Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday. Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ speaks after the Holy Tridentine Resurrection Sacrificial Mass in the House of Glory in Mellatz in the house chapel through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Huge crowds of angels had already appeared in front of the House of Glory before the Holy Sacrificial Mass. They knelt down and prayed. The holy archangel Michael was among them. He stood up and struck his sword in all directions. He said: "I will always be allowed to drive away all evil spirits from this house, for it is the house of glory and the house of the Heavenly Father, where the Holy Mass of Sacrifice is celebrated in all reverence and love in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V, and these rays of grace of the Holy Mass of Sacrifice reach far out into distant lands. That's why the angels knelt here. They also knelt in the entire sacral space and especially in front of the Easter candle. In their faces I saw a deep reverence. They sang over and over again: "You are here and we worship You. We praise You and we praise You, Risen Lord of the whole world.

Jesus Christ will speak today: I, Jesus Christ, speak today on the Feast of Resurrection through My willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies wholly in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

You, My beloved children of Mary, My beloved children from near and far, you My followers and especially you, My little beloved flock, who adore Me in your hearts and who constantly show Me your readiness for sacrifice, have sung 'Mighty Ruler in the Blessed Kingdom'. Especially you, my little one, have proved today that I am the Mighty Ruler, - also in your heart. I can keep everything from you if I wish it, but you know that I must especially demand the greatest sacrifices from you. You are My willing tool, and in you I may suffer. I am suffering especially now the New Priesthood. And these are mighty graces that must go out from this Feast of Resurrection, from Me, Jesus Christ, so that I can raise reverential and holy priests who serve Me, the Trinity, completely, who love Me, who praise Me and extol Me, especially in this Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite. They then serve me completely. Their heart is filled with love for me and they want nothing else than to live in the truth. They give themselves completely to Me. And I bring them to the Father, the Eternal Father.

My beloved children, look at My Mother as she looks at you full of holiness, as she participates in My resurrection graces. She looks upon you with joy because you are the participants in the Feast of Resurrection. I have overcome everything to redeem mankind, all mankind. Especially the priests I want to redeem on this day from their heavy sacrileges and above all I want to touch their hearts. How much I wish that they would return to this One Holy Sacrificial Feast.

I also wish this from my beloved Pius brothers. You are not in the truth, because you do not celebrate the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V, which was canonized and never allowed to be changed. You partly agree with modernism. There is much you do not recognize, my beloved ones. Why? Because you despise all messengers, and because you yourselves have seized this power. Pride has penetrated into you. I will take this pride from you, beloved Pius brothers. But I can also take everything from you because I am the mighty ruler of the whole world. And tremendously I will show my power, to men who do not believe, who do not worship and who do not accept my prophecies, these prophecies, which my messengers are allowed to send into the whole world. My beloved little one is despised by you. You know exactly that it speaks the truth, because I, the mighty ruler, live in it and work in it. Many people believe, and you pull them back from this true faith. You do not tell them the truth.

Maria Sieler, My messenger, has preceded and My little one here in Mellatz is the continuation of this messenger. She will receive everything, and in all holiness she will live with her beloved little flock here in this house of glory. It will again and again send the truth out into the world, the whole truth. She gives herself completely to me, her dearest Jesus, because she knows I am the way, the truth and the life.

Today you were allowed to receive Me again, - the manna that leads to heaven into eternal bliss, which you, the believers, are allowed to see. The non-believers will unworthily receive this communion, this Holy Manna, and it will make them fall into hell.

Yes, beloved children, beloved believers, there is hell, there is the evil one, even if you do not believe in it. I, the Mighty Ruler, the Almighty Triune God, will prove it to you very soon. My second coming is just around the corner and My dearest Mother still weeps tears of despair over Her beloved priestly sons who turn away from Me, the Risen Jesus Christ in the Trinity. All priests bring you to the Father when they become believers, when they consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of My dearest Mother. Then she may shape and guide them and save them from going astray. She will give them security and lead them away in love with Me, your Son Jesus Christ.

Yes, My beloved ones, also My beloved children of Mary, how much My Mother looks upon you, you who pray, you who sacrifice, you who believe and you who atone. What great joy she has in you, especially on this Feast of Resurrection, in My resurrection. I, Jesus Christ, love you and I embrace you today, on this glorious Easter. I will never be able to let you go from my arms because I love you, because this boundless love flows into your hearts. You carry these resurrection joys in your heart and you pass them on, even if you do not feel it. Your hearts are filled with this great joy, for you love the Trinity. You bear witness to the Trinity before all people and you have no fear of man whatsoever, but only the fear of God is in your hearts and it protects you from all evil and leads you back to Me, to the Risen Christ. You have borne all suffering with Me in these days of fasting and especially in this Holy Week. You have not left Me, Jesus Christ, alone on My Way of the Cross. No, you have gone up every step with Me, - higher and higher up to the mountain Golgotha. Even then you did not give up, no, even then you wanted to experience this crucifixion with me and my last breath on the cross. I thank you.

You may now experience these joys on these Easter days, especially on the next Sunday, the Feast of Mercy. There again special graces are poured out. Receive them, for holiness surrounds you! And so I, Jesus Christ, bless you in love, in faithfulness, in holiness and in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Your dearest mother has blessed you and she is going with you into this week. First of all on Easter Monday. This week you will celebrate the atonement night from the 12th to the 13th again. My beloved mother calls all her children to join in this night of atonement, to endure at least one hour, because it is precious and your Heavenly Father is waiting for this preciousness from your hands and your hearts. Amen. Be courageous and remain faithful to heaven, you my beloved believers. Amen.


