the cross out of love. Out of love, He still makes this sacrifice today and lets His priest's sons crucify Him again when they despise and mock Him.

One day you must make a confession before the judgment seat: "Did I spread the true Catholic faith or the erroneous faith? Then you must reckon with the fact that My Son Jesus Christ no longer knows you. And He will say: "I do not know you! Get away from me!" Is this not bitter for the chosen sons of priests, who are also My sons of priests, because they are to consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart. They are to spread the light of truth. This Divine Light, which radiates out today on this day into the whole world through this My great Feast: Mary's Candlemas.

Believe and trust deeper. Everything that you now experience in misbelief and unbelief, put aside and remain in peace. Remain in true happiness, for happiness is not in this world, but in the world to come, which means eternity. But you can already experience this happiness now, when you take me, the Blessed Mother, at your side. I, your mother, will then guide you through this thicket of today's time, through this tribulation. The evil one will have no power over you. Even if temptations come upon you, you will call on me for help with all my angels, and you will be redeemed from evil. You will never fall into evil.

Many believers think they have to go into this modernist church because they are so used to it. And what happens there? The evil one, Satan, is in the tabernacle. He entered these churches, because the priests do not proclaim Jesus Christ, but the mistaken belief in modernism. And yet many believe: "I must go there, otherwise I have no Holy Mass sacrifice on Sunday. And that's important to me."

Have I not given you the messages in your hands, My beloved children, My beloved children of Mary? If you align yourselves accordingly, you are in truth, in true faith. Every Sunday you can celebrate the Holy Mass Sacrifice according to the DVD and you will have a valid Holy Mass Sacrifice. That is important. Hurry to your homes and adore the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar! Jesus Christ, My Son, wants to be worshipped. He is the greatest in your heart and He wants to be the light, the light of the world, which radiates in you and through you. People are to be infected by the truth. You will see that the Holy Mass of Sacrifice will continue to be spread in the world without you realizing it.

One day a small group will be left, which announces modernism. It will shrink into a sect and all others will praise and honor the great Triune God in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. They will honor My Son and they will kneel before Him on the earth and under the earth and in heaven. Everything will be divine and deified in your hearts. You will want to experience this deep experience full of happiness. You will cry out for it, because you no longer know one thing or another, because apostasy is progressing so far that no more light shines into this world. And men seek the light. They make for themselves their gods and mine: "This is my light. There is only one light, the light of My Son Jesus Christ. He himself brings the truth as light into the world.

Today the little Jesulein is especially radiant, because she is in the crib on the last day of Christmas. Adore it and sing Him the song "Dear Jesulein" again today as a farewell to Him ...

And so your dearest Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints, bless you in the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love and adore the Jesus, for He delights you and is comforted by your hearts. Amen.


