Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Maundy Thursday.

Jesus Christ speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the House of Glory in the House Chapel in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, many angels moved into the house chapel, grouped around the tabernacle and bowed deeply. They also bowed to the Blessed Mother. In front of the House of Glory many angels knelt down, also in front of the Blessed Mother in the hallway, who had moved many times before. They stayed there during the entire Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

Jesus Christ will speak today: I, Jesus Christ, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, today on Maundy Thursday, the day of the institution of My Blessed Sacrament, you kneel down, for My Blessed Sacrament is with My Heavenly Mother. There it belongs, because I have begun My walk to the Mount of Olives, My most difficult walk. (Anne cries with emotion.).

My beloved children, you who believe and trust in the goodness and love of the Heavenly Father, kneel down and worship, for it is the Holy Night. In this night I have redeemed you all through My Holy Blood that flowed in this night on the Mount of Olives. For you I have endured these hours of the Mount of Olives so that you may be delivered from your guilt and your grave offences. All mankind would have to fall down in this night because I have redeemed them all. They should watch with Me for the whole world.

My beloved children, My beloved little flock, kneel down and watch with Me. You are there, you have not gone and you hold out until midnight, as my Heavenly Father desires. Adore My Blessed Sacrament because I have instituted it for you, for you, at the Last Supper that night!

The Gloria is silent, the bells are silent, the organ is silent. Why, My beloved ones? Because I went to the Mount of Olives after the institution of the Blessed Sacrament.

You have received Me with deity and with humanity. And you were allowed to receive me because you were freed from every serious sin. You are not perfect as my heavenly mother is perfect, but you were allowed to receive me in purity.

The Holy Sacrament, this great mystery, I have left you as a gift because I did not want to leave you orphans before My most difficult walk. I have given you this Holy Communion. I myself was in My priestly son. You have received Me, and now you are with Me in this great Holy Sacrament and are watching with Me. Hang on, for you know how many people disfigure My Holy Sacrament! That night I instituted the priesthood and not only My Holy Sacrament of the Altar. My priests shall distribute it worthily to the faithful and not to the unclean, of whom they know that they are in grave sin. Why, My beloved sons of priests, should you treat Me, the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, with such reverence? Because everyone who receives me unworthily eats the judgment. And that is my truth!

Therefore, My beloved Catholic Christians, I did not give this Holy Communion - Myself - to the traitor. He was unworthy to receive me, for he did not desist to betray me with the Judas kiss. And how many, my beloved ones, betray me also this night. In you, My beloved little one, I suffer this night. I want to suffer in you because I want to suffer the New Priesthood and the New Church.

Can you understand this, that you watch with Me, and that you can believe so deeply that I will continue to be among you with flesh and blood, with divinity and humanity, although most reject Me in this time of tribulation. They despise me, they mock me, and they crucify me again!

And you, my beloved ones, you believe, you watch and you worship Me, because you do not want to leave Me in this most difficult night, the night of redemption, because I have gone my death on the cross for all, - for all. But many, for whom I also died, have given away this grace because they did not accept it - my sanctum sanctorum. And therefore I weep blood tears that night. My mother weeps with me, for she knew exactly at this hour. When My blood flowed into this earth, she shed tears for all mankind. And you know, my beloved ones, how precious these tears are also today. They have flowed for the many people who do not believe. That is why she cries. And she may cry in many places, because I and my Heavenly Father wish it so. She weeps so that men become aware of her tears and see the supernatural in her, in my dearest Mother of Sorrows, who walked this way of the cross with me, who was the great believer, the purest of all the pure.

My Heavenly Father gave Me this joy that I was allowed to have My Mother with Me, that She was allowed to be there to comfort Me. But your heart was pierced that night with a sword, the sword of suffering, because My heart was closely connected to your heart and it was bleeding and it cried into your bitter tears. And these tears want to be dried today. And she seeks out her beloved children of Mary, who cry with her, who suffer with her, and above all, who believe - who are believers.

You, My beloved little flock, were allowed to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast at this altar of sacrifice today, before I went to the Mount of Olives. You should once again experience the joy to receive me before this most difficult walk. Your hearts should be rejoiced before I left, before the tabernacle was empty and everything was cleared away. With that your joys ceased. But the joy changed to mourning, because tonight you are going this way to the Mount of Olives. You are there for my consolation, for great comfort. I do not want to be alone. I want you around me. Why, My beloved little flock? Because My Father lives and works in your house. He works in you because you live in His house. He is one with you. Can you imagine that? Everything you do is done in the sight of My Heavenly Father. If you are sad, He is sad too. If you are happy, He too is full of happiness.

Your Heavenly Mother is also with you and in you. It does not leave you even in the most difficult hours. Especially then I lend you My dearest Mother and give Her to you as a gift. I keep nothing for myself, nothing. Everything is also to be yours, because you are my beloved followers in the Trinity.

All that is Mine shall be yours, for I love you immeasurably. You cannot understand, My beloved ones, that this Holy Sacrament contains such a great mystery because it represents My immeasurable love. My love for you and for all people is oversized. You are to carry me to men. For this I have chosen you. You are my beloved little flock, who will never give up, who always wants to be there for me, who consoles me, especially in this night. And for that I thank you, My beloved little flock.

Do not let up in your striving for holiness, for you shall once be allowed to experience eternal glory with Me. You should experience the joy up there in heaven, because that is the greatest happiness. You are to save many people from eternal ruin. That's what you're here for. You are to atone, pray and sacrifice especially for my chief shepherd, because he stands at the abyss. He has not followed me - not yet. No!

This 'warning' should be the same as My Messages. That is why I ask you, especially you, My beloved little Mary. Acknowledge the truth and write only the words that correspond to the truth, the full truth. Not one word and not one sentence of yours, which I give you, shall be shortened or changed. It shall be the whole truth because you, my beloved little one, bring truth into the world. Always remember that you are a small tool and will be My nothing. You will suffer like My little messenger here in Mellatz. Say thank you for the suffering you are allowed to bear, for you are thereby closely connected with your Redeemer and responsible for the whole world. So that the words of the Triune God flow into the whole world, you bear the responsibility. And everyone who manipulates these words is despised by me. Believe that you go after my beloved messenger (Anne).

For almost 8 years my little one has been suffering and atoning here in Mellatz or in her home town in Göttingen. And she willingly bears this suffering because she wants to save other souls with her small flock, which supports her in her suffering, which stands by her, because I, Jesus Christ, suffer in her and above all must suffer the New Priesthood, because my priests do not follow this path, and above all, my chief shepherd has betrayed and sold me. Is this not bitter, My beloved ones? Will you not atone for him, for this chief shepherd, atone and sacrifice, that he may repent, that he may turn back and proclaim only the truth? So far he has not known Me, especially not in Assisi. Before all religions, he did not consider himself the Supreme Shepherd of the Only, True, Catholic Church. On the contrary, he gave credit to the other religions and everything was one for him. The Catholic faith with the other religions, he said, are one. There is no difference.

Dear Supreme Shepherd, convert, because your Heavenly Mother weeps bitter tears for you, because she constantly asks at the throne of My Father, for your conversion, because she suffers for you, because she does not want you to sink into the abyss, because you are standing at the abyss! So far My tears have been in vain for you. But I will suffer and my messengers will suffer for you with me because you are to be saved. They constantly pray for you and do not cease in fervent prayer. I love you because I have chosen you especially for Germany, but also for the whole world. In this night I suffer especially for you and My little flock suffers with Me for you, for you, the Chief Shepherd. Turn around! Turn back, because the time is approaching, the time of my coming, my second coming with my dearest Heavenly Mother here in Wigratzbad!

Pray and atone in this night, because all your sacrifices and all your atonement and all your prayer will be fruitful, because this is the night of the Mount of Olives, the heaviest night for Me. So you also take part in this suffering of the Mount of Olives and in this night on the Mount of Olives.

And now I want to bless you all, I Jesus Christ, because I love you and because I want to be with you in the Trinity with My dearest Mother, with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pray, sacrifice and atone! I am with you every day. Call Me! I am always there in the Godhead and in humanity. Amen.


