Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, April 13, 2012

Night of Atonement in the House of Glory in the house chapel in Mellatz.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass at 0.15 a.m. through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, large groups of angels were grouped around the altar of sacrifice, also around the tabernacle, the monstrance and the symbol of the Trinity. Especially the angels grouped themselves around the altar of Mary during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. The Holy Archangel Michael was bathed in a bright, glistening light. He again kept all evil away from us. Large flocks of angels were also with the Blessed Mother in the hallway.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Heavenly Mother, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and speaks only words that come from heaven.

My beloved children, still is the octave of Easter. I, your dearest mother, want to give you some instructions today for this tribulation of today's church. It is not for nothing that today the Easter candle is brightly lit in flaming light. She has shown you that the resurrection time is still to come, and you can always pick up the graces that flow abundantly and let them flow into your hearts so that the love for the Risen One grows.

My beloved pilgrims from near and far, especially of Heroldsbach, you are also holding the atonement night today. The Night of Atonement, My beloved children, is very precious because you are ready to pray this night for many priests so that they may find conversion and open their hearts to the Word of My Son in the Trinity because He died for all, even for all priests who are not in the truth. He begs for their souls and I, as Heavenly Mother, watch as He sheds His tears for the clergy. That is why I ask you, my beloved children of Mary, persevere, pray and atone, because the time is near when My Son Jesus Christ will appear with Me. The second coming is just around the corner. Many people do not believe it. They do not believe in the second coming, yes, they do not even believe in the presence of My Son Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

You adore Him, my beloved children, and I thank you that you are ready to pray, to sacrifice and above all to make these great sacrifices for the priests in this night of atonement. You know that they are not in the truth, that they still commit many sacrileges today and My Son Jesus Christ, the Godhead, is very sad about His chosen and His sent priests. They twist the truth and present the lie as truth. The faithful in their parishes lead them astray and firmly believe that they are spreading the truth. Pious priests expel them from their parishes because they think that this extraordinary sacrificial meal is not in the truth. They are progressive and modern and do not believe that the only Holy Sacrificial Meal that Jesus Christ, My Son, has offered for the whole world, and that He gives Himself again and again on all sacrificial altars to the Heavenly Father with His priests, who belong entirely to Him and sacrifice themselves with Him, is true.

Sacrifice yourselves also for those who do not want to believe. They shall be saved, because My Son weeps bitter tears for His priests. He weeps bitter tears for His Supreme Shepherd, who still celebrates this meal fellowship in the modernist rite. He indeed gives oral communion, but that is not enough for My Son Jesus Christ. He desires all priests to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in all reverence, for it is the only sacrifice they can make to My Son. They should celebrate it in reverence, in love and in faithfulness to the Triune God.

Your dearest Heavenly Father is looking at your small flock, which is always willing to make itself available to all people in prayer and atonement. Even if you see nothing, My beloved little flock, you will save many souls from eternal ruin tonight. Many priests are on the brink of the abyss and it hurts me very much, as their Heavenly Mother, that they do not want to repent, that they are not ready to convert to the true faith, not to Protestantism and ecumenism. They miss their way and still influence many believers who wanted to go the way up to now and who now do not go this way any further, because they suffer under their influence.

You, My beloved ones, you make sacrifices. Again and again you declare yourselves ready to atone. You love My Son Jesus Christ and adore Him daily in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Every day you celebrate the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V. It bears fruit, my beloved ones. Even if you do not see this fruit, you should believe and trust your Heavenly Father. How often He gives you the instructions to believe more deeply and trust more deeply. This is also My instruction, because your Heavenly Mother wants to continue to form and sanctify you for this especially difficult path. She goes with you at all times. She takes you by the hand when it seems too heavy for you and consoles your hearts. Do not give up, for this is the only true way. It leads directly to the sky. Your many rosaries will become fruitful. Do not be influenced to pray less. You should use every moment to pray because it is important because so many people cannot and will not pray anymore who have completely forgotten My Son. They live a pleasant life. They enjoy the pleasures of this world, but they have forgotten the sky.

And I say to you, the time will come when heaven and earth will unite and I will appear with My Son Jesus Christ in the whole world from My place of grace Wigratzbad. Many will not be able to grasp it, yes, they are frightened, above all of their own sins, of their great guilt. Many cannot bear their sins. They die of it because they have not repented in their lives. They realize that the time is over now: "I cannot regret any more. I will stand before the eternal judge very soon, and then I will appear before him with empty hands and empty heart. What have I done with my time? Did I use it to pray and atone for others, or did I enjoy my life to the fullest, or did I do so out of convenience? Everything, especially faith, became indifferent to me; it gave me nothing more, because the world held me captive. I wanted to enjoy everything. Above all, I was not willing to make sacrifices."

Yes, My beloved ones, this is what it will look like when those who stand before the eternal judge see the time of their life run out in the soul-gaze, which they left unused. And you, my little flock, atone for these believers, so that they still recognize beforehand: "I must repent. There is no time left. Time is pressing, because the great event that Jesus Christ will appear with His Mother in the firmament is truth. No one can dissuade me from it, for how many prophets have foretold it.

And what about the prophets and messengers of today? Do they not predict the truth? Do I pay attention to their words or do I let myself be influenced by others who say, "You do not need to believe. These messengers are not recognized at all. They are not tolerated by the church, on the contrary, they are mocked and despised. And look, they bear it because my Son Jesus Christ was also persecuted on His way of the cross, was also mocked. He was alone and had to walk this path all by himself. And yet, out of love for the Heavenly Father, He walked this path for all people, so that they might be redeemed. And you, my beloved ones, continue on this path. Pay no attention to those who fall off, for many will still not want to go this way. It is the way of truth, love and faithfulness.

Remain faithful to heaven and do not leave this way, because My Son Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. And you testify to this before other people. The fear of man has been taken away from you so that the fear of God may be strengthened. And this testifies before every man who does not want to believe and despises this faith. Then be brave and courageous, because your Heavenly Mother is standing beside you and will help you if you proclaim faith, true faith.

I love you all, My beloved children of Mary, and I want to remain with you always to show you the new directives and ways to progress in holiness. And so now your Heavenly Mother blesses you with all the angels and saints, in the Trinity in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Progresses courageously and bravely and remains faithful and in love. Amen.


