Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Twelfth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. At the beginning of the Holy Mass of Sacrifice the angels moved into the house church in Göttingen. They came in groups. The cherubim and seraphim were the first to appear. Then the three archangels came and then many smaller angels all dressed in long white robes kneeling and floating into the house church. They wore wreaths on their heads, which were set with pearls and diamonds. Some were grouped around the altar of Mary, but most of the angels were at the sacrificial altar. Everything was brightly lit. The Father symbol grew larger and God the Father moved. The figures at the altar of Mary were all in motion, indicating that something important was about to be told us. The tabernacle angels adored the Blessed Sacrament. I could watch it. The Merciful Jesus leaned towards the altar and the Blessed Mother of Pieta had a very painful expression on her face. Tears ran from the eyes of the dead Jesus.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking to you now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and only repeats words that come from Me.

My beloved followers, My beloved little band and My beloved believers, you are all called to the very last fight. This fight will be very hard for you, especially for those who want to go along this stony path until the end and hold out until the last breath.

The time of My Cleaning is over. The time of struggle has begun. My beloved children of Mary, fight with your dearest Mother, who will crush the head of the serpent, for the time is ripe for My Son Jesus Christ to appear with His dearest Heavenly Mother. All over the world you will see them in the firmament. They will shine in the darkness, because the darkness has already begun.

My beloved children, I would like to offer another chance to the believers who cannot believe yet. You can go to the grass cross in Meggen. There you will see the cross brightly illuminated on the lawn during this time, for darkness is already there. Darkness has come over the whole earth. But this chance will be fruitful for you. The lawn cross in Eisenberg will also appear. Even if it is not yet visible and has been overgrown, it will still be visible to all who go there. The Dozulé cross will also appear in the firmament in a very bright shining light.

Then, My beloved ones, come to the cross! I am waiting for you! Take up your cross. I beseech you, for all those who throw down their cross I will despise, for they did not rush to their cross at the last moment of their chance. The own cross of each one is important. With this cross I call upon everyone: "Follow Me! In the cross is salvation! If you reject your cross, I will say to you: "I do not know you! For without your cross you cannot enter my glory.

All those who want to follow Me in their heaviest cross, I ask, pray unceasingly, because the time has come when I want to save many priests. I want to call them into My new plan. They are then called and chosen. But the priests who still belong to modernism, and who also exercise this modernism, I will not call. They are not fit for the New Priesthood. All priests who want to reflect and fully fulfill My Will, that is, who want to celebrate in truth My Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, you are all called to enter into My New Church and exercise this priesthood as holy priests. If you do not, My beloved priests, you are not My chosen ones. If you reject this and want to belong to modernism even today, I cannot use you. In this fight you stand. Satan is also ready. His army stands against my army, against my army of prayer.

Of course, My beloved ones, as Heavenly Father in the Trinity I will triumph in My omnipotence. Above all, I send you your dearest mother, who fights the greatest fight with you and will achieve victory with you. Be ready, My army, My army of prayer and My army of love! You have proven your love by persevering in all difficult times.

You, My little Anne, will have another suffering because this suffering must be. It is for the New Priesthood and for the New Church. Since so much harm has been done to Me and I am still so slandered today in this Church that still exists now - a remnant Church - so you too will be slandered. But you, my little one, will also triumph. However, suffering will precede you because Jesus, My Son, will suffer in you. You will get the greatest suffering because He sees how many do not want to follow His desire and will - the Holy Sacrificial Feast. They will deny that there is only (span style="text-decoration: underline;")one Holy Sacrificial Feast. They will say: "The meal fellowship is the same as the sacrificial meal. But it is the opposite, My beloved sons of priests. Celebrate only the Holy Sacrificial Feast and you are saved and you can enter the New Church.

My beloved sons of priests, how I long for your souls and how much My little one has suffered for you. Enter into this New Church, it is open for you!

From Mellatz, where my sanctuary stands, that is, My House of Glory, which I, the Heavenly Father, have given to My little ones, from this place the New Church will go forth. You will not be able to believe it because it will far exceed your intellect. It is impossible for you to understand this. But in this impossibility I, the heavenly Father, will make everything possible. You will be amazed. You have experienced one of the miracles today. This is only a miracle. But remember that I will work wonders around you, around you so that the world can believe. She does not believe in Mellatz, nor in the House of Glory. The House of Glory is ready for you, my small group, but I will determine the time when you will go there as a group of three.

I love you unspeakably and in this last fight I want to say to you: Hold on! I demand the last of you! You will only exist when you obey all my wishes. Before My Son Jesus Christ appears, you, My little one, will experience everything through signs. You must now be ready for the final battle!

In you, My little one, the New Church has already been founded and in you the New Priesthood will also be founded. Hang in there, especially in the threesome, because you have to endure the hardest. You have already proven that you can carry the heaviest things.

I love you immeasurably and I want to embrace you as thanks, as thanks that you have followed me and will fight the last fight too, although it will be the greatest fight. Look at my dearest mother! She held out under the cross. And so you too will be able to bear with my dearest mother.

I bless you all now in love, goodness, patience and gentleness with all angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Fight and be vigilant, for the cunning of Satan is very great! Amen.


