Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Thirteenth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Even today, during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, a large crowd of angels entered the house church in Göttingen and surrounded the Sacrificial Altar and also the Altar of Mary. The Father symbol and especially the resurrected Savior were bathed in glistening light, as was the Holy Spirit above us.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, now you have survived the strains of the Heroldsbach pilgrimage. Yes, My beloved ones, if the Divine Power had not been in you, you could not have survived everything. You have been tormented in this place. Yes, you have been treated like lepers afflicted by the plague. Is this right, My beloved believers? Those who do my will are in my love. They are protected on all their ways. But how were they treated? How was I disrespected in the Trinity in My Son Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar? My back has been turned to me. One broke into My Chapel of Grace, the Chapel of My Mother, the Heavenly Mother and Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach. Is that understandable for all of you? No! "This cannot be possible," you say, My beloved children of Mary. You have felt that you are in battle. You have called the Holy Archangel Michael to help. That was entirely in My will.

The Holy Archangel Michael has gathered you around him and you were surrounded by Divine Confidence and Divine Love. They could not harm you. Even the police who invaded this chapel could not chase you away. You were strong. You were strengthened by my love and you knew that the fight had begun. You were willing and courageous to fight and pass this battle with your dearest Heavenly Mother, the Snake Treader, because victory is always certain for you. That was in your heart. No human fears came into it. You could be flouted, mistreated and ridiculed. But My truths were completely right. But they were not considered.

How often have I proclaimed and spread My truths in all love in this, My shrine, the shrine of My Heavenly Mother. Have you, My sons of priests, taken note of it there? You are men, yes, but does not the Divine Power also work in you when you believe, when you worship, when you love and give thanks? Have you obeyed this, My beloved sons of priests, My beloved director of the place of prayer? No! full of hatred you rushed towards My sanctum sanctorum and wanted to recover it. Was I still present in this Blessed Sacrament of the Altar when you came? Couldn't I go outside? Am I not God Himself, the Godhead and humanity in one person? Did you consider this when you invaded with the police? did you kneel before My Blessed Sacrament of the Altar or did you persecute My chosen ones and want to drive them out with the police, even though they were adoring the Blessed Sacrament of My Son in silence and awe? Have you ever adored My Blessed Sacrament of the Altar? No! You flee. You flee from your own fear. Human fears seize you, not the divine ones. Did you have to use your foundation board to help chase away My chosen ones? It was not courage but desperation that seized you and hate drove you on. My little ones must not worship there, you say. No, they are disobeying My ban. Can you, My beloved leader, ever forbid a house ban in My Chapel of Grace and in My place of Grace in My place? Is it your place of grace or is it mine and my mother's? You own nothing!

I await your repentance. In a moment I could sweep you away from this place of prayer. Look at the leader of the Wigratzbad place of prayer and pilgrimage. Have I not swept him away from this place in an instant. From one day to the next he was no longer allowed to celebrate My Holy Sacrifice at the altar in Wigratzbad. Until today it is no longer visible to you. He has committed grave sacrileges, as have you, My beloved leader. I will also sweep you away in a moment when you do not expect it.

I have given you many chances, but not a single chance have you taken. Therefore I say to you: I do not know you! I leave you to your own will and not that I protect you and that I press you to my loving heart as I had intended after a willing conversion. No, My priest son, you despise Me. You hate My beloved ones who atone heavily for you. My little one has asked for many hours of atonement for your repentance. But you have not listened to My plan. You have not fulfilled My wishes, and now you despise My little ones and think you have the right to chase them away from this place. But I, the ruler of this place of prayer, am there with My Heavenly Mother. There is holiness.

Have you ever understood anything about holiness? Have you ever exercised your priesthood in holiness? No! Contempt stood in your face, and I loved you and longed for your repentance. I wanted to connect your heart with the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. She looked at you full of longing with tears in her eyes. Did you not call these tears tap water - the tears of My mother? How you despised her. How did you treat the little baby Jesus when he cried? Didn't you exaltedly tell the media that you locked it in your closet and then it stopped crying?

How despicably have you treated the holy of holies? And now I despise you, you and your foundation council, who have violently attacked My little ones, who have prayed, loved and gratefully fulfilled My plan and have never forgotten that I, the Trinity, watch over them. They are My beloved ones. They stand under the cross and do not despise their own cross, on the contrary, they love their cross. They willingly take it upon themselves, even when they are mocked, even when persecution threatens them, as through you, my beloved leader.

Now it is about you. Now there is not a single chance for you to hold on to. No! I leave you to your own will. And now you will see how far you get with your will. My will is holy! And my will is divine!

My beloved ones, you have mastered everything in the Divine Will. And so I wish that next month you will again go to this place of grace in Heroldsbach, pray and atone in night worship. Do not let up in praying and atoning for this place Heroldsbach, because one wants to destroy it completely and make it level with the ground. Do you believe that I revive them again through you, My beloved ones, through your prayer, through your perseverance, through your atonement?

Beloved Mary's children, you are already many who correspond to the will of the Heavenly Father. You have proven that you can fight. And so I wish you to be ready for this fight next month as well. The evil one is hard and cunning. But you stand in divine power and confidence. You are loved by the Trinity and will never give up in love and gratitude to give your Heavenly Father the honor and haste to this place of grace.

I thank you, My beloved ones, for this difficult situation that you have overcome. In great gratitude I look upon you. Your Heavenly Mother does not leave you alone. She fights with you and she stands behind you, just like the holy archangel Michael with all his great flock of angels.

And so I thank you and love you and bless you in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, especially with your Heavenly Mother, the Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach and the Queen of the Rosary of Mellatz, My beloved place, My House of Glory. Be loved for eternity. Amen.


