Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday of Mercy.

The Risen Jesus Christ speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Immaculata Rosary, the altar of Mary was bathed in a brilliant light with the Child Jesus, the King of Love, Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Joseph. The Pieta and the Merciful Jesus were brightly illuminated. The entire altar of sacrifice shone in a bright glow. From all four cardinal points the angels streamed into the house church at Kiesseestrasse 51b and grouped themselves around the sacrificial altar and the altar of Mary. Many angels went to the Merciful Jesus.

Jesus Christ says: I, your Jesus Christ, will speak at this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Today you have celebrated Octave Sunday, the Sunday after Easter. In this week the octave is celebrated. You have become aware of this greatest feast in the whole year, Easter. The statue of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, My statue, is placed at the window, Geismar Road 103, and I bless day and night the people who pass by and also the vehicles. Many believers who become aware that this is a special place, a special encounter, also receive healing graces.

My beloved children, until Trinity Sunday you will be allowed to receive these graces. Continue looking to Me, the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. I love you in immeasurable measure.

My beloved children, My beloved believers from near and far, My beloved followers and also My beloved little flock, today, this Sunday, I have poured out special graces and these graces came from My Heart wound of the Merciful Jesus. What day are you celebrating today, My beloved ones? The day of mercy. I will be merciful to many people, but they will also feel my righteousness if they do not obey me, me, the risen one. How many graces does this festival contain.

This afternoon at 15.00 o'clock you celebrate the hour of mercy in this house church in the Kiesseestraße 51b. One hour of prayer, one hour of immeasurable graces. Accept them, My beloved children, and fulfill the will and plan of My Heavenly Father, which I make known through My beloved daughter here in Göttingen.

My beloved ones from near and far, I have something special to tell you today. I do not want to rebuke you - in any way. You all have a free will and can celebrate this Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V according to the DVD. Only I wish that all receive this Easter blessing and these Sunday graces especially from this DVD. According to Pope Benedict XVI, the sacrificial mass is authorized after 1962. But I did not wish it so. From the beginning I wished My Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite. It was canonized in 1570. It was then modified by Pope John XXIII, who partially incorporated modernism into the Catholic Church. After that modernism went on and on. Much has been changed that you, My beloved priestly sons, should keep, especially the prayer to the Holy Archangel Michael to keep all evil away from you. It was cancelled! After that, hand communion was also handed out in most modernist churches. It was distributed by the priests and by the laity with the approval of the bishops. Afterwards, lay people came to the altar and they had received special training in their diocese to be able to stand at the popular altar during the meal celebration. Was that right, My beloved ones? No! Who today stands as priest at the people's altar and celebrates the meal fellowship to the people is not in the truth, my beloved ones.

How often have I warned you: Leave these churches. But you do not obey Me, Me, the Risen Jesus Christ, My Father and the Holy Spirit. You will continue to visit this milling community.

Even you, My beloved little daughter Mary, are therefore not in the truth. The wicked one has crept into you, even if you think, and this is right, that I, Jesus Christ, write down My words through your hand. Does that exclude, My beloved daughter, that the wicked one cannot and must not sneak in with you? Why, My beloved daughter? Because you continue to attend the folk mass, the communion at the folk altar. My sons of the priests celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast to the people and with their backs to Me. Can this be right? It is not a holy sacrificial meal. It lies in Protestantism. And you My beloved little Mary are Catholic. Can you therefore continue to visit the meal fellowship when you receive My messages? My messages are real. That is right and good. But in spite of everything, beloved daughter Mary, you will not be able to stop the evil one if you lie in modernism. You continue to attend these banquets even though you know that the Holy Sacrificial Feast is only valid in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. With this you do not obey me, nor my heavenly father.

Remember that you are a special messenger, the prophetess of the end times. Therefore, I wish that you do not continue to visit this meal fellowship. At any time I can order another messenger for you, who also receives these messages from Me as an end-time prophetess. You will not be the only one. Already 88 messages are in preparation on the Internet through a successor of yours. - - She lives in Spain and is a German. I have called them, My beloved daughter Mary, not you alone. You will continue to be receptive to the evil one. Go out of this modernism and celebrate the Tridentine Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V. You can also purchase this DVD. I have filmed them for the whole world. It is translated in many countries. With this translation, you can all join in the celebration of the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, especially on every Holy Sunday.

It is uncomfortable for you, My beloved ones, to attend a Tridentine Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V. There too you shun the way. Modernism is still happening in your places, also in your place, beloved Mary and beloved Martin. I also speak to you again today so that you read My messages, because I, Jesus Christ, also speak to you through My greatest messenger, who has received the world mission. I wish that the messages are translated correctly and truthfully, because often the evil one sneaks in there as well.

My Father, I and the Holy Spirit are one, beloved daughter Mary Can your messages collide with the messages of My Heavenly Father? No! They must not! They must lie exactly in the truth and be one with My Holy Sacrificial Feast. It is not the people of other faiths who must attend this Holy Sacrificial Feast. No! But you are Catholic, My beloved daughter. And therefore you have to tell the Catholics that only the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pope Pius V is valid. Beloved Mary, prepare yourself and do not stray, and never allow the evil spirit to enter into your works.

I love you above all, My beloved daughter Mary, but I may admonish you through My messenger who has the world mission - the mission for the whole world. Do you understand that? Through them I renew the priesthood, the Church and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The church will be new, because I have already settled down in the House of Glory in the Allgäu. Something wonderful is happening there. Near this place Wigratzbad I will appear with my dearest mother. And soon!

My beloved daughter here in Göttingen, today, on this day, you may visit My house church, Kiesseestraße 51b, for the first time after seven weeks. And that pleases me. I have given you the strength to do this. It is not from you that you have this strength to endure today and tomorrow. For three hours last night you celebrated the Cenacle, reverently and in all truth. My Heavenly Mother is always with you in the Cenacle, for She leads you in the Holy Spirit. Have you recognized this by My signs? Many signs I have told you in the last week. And there are more and more, through my beloved daughter here in Göttingen. Never will she become proud or I will be able to accuse her of a lie. I myself, through My Heavenly Father, speak in her. She never speaks through herself and she is certainly not a self-proclaimed messenger. She has experienced many persecutions in 9 years and suffered many hours of atonement. Immediately, My beloved, you will be a little spared from these sufferings because I need you elsewhere. You will soon see that you are urgently needed in this house church, Kiesseestraße 51b.

Love one another and remain in the full truth! Do not stumble and do not become insecure when you are persecuted, slandered and accused. Trust Me, your beloved Jesus! "Jesus I trust in you! You will pray this afternoon. One hour you will worship as I wish. Not in modernism, My beloved ones, but in the churches where My Holy Mass of Sacrifice is celebrated. Of course I wish that it be celebrated in all places after Pius V. But this way is long, my beloved ones. Only your Risen Jesus Christ has this patience and longevity. Not you! You want to have many things different and change them yourself. You must not! I am giving you all the information through My Heavenly Father if anything needs to be changed. He will determine the time when I will appear with My Heavenly Mother and when the soul-show will take place, not you, My beloved ones. Please don't make any predictions, because it will go completely different than you wish and think.

I love you and want to continue to guide you in truth, fidelity and patience. Remain trusting and loving and do not doubt this truth, which I, Jesus Christ, through My Father, make known to you today and also every Sunday and on the holidays.

Tomorrow, April 8, you will celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation. You will also be given a message, of course, from my dearest mother. Remain faithful and familiar to heaven and believe more deeply!

Now your Risen Jesus Christ in the Trinity blesses you, with My dearest Mother, with all the angels and saints, especially with Saint Joseph, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love one another as I have loved you, for love is the greatest! Amen.


