Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, May 20, 2013

Whit Monday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. When we prayed the Holy Spirit Rosary for the priests, the tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit already appeared above our heads. It was especially large above the priest. The altar of sacrifice was surrounded by a large group of angels who worshipped and held tongues of fire in their hands. The angels were also grouped around the Mother of God and the altar of Mary. Everything was plunged into gold. St. Michael the Archangel, St. Joseph, the Little Child Jesus, the Little King of Love, Padre Pio, the Merciful Jesus and the Pieta shone in golden splendor.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment, on the second day of Pentecost, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved believers from near and far, My beloved followers, My beloved children and My beloved little flock, I will give you a lesson of faith today. What does the feast of Pentecost mean? This is what I want to ask you today, My beloved sons of priests. Has the Holy Spirit poured into you, and have you passed on and proclaimed the Holy Spirit with zeal and fire? No, My beloved sons of priests, who lie to you in modernism. You cannot pass on this spirit of love and truth. You no longer believe! This is the utmost and greatest thing you must do, namely, believe, believe in the truth and proclaim and pass on the truth and the truth without any concessions. But if you lie in sacrilege and in grave sins, can the Holy Spirit flow into you? It is not possible, My beloved sons of priests! He who does not believe cannot receive the Holy Spirit either!

Jesus says: I have gone to the Father to give you the Holy Spirit and send it down to you. And how do you stand there with your unbelief and erroneous faith, which you pass on? Can the Holy Spirit pour into your churches, which are in modernism, and where you celebrate the meal fellowship at the people's altar, where you turn your backs on Me in the tabernacle, where I should be present, and where the heavenly Father has taken Me, the Son of God, out, full of pain for you, His own Son, My sons of priests, who have lost faith?

The Heavenly Father continues: What does faith mean? Faith means to see nothing and yet believe. And you, what do you want? See, feel, recognize, and only then can you believe. What you do not see appears to you from evil, and so you say. Then the supernatural would be from evil. That is how you see it.

The Holy Spirit cannot flow into you because you do not accept My messages filled with the Holy Spirit. You even demonize them and say they are from Satan. My messengers, whom I send to you in the greatest time of crisis of your priesthood, you reject them. These are my words, which I send you through my prophets. Have I not always already in bad times of faith sent my prophets to you, who announced the truth to you and brought you back into the truth? And today? Today you do not believe that my prophets speak the truth, that they suffer and must be persecuted. Don't you recognize it? No, you reject them. You disown them. You are in fact pushing them out of My Church, as you did with My small group, you, My priests. Can you still receive the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth? Has not this Spirit of Truth become a nuisance to you? He admonishes you again and again: Turn back! Turn back! You proclaim erroneous faith! You lie in disbelief!

You must celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, you must celebrate the holiest, the Sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ. Only then are you in the truth. And what are you celebrating? A grinding community at a grinding table of Protestantism, of ecumenism, nothing more. Everything is the same. In all religions there is something of the Catholic faith. And where then is the only and true faith? He is no longer there. It is not only watered down, but it is completely destroyed. Your Church, My beloved sons of priests, is destroyed and you administer the downfall of this Church. Is it not cruel for you when you hear these words and cannot and will not yet believe? No, you do not want to change. The world is much too beautiful for you to leave it, to surrender to the one true God in love, and to accept this faith with all its consequences.

You no longer love Me! You have placed Me at your side! You do not even believe that I am still here! You do not believe in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar! And then you want to receive the Holy Spirit? How would that be possible? Without faith there is no Holy Spirit. I have redeemed you, but you have not accepted this redemption. You said, "No, I want to live on in the world and enjoy it to the fullest.

And My Son Jesus Christ? Did He go to the cross for you? Did He suffer this sacrifice of the cross for you? Do you believe in it? No! It has become some kind of cross for you. The body of My Son must no longer be on the cross. He has become a horror for you.

If you are to show yourselves to the faithful in the priestly garb, you are ashamed of these clothes. That is, you are ashamed of the true faith, because you have discarded it. You have completely rejected Jesus Christ, the Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit in the Trinity. And then you want to celebrate the feast of Pentecost, the feast of the Holy Spirit and preach of the Holy Spirit, in whom you do not believe at all. And what happens to the believers to whom you proclaim erroneous faith? They also lie in misbelief. However, you are responsible for each individual to whom you have given the misbelief. And what about you, if one day you are judged? Can you then kneel before the throne of the Heavenly Father and receive eternal judgment? The eternal judgment is hell for you! The eternal abyss stands before you! And yet you say no. "No, Heavenly Father, I do not believe in You and I do not believe in the Trinity, because I am ashamed that I should pass on this true faith to the believers. I have been living in the world for so long that I like it there and I can do anything. There are no limits for me today, your priestly son."

He lies in falsehood and in delusion, My beloved ones. Who are you chasing? The misbelief, the unbelief. And where do you seek the true faith in truth? Where can you find him? In My messages that I give you! I have appointed My prophets. They cannot choose themselves because these words are so filled with the Holy Spirit that they could not proclaim these words. I have chosen useless men for me, who could never take up my words if they were not in the full truth. How did I appoint them? Have I given them signs? Yes!

I have commanded my little one from one day to the next that from this time on she should receive me only in oral communion and that kneeling before a priest of modernism. At that time I was still present in the Blessed Sacrament because I was still waiting, beloved sons of priests, that you would believe Me and follow Me. That is why I have appointed this prophetess, the prophetess for the world mission. That's her! But not from itself. From itself it remains a nothing and wants to be. She continues to suffer for you, although you do not want to believe, although you keep saying, "No, Heavenly Father, You are not there in me! I don't want you, because I don't believe in you! It is all just fantasy!" So all faith is a fantasy for you. And I myself, what am I to you then? Am I, the great God, a fantasist to you? So will be your words and your thoughts.

Can I not guide them, your thoughts? But then you must open your hearts wide to the truth. This means that you must repent of your sins from the bottom of your heart and confess them in the Holy Sacrament of Penance. "Where is another priest," you then ask, "to whom I can confess?" Yes, you must recognize him and you will recognize him when you tell me: "Father, in the Trinity, from today I believe. I have been touched by You in truth and I cannot say anything else, as your little one does: Yes Father, yes Father, it is You, You have touched Me and in You I believe and I lay down the world from today. I will endure everything to satisfy Your love, for You have touched me in the fullness of the Holy Spirit today on the Feast of Pentecost.

Yes, My beloved ones, I have touched many, many priests, but the doors of their hearts were closed. Is this not sad, even for you who have the Holy Spirit in abundance, and you cannot pass Him on because He is not accepted. You shout these words into the world because you cannot help it, because it is your one and only, faith in the full truth. "I confess him and pass him on and love him in the Trinity beyond all measure," you say in your thoughts and experience the faith in your hearts and pass it on and testify to it because you can never deviate from the truth, because you are and remain full of the Holy Spirit, My beloved ones. I embrace you with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and Our Lady, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, will guide you in the truth. She will take you by the hand and lead you to me, to the Father in truth and in the Trinity.

And so today I send you out into the world again, into the world of unbelief and of erroneous faith, and I wish you to continue to keep the deep, intimate and childlike faith. And so you can testify to him.

I have chosen you, My beloved ones, for the world, so that the world may believe and you may bear witness to this faith. I bless you in the Trinity, with My dearest Mother, all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be filled with the love of the Holy Spirit! Remain in the truth and continue to proclaim the truth! Amen.


