Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Second Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, large crowds of angels moved into this house chapel. They knelt down in front of the tabernacle, they also knelt down around the altar of Mary, around the symbol of the Trinity and around the statue of Christ. Many saints were present again: St. Joseph and above all our dearest Blessed Mother in Her festive garb. The baby Jesus wore a special festive dress interwoven with gold. The nine choirs of angels sang during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak also today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved little daughter, beloved little flock and also My beloved followers and you believers, I call you now to the last fight! My little one tries hard to bear these sufferings for the World Mission. But she also sees that her strength is dwindling and that she hardly has the possibility to endure these sufferings day and night. She says: "It is getting worse, dear Savior, and I can't take it anymore. You see my suffering. Can you not take it away from me so that I can continue to proclaim your messages in their entirety and in truth? I am grateful to the people who also want to sacrifice their suffering for Your mission. It is Your mission, which You want to give into the world for the salvation of all mankind, because you, the Almighty and Omnipotent Triune God, are no longer being honored.

Look at the suffering of My little ones, beloved sons of priests, who continue to celebrate the meal together so obstinately, although you know that this cannot be true at all. But you exercise your own power and want to announce to men the lie as truth, although so many messages from me, the heavenly father, point out that you continue to lead the believers astray. Only a very small part will remain because they did not stay out of these modernist churches.

As you know, beloved believers, in these modernist churches there is no more transformation by the priests. However, you cannot believe in it because you see these priests as role models and, moreover, the Supreme Shepherd continues to celebrate this meal fellowship. You cannot believe that the Holy Father, the Supreme Shepherd, is leading you astray, even though the Heavenly Father has given him the truth through many messages. He does not turn back, on the contrary, he continues to spread these heresies. He has turned his back on Me, the Heavenly Father. He has given himself over to Freemasonry, even to the Antichrist.

But I, as a messenger, want to continue to pray for his repentance, that he does not sink into the eternal abyss, that he repents and has the will to repent with all his heart. This includes, of course, declaring Vatican II ineffective.

The Heavenly Father says: I beg you, beloved Pius-Brothers, continue not to have any dialog with this modernist Supreme Shepherd, for you are being infected by evil. You cannot accuse modernism and at the same time want to have contact with modernism through a dialog. What you want to do contradicts itself. You can only follow the truth and pay attention to My messages, which contain the whole truth. Do you not see the suffering that My little one takes upon herself because of you and endures Jesus Christ, My Son, in her, because of your offenses and iniquities, because of your blasphemies and because of your mockeries for you?

It is even allowed to carry a flat bread on a stick through the streets on the feast of Corpus Christi to show the people: The holy of holies is not worth more. It is nothing more than a flatbread that can be disfigured. It does not include the Savior with deity and humanity, and one does not carry Him through the streets in joy and gratitude. No! One looks at Him with contempt. Who remains faithful as a priest to this Savior in the Trinity even today? Who is faithful to Him in this difficult time when He must suffer the New Priesthood because the holiness of these sons of priests is not given. They are not on the path to holiness; on the contrary, they are on the wrong path and spread heresies, just as even a bishop denies the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, and as one treads on the Host, the Blessed Sacrament, with shoes, without thinking: "What have I done? And the Chief Shepherd does not intervene and put a stop to these evil and wicked slanderings and blasphemies. This screams to the sky.

Jesus suffers and suffers and weeps the bitterest tears for His destroyed Church. Yeah, it's in ruins. It has become a heap of rubble and nobody can identify with it anymore. There must come a New Church, which lies in the truth, which does not allow any aberrations and in which oral communion is the first priority, so that the Blessed Sacrament is venerated and in which the transformation takes place in a Holy Sacrificial Banquet and not at a grinding table. It is a sacrifice. Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God gives Himself to His Father for all mankind whom He loves. And mankind despises Him, now, at this time, most of all. Mostly the clergy.

More and more the church is destroyed. Nothing will be left of it, but a small sect. Laymen stand at the altar. Laymen distribute communion. The priests turn their backs on Me, yes, they no longer believe in My Trinity. Only this single holy sacrificial banquet in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V contains the truth in its entirety. And that is not what the priests do. The priests who openly profess the truth are expelled from this modernist church with wicked insults.

Messengers who proclaim the truth are expelled even by the Pius-Brothers with evil insults and with the worst insults and mockeries. Many brotherhoods do not recognize the messages because they say it is pure fantasy of these messengers. They shall stop spreading this, and their messages shall be torn up and burned. Such wickedness also comes from a priest who should know that I have chosen and chosen my messengers. They suffer the highest agonies for me, for me, the Son of God, and want to do nothing else but send my truth into the world, so that not so many priests fall into the eternal abyss, who bring the greatest outrages against me, who do not believe, who do not love me, who do not worship me, who have only blasphemous words for me. When will this be stopped? Must I intervene there, I, as Heavenly Father, in the Church established by My Son, which was purchased with His Blood? He has done everything for the people and wanted to continue to do it so that they recognize the right way and follow it.

I love them all, but I receive no counter-love, only from my messengers, who speak of the truth I reveal to them. These messengers live the truth and proclaim it, and are convinced of it and are ready to lay down their lives and take upon themselves their constant suffering to save the many priests, to found the New Church and the New Priesthood in Jesus Christ, in the heart of My little messenger who does not want to give up, but knows that her sufferings are becoming unbearable. She asks everyone to help her to persevere because she does it out of love for me, but she also goes through great and difficult times: Darkness, deepest darkness. She can hardly bear it and asks, "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup from me, but not my will, but Your will be done. She weeps and prays and endures and tries to strive to live the truth and endure everything for heaven, for the one Triune All-powerful, Almighty and Omniscient God, the Heavenly Father, who dwells in her midst and guides and directs her. And everyone who enters into this world mission is loved equally, but he is not spared suffering. That means world broadcast: To pity that a New Church can arise, which in no way resembles this modernist church, this lost and destroyed church, which is only a heap of rubble and nothing more.

Little can I encourage you, my beloved ones, but you know that I love you with all my heart and that I thank you for all the love and comfort you give Me, also through your many confessions, My beloved little one, because you want My Blood to continue flowing for the others who do not believe and do not love and do not praise Me. You see yourself as the greatest sinner, but I will help you in every Holy Confession. This is My promise to you. Even if you do not feel that there is an improvement, I am still with you.

You have borne all sufferings for Me because you do not want to give up, and the striving for holiness has become a matter of course for you, as well as for your small flock that stands by your side and continues to support you in all situations. Many have already promised to alleviate your suffering in any situation through their compassion, through their sacrifices and through their spreading of the truth. For this I am grateful to them.

I love you all and send you into this world with My Divine Power and with your striving will. I bless you in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, also with Padre Pio, who will help you especially, and with Saint Joseph, especially with the dear Blessed Mother, who is waiting for your night of atonement next Tuesday and who promises that She will help you to get priests to do it, to want to repent and not to persist in modernism, who are ready to renounce everything, namely also their own will, who transfer themselves to me, and who are also ready to go the hardest way further with you, with my beloved little flock, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


