Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mary's Saturday. Feast of the birth of Mary and Cenacle.

The Mother of God speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, but also during the Cenacle, the angels moved into this house church from all four directions. Above all, they surrounded the altar of Mary, because they wanted to honor the Blessed Mother and presented her with a special bouquet of love. They knelt down before her. They were bathed in a bright glistening light, as was the entire altar of Mary and the altar of sacrifice.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Mother, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne to you, My beloved children, My beloved followers and small flock.

I would like to begin by thanking you for appearing on this Feast of My Birth, and for celebrating the Feast of the Cenacle. Today is also Marian Saturday. I will pour out very special graces on you.

Beloved Children of Mary, what a blessing for you to be able to participate in this sacrificial meal and in this Cenacle. You appreciate it. Your treasure in your heart cannot be taken from you. A pearl is your treasure. And I also dwell in your heart with My Son Jesus Christ, whom you have celebrated today through the Holy Sacrificial Feast. He Himself gave Himself again to His Heavenly Father on the altar of sacrifice for the reconciliation of all mankind. I, as a mother, support Him and am thankful that there are still some who participate in this Cenacle. Through the Internet, they have the opportunity, and they take advantage of this opportunity.

I thank you for entering into this Pentecostal Hall, into the Hall of the Holy Spirit. I am the Bride of the Holy Spirit and I will overflow you with graces. The flood of love will penetrate into your hearts, My beloved children of Mary, because you believe, because you trust, because you love, because you praise and honor My Son. The greatest treasure in your heart is His Love, His Divine Love, which He emanates again and again through the Holy Sacrificial Feast that you celebrate daily. Your hearts are flooded with this great love, the greatest love, because he himself is love. How could My Son act otherwise than to give you this Divine Love.

Yes, My beloved children of Mary, My beloved little flock, again and again you experience the greatness of Heaven, the omnipotence of the Heavenly Father, His omniscience, His goodness, His patience and His tenderness. can you believe, My beloved children of Mary, that Heaven is speaking to you, the Almighty Heavenly Father in the Trinity, and I may transmit these words to you today as Mother of the Church, as Mother and Queen of Victory? Deeply you will be connected with the grace that flows into you.

I am your mother. I am Love and I am transmitting and teaching you humility, humility, My children, to kneel down before this highest God in the Trinity. Isn't this something very big that heaven is speaking again and again? Can you believe it? In your humility you kneel down before the words of heaven and today before these words, which I reveal to you. Your dearest mother watches over you. She loves you. She will never forget you on this stony path.

Yes, my beloved little one, you have taken the stony path. I will accompany you on this way, and I will also support you who stand by my little ones and you will help to hold out. You will often feel alone and think that the loving God is not with you. But then, I can reveal this to you, he is closest to you. How much love He has given you to be able to share these messages with people and to let them flow into the world through the Internet - the words of truth, the words of love. You may experience this love. Hardly to grasp is this size. Full of wonder they will kneel down, for their hearts have been deeply touched. This love and this touch happens above all in the priests, in the clergy and also in the Curia and the Holy Father.

I wish that in the whole world the One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church will continue to be proclaimed and spread. I wish, as Mother of the Church, that soon the true Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V will be celebrated on all the sacrificial altars, because that is where true love and grace flows. This grace should be given to people and believers who trust and believe.

So do not wait, My beloved ones, but see where this Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated. Can you not join in the celebration after this (a href="" target="_blank")DVD, which is already known in many parts of the world and has been sent there? Isn't that the greatest gift for you? It holds the truth, the full truth. Nothing can surpass this truth. The words of truth are the most important thing in this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. You are to spread them. You are to send this truth into the world. For this mission My Son in the Trinity will provide.

He himself connects with the priest's son through a fusion at the Holy Sacrificial Feast. He becomes one with Him. It is no longer the priest who celebrates the Holy Sacrificial Feast, but in him Jesus Christ the Son of God himself is at work. Can you grasp this with your mind? No, My beloved ones! This is not possible! Only in the Divine Power, in the love and in the touch of the hearts this happens in you. You feel this love. You feel this unity and you bow deeply before this Holy Mystery, the greatest mystery that has ever existed and ever will exist - the Holy Sacrificial Feast. Amazed, you fall down in awe and humility, especially you, my little one. You may fall down because you suffer the New Priesthood through My Son Jesus Christ.

But there is still a long way to go, because the shepherds do not spread this holy sacrificial meal. They still celebrate the meal fellowship in modernism and think it is the same, the ordinary meal and the extraordinary. The holy sacrificial meal, is not honored enough. It is set at the back. Is that possible? This Holy Sacrificial Feast, which My Son Jesus Christ Himself instituted, the greatest thing you have been given as a gift here on earth, they do not want to celebrate that!

My sons of priests, My beloved sons of priests, I wait for your readiness and bring the petitions before the Heavenly Throne - before the Heavenly Father. He's waiting for you. He's waiting for your yes. "Yes, Father, I am ready to give you back this love you gave me in my priestly ordination and to renew this yes. It should become a yes forever. I would like to spread my conviction, my commitment to the Catholic faith, I would like to communicate to all people and believers as a pastor. I'm worried about the souls." So should these sons of priests say, whom I love and for whose readiness I wait.

The New Church, the Church in full glory, will arise and you will be amazed how the Heavenly Father accomplishes this. You will not be able to understand it, because your intellect is far from sufficient. But your love and your trust in the Heavenly Father shall become deeper. I, as a mother, may always accompany you. I am your dearest Heavenly Mother and I may touch your souls deeply and may be with you in this New Church that will one day be. It will be a joy and rejoicing.

Gloria in excelsis deodorant! That will be your motto, and I will prepare you for this motto. Believe in it! You do not walk this path alone. If you fulfill the will and plan of the Heavenly Father, I, the Heavenly Mother, will always be with you. Could a mother ever leave her child alone? No! It would not be possible at all. You have chosen Me, your dearest mother, especially today on the day of the Cenacle and on the day of My birth. Moreover, today is Mary's Saturday and special graces will flow down on you and through you to other people. Joy shall be in you and this joy will continue to flow into the world as heaven desires.

And so, in intimate love and unity with the Triune God and all the angels and saints, bless you today, your dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In love you are one and in love you are guided. Love is the greatest and this love shall never end - never - My beloved children, My children of Mary, whom I love you with all my heart and as your mother embrace you with all angels. Amen.


