Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, July 26, 2013

Feast of Saint Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Holy Mother Anna and also the Heavenly Father speak after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the feast of the Holy Mother Anna, My patron saint by name. First I saw the Blessed Mother as a little girl and next to her was the Holy Mother Anna. She held the Blessed Mother firmly by her hand. She wore a wreath of flowers on her head. She had long blonde curls and was lovely to look at. Her face shone like a little angel. Also the mother Anna looked very beautiful.

Mother Anna speaks: Today I may speak to you as Mother Anna, beloved little group. You, my little one, are surrounded by a sea of flowers. The Heavenly Father has given you these flowers because you have borne the greatest suffering for the whole world as worldly suffering willingly, humbly and meekly. You have fulfilled everything, as the Heavenly Father has asked you to do. Often you will still have to bear a suffering, but it will not be as great as before to suffer the priesthood in you, because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, suffers it in you. His suffering on the cross was suffered again in your heart. That is why the fear of death, the abandonment, the loneliness, the many, many difficulties, you lost your mind partly at night and partly during the day. That is why you did not receive any appeals for a long time.

And now, my little one, you still sometimes have these afflictions at night. I beg you to wear them for the priesthood, for they are still needed today. Your mother Anna, your patron saint by name, will also help you to be able and willing to suffer. Not everything is in vain.

The Heavenly Father speaks: And now, my little band, this first book is created. It took three months just to produce this book, to get it printed and to send it. You, My little Katharina, have taken over the publication and have done it in an exemplary manner. Now this new book can be purchased in 2012 in Germany and afterwards in the world. It is a special book!

If I had not helped you and you, My little flock, this book would never have gone to print. You know what it contains, namely the greatest atonement sufferings, which have ever existed and will exist, because not one of my other messengers has to bear this suffering and to convey these words of announcement. It is easy to speak words that do not make you so rejected and so maliciously attacked.

Many priests are not willing to accept these messages. Why? The curia, the episcopate and the clergy are attacked. Is that allowed? Is not the Supreme Shepherd the one who keeps this church? No, My beloved ones, not at this time. If a Supreme Shepherd goes the wrong way, then My Curia, My Episcopate and the clergy must never follow him, for then they are following a mistaken belief. This erroneous belief, which is now being spread in the Curia and throughout the Vatican, is by no means true. No other messenger is willing to proclaim these words, yes, no other messenger and no other messenger. That is why, my little one, you are so persecuted and attacked. And therefore, of course, all priests who follow this my plan will have to be attacked. This is part of it, My sons of priests. If you will not continue to fulfill all My will and to give all your will, even to give Me all your will, you cannot spread these messages, these tremendous messages, and you are not wholly My priestly sons who belong to Me. You keep a little for yourself. "What could happen to me," you ask, "if I put these messages on My Internet? Won't I then have to endure some things? Will I even be banned from confession? Am I even denied the Holy Mass by the authorities - the sacrificial Mass? Am I ready to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast after Pius V or will I continue to celebrate it after 1962? Then of course nothing will happen to me." Then some things are in the dark and some things are not sent into the world. There will still be a wall in front of you. If you do not make the total surrender and give your life, you are not My disciples and My apostles.

It is not yet so far that My priesthood will be fully spread in this New Church. The New Church is already founded in the House of Glory. The priesthood is suffered but many priests are not yet ready to make this total dedication. This is necessary. Nothing can happen to you, My beloved sons of priests.

Look at the Blessed Mother! Is she not devotedly following Me, the Heavenly Father? Look at the grandmother of Jesus Christ! What did she do? She gave everything for her daughter Maria. Their hands never stood still. Day and night she worked and served Saint Joachim. She was a servant. And little Mary, the future Mother of God, how did she treat her? She taught her the faith, and the Blessed Mother was willing and listened only to the Holy Mother Anna, who is speaking now. She did not rebel. She had everything shown and taught to her. Humble, she was very small.

If My sons of priests do not become humble, small and childlike, they do not belong to Me entirely.

Mother Anna says: I, as Mother Anna, know exactly how everything will proceed and I will also be allowed to guide you from heaven. I am watching how you spread this book and how it goes into the world. Very soon, My beloved ones, these 900 copies will be sold out. You will not be able to believe that the next edition must come.

The Heavenly Father speaks: Soon the next book from the first half of 2013 will be published. Do not be afraid! Everything contained in it is true. Of course the evil one will want to persecute you often. But he will not succeed in dissuading you, but on the contrary, again and again I give you gifts when you fulfill my will completely.

Now you are four, beloved little flock, and get used to each other. You treat each other lovingly. How do I look at you when you stand patiently, lovingly and meekly with each other. You are models for the world, for which I continue to prepare you. Nothing you can grasp, nothing you can fathom because my time has come, and my time looks different from your time.

The House of Glory does not remain empty. You will soon travel there - first of all, My two of the small flock. It will be some time before all four of you will travel there. The next thing that needs to be tackled, I will not tell you yet. It is there for your pleasure. But also you, my little one, will not yet know, even if you have curiously asked me for it. No, your Heavenly Father keeps it to himself. In the end, everything leads to the good. Remember this, for the Heavenly Father will never let anything bad happen to you or around you. You will be tempted, but you have to be, because you have to get through the fights.

My little Monika is growing beyond herself. Why? Because it has made the total surrender, because it belongs to me completely, and because I strengthen it. Her power does not come from her. More and more she will recover. She is there to help you, to support you, otherwise you would not be able to do all this work. I, the Heavenly Father, strengthen you again and again. Although My dearest mother Anna spoke today, I often spoke in between to tell you something special. But the mother Anna, your patron saint, My Little One, was always there. She loves you and she is with you and she strengthens you. Call them quite often because of your son who is not in the truth and you suffer from it. One day he too will turn back, and then this suffering will be transformed into joy. Remember that I am working in you, I, the Heavenly Father and your patron saint, Mother Anna.

Look at the Blessed Mother today! How grateful she is that your mother is so praised and honored that she even speaks and appears.

Mother Anna says: Love over love, and patience and gentleness in all situations I wish you, your dearest, Most Holy Mother Anna. Thank you for your willingness to put this message on the Internet. This is also important. For many people life will change and become easier through these messages, which they can now read. At all times they will receive this information that they urgently need for the coming time, because no one else is receiving these messages, not even the end-time prophetess. Therefore read them, which My beloved little Anne will continue to spread. Do not be dissuaded by anyone who says that they are of the devil. Read them yourselves, then you will realize that the truth is contained in them completely.

I love you, My children and I protect you from heaven. As your Heavenly Mother loves you, so does your Holy Mother Anna love you. I bless you now in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, with your dearest Mother, the Mother of God, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Stay in unity and serenity, because the time that is coming will be difficult. Then do not develop fears, but trust more deeply that the Heavenly Father may accomplish everything in you and around you. Amen.


