Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Fourteenth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Even today the altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were bathed in glistening light. Especially enlightened was the Heavenly Father above the tabernacle. Already during the Immaculate Rosary the angels moved into this house church and adored the Blessed Sacrament.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved believers from near and far and beloved pilgrims of Heroldsbach and other places of pilgrimage, My beloved ones, I am the Creator of the whole world, the whole universe. Many men think that they have indeed got their own will and with this will they can master everything without asking me, without thinking of me and without worshipping me. If they do not take Me into their midst and worship and glorify Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, in everything, that is, believe in Me and trust Me, they will not be able to master these things they accomplish in the long run. For a short time they will be able to enjoy it because I have created the world so that you also can take part in my glory on earth.

Many things I have already told you, but many things you have not understood, My beloved children. You do not understand me because you do not believe in me, because you do not trust me. You think you can use your own will in every situation. But when you only use your own will and do not ask me how my will and my plan looks like and do not even want to fathom that, then you do not love me and cannot serve me. You have no charity either. Then you can despise your neighbor. You can do evil, which you yourselves cannot comprehend, because the evil one controls you, because you have said yes to the evil one and have chosen evil.

There is only one, holy, catholic and apostolic faith, which lies in the full truth. There is only one, Holy, Catholic Tridentine Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V. If you do not celebrate this Mass of Sacrifice, My beloved sons of priests and the faithful do not celebrate it, you are not in the truth and you cannot serve My Son. In your hands He wants to transform, my beloved sons of priests, and He can do this only when you lie in the full truth. You believe that you can accomplish the transformation in the modernistic meal community. No! This is not possible because these are invalid measurements. You call them fairs. They are meal communities, on a par with the Protestant communion. You now celebrate the Lord's Supper in the Catholic churches.

Why don't you turn back and say goodbye to this Second Vatican Council? It cannot correspond to the truth, my beloved children. Evil has come there. Have you not felt that hand communion is an outrage? Can you distribute the Body of My Son through laymen into the hands of the faithful without having a guilty conscience that you, My sons of priests, may distribute this My Body only in oral communion? I wish that all believers receive this oral communion on their knees! This you shall pass on, My beloved sons of priests! What are you doing? You believe in evil. You believe in the Second Vatican Council. There you seek your truth, but not my truth.

My truth looks different. It is entirely contained in My Messages which I give to My messenger Anne. Read them and believe in My Words and trust only Me, the highest Trinitarian God! Do not believe that the other religions can be equal to the Catholic faith. They are not! They do not believe in the One, Holy, Trinitarian God - the only God in the Trinity. They do not believe in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, and they do not believe that the Sacraments are holy and may only be administered by a priest. The Holy Mass of Sacrifice and the sacraments, My beloved ones, are refreshment for all of you, refreshment for eternal salvation.

Again and again you, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Mass at My altar of sacrifice with holy priests. If the priests celebrate the Holy Mass according to John XXIII, it is not in full validity, because many things have been changed. May My Holy Mass of Sacrifice be modified in the true rite or is it only valid according to Pius V? Yes, according to him it has full validity, for it was canonized, that is, never may a priest, not even the authorities, change it, not even the Supreme Shepherd. You all changed it and agreed with these changes - as you still do today.

That is the way it is, my beloved Pius brothers. You believe that you are in the truth. Do you follow your founder, My beloved Marcel Lefebvre? No! You do not follow him. That is why your Pius Brotherhood is divided. It cannot be otherwise, because the truth will crystallize. It will never remain as it is with you. And these split-off sons of priests and brothers of Pius who take My side, they I will take into My newly founded church, as well as the son of priest newly chosen by Me, who will lead the Holy Priesthood and take part in its foundation.

So it will be, so it will take place in My holy house in Mellatz, in My house church. Everything is prepared for this great day, My beloved ones. I am still waiting for a ready and willing: "Yes, Father, I give you my free will. I will do nothing but Your will. You can do what you want with me. You can use me as a plaything. I am yours alone." So be it, my beloved. That then is the true and holy priesthood. To this priesthood shall belong all who want to live in holiness, who only want to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V and believe in My Messages in their entirety, which I give to My messenger Anne. She believes, she trusts, she atones and she loves with her small following, with her small flock. They are all one in love, and they want to remain one. Nothing can keep them from ever separating from Me, the Triune God and our dearest and holiest Mother of Jesus Christ, the Rose Kings of Heroldsbach, who is in the foreground right now.

I, the Heavenly Father with My Heavenly Mother, will sanctify this place and take out all the evil that is present now. I will sweep away everything that does not happen there according to My Will, because this place was sanctified by the Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach and the Heavenly Apparitions. What a story is contained there! You must read it, My beloved ones, then you know that this place of pilgrimage must not be destroyed. In no way must My Queen of Roses be harmed. One may and must believe in these Her cried tears. You were allowed to look at them. You believed and were touched by this holiness. But there are priests and believers who still today reject these tears. I will say to them: You did not worship My mother, and now I do not want to receive you into My kingdom. You will not take your place at the Eternal Wedding Feast. No! The doors to the Kingdom of Heaven remain closed for you. You are going into the eternal abyss, for you are of evil. - These are harsh words, my beloved ones, but they correspond to the truth.

I love only those who love Me! I love those who do My will, who walk the Way of the Cross of My Son and take up their cross completely, who do not waver but grow deeper and deeper into faith, who renounce worldly desires completely and place Me, the Triune God, in their midst. This you have done, my beloved ones. Do you also do it, My beloved believers? Follow Me and say goodbye to the world, for the world is sinful. Faith in Jesus Christ in the Trinity is the true treasure which you can acquire and through which you can attain eternal bliss.

I love you and want to see you again with My Heavenly Mother in Heroldsbach, so that you may once again give glory to My Mother, because She weeps for this place of pilgrimage, which is being destroyed by this leader with his foundation council. But I, the Heavenly Father, watch over this place with My Mother. It is holy! You will find My truth there. My love will flow into your hearts, because they are gifts of grace and love, which you may accept on this next 12th and 13th Amen.

I bless you now in true love, in faithfulness and in faith, in the Trinity with My dearest Mother, all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in the truth and love Me beyond all measure! Amen.


