Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 26, 2012

First Sunday of Lent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The entire altar of sacrifice, the altar of Mary and the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus were bathed in golden light. Everything was brightly illuminated and shone in golden splendor.

The Heavenly Father will speak today on the first Sunday of Lent: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and belongs to Me. She only repeats words that come from Me and that concern heaven and the supernatural.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved followers and also small flock, I call you all, because it is the great time of grace: Turn back and repent! Make use of the Holy Sacrament of Penance, for it holds exceedingly great graces for you. I will shower graces on all who go to this holy sacrament.

I will enter into their hearts and open them, because I, Jesus Christ, want there to be again holy priests, holy and sacrificial priests, who fulfill the Word of My Father and give themselves totally at the altar of sacrifice, who are totally My priests, My chosen and holy priests. I will call them anew and choose them anew. After intensive tests which they have to pass, they will return to My New Church, to this newly founded church.

Why, My beloved ones, into the newly founded church? My beloved sons of priests, My beloved bishops, cardinals and archbishops, why do you not recognize My instructions which mean the truth in its entirety. Once you promised me to go my way and not to deviate from this way. You knew that you were called, yes, chosen, and that you would not take up a vocation, but would follow the calling. Have you done this, My beloved sons of priests? Where do you stand now in this great time of grace? Do you now perceive these graces? Do you accept it and begin a new life after a repentant Holy Confession, with a holy priest? This is important, My beloved ones: repent and start anew because the time of grace holds many, many sacrifices for you, but you will do these sacrifices out of love because you are called, called into My New Church.

Why can't you understand that you can't follow this Supreme Shepherd today? Why do so many bishops and priests plead that you should go along with this aberration, although it is clearly understandable that he, this Supreme Shepherd, has taken this aberration? In Assisi he sold My Church to interreligion, to interreligious communities, even to atheism. Why do you not understand this, My beloved ones? Why don't you think? You are priests of reason. I want to enter into your hearts and open them wide. Until now they were closed to any mercy. How much I have implored you to start anew, to open and love your hearts and to follow your calling out of love. Have you followed these instructions? No! In no way. You have continued to cultivate modernism.

What is modernism, My beloved sons of priests? Modernism means to depart from true faith in order to seek modernity, what is modern, what is simple, what corresponds to Vatican II. I, the Heavenly Father, wish that this Vatican II be revoked and rendered ineffective. It has brought so much disaster into My Church. Windows and doors were opened to Satan. And which priest today celebrates My Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V, this canonized sacrificial meal? Very few priests. They celebrate in secret. But I wish, my beloved sons of priests, to come to the light of day! Confess to this one true, holy sacrificial banquet, as I wish it to be celebrated in all the world in all reverence. Today, Holy Communion is distributed as hand communion without reverence.

Do you not realize, my beloved sons of priests, that only the kneeling oral communion lies in truth and in love. Can you distribute the body of My Son and His blood standing in your hands? You cannot, My beloved sons of priests. You cannot answer for this according to your calling. You are lost and confused, and you continue on this erring path, although all doors are opened for you by your Heavenly Father.

My instructions, My prophecies go through the Internet to the whole world. Why do you still not obey them? Why do you believe in this Church as it is presented to you by the Supreme Shepherd who leads you astray? Why do you believe in it? If you are Catholic and want to remain so, you cannot take this wrong path. It is the wrong way and never the right narrow track. On this narrow way I will convert you. If you continue to choose the broad path, you are no longer my priests but the apostates, and these I cannot use for My New Church. They do not proclaim the truth and they do not live the truth. They do not profess the truth.

Everything that is told to them, which means the wrong way, they follow, but they do not believe in my truths. They reject them and continue to persecute my messengers who agree to die for my truth. They can be pursued, hostile and ridiculed. Do you not know the Bible? Isn't it all in the Bible? Must you still check my messengers whether they lie in the truth when they only repeat my messages and my instructions? They are My words and it is My plan. Your Heavenly Father's plan will be fulfilled in any case, even if you continue to go this wayward path without turning back!

By My great event, which I must let come, I will prove it to you. But before that I will give many men the knowledge through the soul-eye view, because otherwise they cannot and will not turn back. They love the easier way. And the worst is that they lead my believers and my children astray. One day they will have to answer for this before the eternal judgment. For every individual whom they have led astray, I demand accountability!

My beloved sons of priests, turn back, turn back to the truth, to the only truth of the Triune God! Put your minds and let Jesus Christ, My Son, enter your heart in this great time of grace, Lent. Fast and pray, for the hour is near when My Son Jesus Christ will appear with His Heavenly Mother. But woe to those who follow these messages, who are hostile to them and hinder my messengers to continue speaking the truth and to stand up for this truth. Then I, the Heavenly Father, will say to you: "You have not followed Me; now I do not know you because you have not stood up for My truth. You have chosen the easier way. This is always the evil that will haunt you until the last day."

My beloved children, you who fast, pray and atone, I love you and thank you with all my heart for continuing to choose this way, this difficult way, for your eternal salvation and the salvation of many, many priests. You continue to pray, fast, atone and sacrifice for their repentance and believe that one day these sons of priests will wake up from their sleep of death and realize what they are doing.

I love you and bless you now in the Trinity, with My dearest Mother, with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love, be vigilant and become courageous and strong in faith! Amen.


