Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday, Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ speaks after the Holy Tridentine Easter Sacrifice Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the first day of Easter, the biggest festival of the whole year. This Holy Tridentine Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V, which was canonized, lies in the full truth. According to the will of the Heavenly Father, it is to be spread and celebrated throughout the world. Only this Holy Mass of Sacrifice is the True and Only Holy Mass.

Now the Heavenly Father tells me to explain some of the things that happened during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. These flames of the Easter candles next to the tabernacle on the house altar became very high during the Holy Sacrifice and especially high during the Communion when Jesus Christ united himself with us. The entire sacrificial altar shone in a bright golden glow, as did all the saint figures in the house church, especially the victoriously risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with the victory flag, who stood on the sacrificial altar. The Blessed Mother of Czestochowa was especially brightly illuminated because she finished her journey from ocean to ocean and visited us here in Göttingen in the parish of Mary Queen of Peace.

Jesus Christ says: I, Jesus Christ, will speak to you once more today, this Easter day. I, the Risen One, speak to you, My beloved believers, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

I, Jesus Christ, am risen! Hallelujah! (We answer: He is really risen! Hallelujah!).

My beloved faithful, My beloved Catholic Christians from near and far, who follow the true path of the Heavenly Father, I address you, I do not mean those who endure in these modernist churches. How often has My Father said, "Go out of these modernist churches, for misfortunes will happen there. The devil himself is in the tabernacle and everything around him is devilish.

My beloved believers, I must enlighten you. I, Jesus Christ, am risen for you, for you sinners in a special way. I want to warn and save you all. Very soon the big event will come. I know, My beloved ones, you do not believe. But I, Jesus Christ, continue to beg for your souls, which otherwise will sink into the deep abyss. Although you all do not want to believe this, I would like to tell you: Wake up! Use your wits! Your mind, however, can recognize almost nothing, for the reason that you stubbornly continue to reject your faith, the true Catholic faith. I, Jesus Christ, have risen for you, for you priestly sons in particular, but also for you, My beloved chief shepherds and My beloved clergy and also for you, My beloved priestly son here in the house church in Kiesseestrasse 51b in Göttingen.

My beloved faithful of Göttingen, do not pass by this house before you have sent a greeting up to Me, for I look upon all of you who pass by My Holy Sacrificial Church. There the Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated daily for you in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. Wake up! Wake up at last! The time has come! My Father will not announce the event to you, but My little one in Göttingen will receive signs, but not the day and the hour.

Please take care, My beloved little one, because immediately, on the two days of Easter, you will receive this expiation for Rome, for the Vatican, for the false prophet. For this you will suffer, because the Antichrist is not far away. He will soon put you in your place and announce his devilish impulses. You all fall into the hands of Satan if you believe him. Only he can deceive and lie as only one can ever lie. He drives you into sin and into the abyss. He wants to draw you to himself if you continue to remain in these modernist churches and say: "I even go to church every Sunday. After all, I am Catholic and I believe in the Holy Father, and I follow him. Is that right, My beloved ones? In this Holy Father do you really recognize My Supreme Shepherd? Is he Catholic or is he far from the faith as a false prophet? Beg Saint Francis to guide the Church back into the right path, because he has sacrificed and atoned, and proclaimed and lived the true faith.

My beloved believers, in these modernist churches, not the Catholic faith is taught, but the Protestant faith. You have all already become Protestants, because you too, myself, do not want to receive communion in oral communion, but rather on the hands of the laity, and on top of that standing. Can this be true when the laity put My Holy Body into your hands and you do not even kneel down? When do you kneel at all? Do you still cross yourselves at all? No! You have made everything equal to the Protestant faith. The Catholic faith has disappeared in these churches. And that is why I, Jesus Christ, am also no longer present in the tabernacles.

I love you and want to save you all. I want to draw you into My Heart burning with Love, just as I have drawn My little flock into Me today during Holy Communion, kneeling and as oral communion. Only this Holy Sacrificial Feast, which was solemnly celebrated here in this house church on this first day of Easter, corresponds to the full truth.

You, My believers from near and far, didn't you already have the DVD sent to you? Why don't you need them? Why do you not celebrate this Holy Mass of Sacrifice in truth? After all, it is My Holy Sacrificial Feast that is celebrated there and I unite with My beloved priestly son during the consecration, for I become one with him. Can you imagine that in a modernist church, that I become one with the sons of priests? No! They look to the people. They want to be honored by the people, but they never kneel down before Me, before this greatest mystery of the Holy Eucharist.

I have instituted the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar for you. And why do you not worship it? Why should everything be legend and symbol? Is this not bitter for your beloved Jesus, who rose for you in this most holy Easter Vigil as the victor over life and death? Can you live without me? Can you reach heaven without receiving this Holy Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist - this manna, this bread of life? Do you all want to descend into the abyss without my being allowed to help you? I love you all! Believe that I have risen for you. Because I love you so, I have endured all the pains of the Way of the Cross and death on the cross. You will never be able to understand this measure of my suffering because it is pure love, which you can never sympathize with. You are to love Me and turn to Me, to Me, the Risen One, and love Me above all and not the world.

Where are your priest clothes? For a long time I have been waiting for a single priest here in this Göttingen to show himself visibly in the priest's clothes. Why are you afraid, My sons of priests? You are even ashamed of My priestly garments that I have put on you at your Holy Ordination. Do you remember what you swore to me? Loyalty! Loyalty to faith! And where is this fidelity? Where is your faith? He disappeared. It is completely identical with Protestantism. There is nothing catholic any more. Everything is show! Everything is game! Everything is a spectacle, what you offer me - nothing more!

I must announce these hard words to you on this first holy Easter day. Do you think, My beloved sons of priests, that I am happy to do this where I love you so much and where I have given you this greatest feast all year long? Remember everything, for love is the greatest. And if you love me, I love you much, much more than you can ever imagine.

But if you say to Me: "Jesus, Master, you have risen for me. I love you and I will swear to be faithful to you forever. Furthermore I will make the reversal and never fall back. I am safe in your love." These words, My beloved sons of priests, I expect from you in the future. Then you can live, otherwise you are dead in your soul and your soul dies, because it belongs to another, the evil one. Love Me and I will embrace you with My two arms and press you to My heart that shines with light on this Easter day. This Easter light you shall not only receive, but also pass it on. Look at this Easter light at the tabernacle. This light appears in your hearts and becomes brighter and brighter because I certify you with my love, I embrace you and I never want to let you go again. Receive the Easter light with my love and continue to advance. Do not stand still, but bear these sufferings in patience, because you must willingly take your cross on your shoulders and follow me and not the world. Renounce the world and believe in my love! This is the true love that sustains you and makes you steadfast in faith.

And now I, your beloved Savior, the Risen and victorious Redeemer, want to bless you with all the angels, especially with My dearest Mother and all the saints, as well as with the Bridegroom of My Most Holy Mother, St. Joseph, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I love you all immeasurably and I wait for your return love! Amen.


