Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fourth Sunday after publication.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the Holy Rosary and the Holy Sacrificial Mass, large crowds of angels were drawn here to this house chapel in Mellatz. They came from all four directions and grouped themselves around the altar of sacrifice, the altar of Mary and the manger. The Blessed Mother and the Child Jesus in the manger were bathed in glistening light, as well as the tabernacle with the tabernacle angels and also the symbol of the Trinity. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass the Stations of the Cross sparkled.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment on the fourth Sunday after the apparition through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved children, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved followers and My beloved little band, your Heavenly Father is speaking to you today some instructions and revelations which are very important and valuable for your further life.

I, the Heavenly Father, am the Omnipotent, Almighty, Wise and Omniscient Heavenly Father in the Trinity. In this omnipotence I speak to you today.

Could I not, in this time of tribulation, in which My Catholic Church has been destroyed, sold and betrayed, bring My nave back to rest with one stroke? If it were my will, I could stretch out my hand and in this moment restore calm in this time of chaos. But it is not in my desire and will.

I wish above all that you pray very much for this Supreme Shepherd Pope Benedict XVI. Why, My beloved ones? Because he has sold and betrayed My Church to the interreligion. This is painful for Me and all heaven, also for your dearest Mother, the Mother of the Church. But I want to save this chief shepherd from destruction. Pray a lot and above all pray and sacrifice for him, so that he does not fall into the eternal abyss.

How many times have I already told him My Messages as revelations. How often have I pointed out to him that he should declare Vatican II ineffective. Has this happened, My beloved ones? Has modernism been stopped? Has it been further revealed by My Supreme Shepherd that throughout the world this Holy Sacrificial Feast is to be celebrated in the Tridentine Rite according to Pope Pius V? Was it proclaimed ex cathedra? No, My beloved ones! What the Holy Father, the Supreme Shepherd, proclaimed in this sense was not enough. Why? The bishops rebelled against his Motu Proprio. That was not right. Unfortunately, however, the bishops had already taken advantage of the collegiality, that is, they had a say with the Supreme Shepherd. Is this possible in the Catholic Church? No, My beloved children. The Supreme Shepherd is empowered to proclaim ex cathedra everything that lies in faith and morals. He is the Supreme Shepherd and has received the authority from Me to get this nave back into the right direction. He just has to take the right course. Did he do it? Has he paid attention to My words and My constant instructions? No! He proceeded according to his will, that is, he wanted to bring about a union with all religions, so that they might be of one mind and peace might be established on earth.

Can you, my beloved ones, experience this peace on earth? No! I have not brought you peace, but the sword.

Why did My Heavenly Mother have to suffer so? Why did she endure the heaviest suffering as Mother of the Church? Could I not spare her? No! It was not possible, because only in the cross is salvation. She held out under the cross. She walked the hardest way of the cross with My Son Jesus Christ. She did not give up. She suffered everything as Coredemptrix of the whole world and should also be recognized as Coredemptrix, - as dogma. But would it be possible in modernism to proclaim this dogma through the Supreme Shepherd? No! It would not be possible. The whole church must be in the truth and proclaim only the truth. I have always prophesied the messages to you in truth and in their entirety.

You, My beloved ones and My beloved followers, have acknowledged this truth and followed it. This is important. Also for you, my beloved children, I wait that you turn back and that you recognize that you do not fulfill my will in modernism. You fulfill the will of the wicked. This can be found today in all modernist churches. Do you desire, My beloved ones? Do you oppose this modernist church? No! You continue to go in although I have told you: Stay in your homes until I give you a chance through the establishment of My New Church and My New Priesthood. My New Church will be built in truth. You must persevere in patience.

As you know, I have already founded this My New Church in My House of Glory on January 1, 2012. It is built on rocks because My beloved ones pay close attention to My messages and follow them. They all want the foundation of My New Priesthood to continue to progress as I have already announced. It is not possible all at once, My beloved ones. My priest son here in Mellatz, celebrates daily in this chapel My Holy Sacrificial Feast according to My wish and plan in the Trent Rite according to Pope Pius V. Do not many rays of grace become fruitful there from this Holy Sacrificial Mass for you and for many who want to accept it? Wanting is important! Listen to my words and not only read them, but obey them in their entirety. This is my wish and will!

It is not easy, My beloved ones, to say yes to this Way of the Cross. But without this Way of the Cross you will not remain in the truth. I guide and guide you, I the Omnipotent and Omniscient and Almighty Father in heaven. And my dearest mother stands by my side. She is also today walking the way of the cross with her Son in My little one for the New Church, which still needs to be developed, which is in the process of being built, but which has already been founded. Who of you can understand this? Who can fathom this? None of you, My beloved ones.

But I, the Almighty God and Father, will continue to give you revelations and instructions, so that you can continue on this path in its entirety. The evil one cannot harm you, even if he tries to dissuade you from this only true way. I will watch over you. But I also say to all believers, do not open the smallest crack so that the wicked man cannot enter. He is waiting for you that you no longer believe, that you turn away from these true messages that I give you in purity and in uniqueness.

My beloved little girl sacrifices herself and suffers this atonement already for three months. Yes, it is hard for you, my little one, to endure and endure this. But it is the Heavenly Father who holds you, and who desires this atonement. Not for you alone, for your sins, but for the sins, iniquities and sacrileges of the whole world, for the priests, for the New Church, for those who have now fallen away, those who no longer belong to the Lawn Cross group, those who have given their No, even though they have been following this Way of the Cross for so long. Does that not hurt My Divine Heart? Yes!

And you suffer, My little one, because Jesus My Son suffers in you and you suffer with Him. Often it becomes too hard for you. I know about your suffering. I know about you how you are, because you tell me every day: "Lord have mercy on me! I can hardly continue this way of the cross, but I want to fulfill your wish and will and not mine. If it is possible, let this cup pass me by, but let not my wish and will be done, but thine.

That is why I am guiding you, My beloved little one, because you have your little flock to your side, who will not give up and support you. And many people from near and far support you through their prayer and sacrifices. I will also guide and strengthen them that they may persevere and continue to pray for you, for you carry with My Son the cross of the whole world, so that a New Church may arise in new splendor, the Church of Glory. And from where can it originate? From My House of Glory, which I have appointed for you. You dwell in it, but it is my house, and I guide you in wise providence. Nothing is coincidence, everything is providence!

You will be persecuted, despised and shunned. Is that right, My beloved ones? Yes, this persecution must be, otherwise you would not be in the truth because you are the followers of my Son, Jesus Christ. You are His followers. And it must remain that way. That is why you stand under the cross with your dearest Mother, who firmly takes her children of Mary by the hand, who does not stop suffering with them, but also does not stop leading them and making available to them the angelic hosts.

Believe in your love, in this unspeakable love of your dearest, most caring mother! Look also at the baby Jesus! Until February 2, you may worship this Child Jesus in the manger, because only on this day the Christmas season ends, not as modernism says, but as you have been revealed by Me. These Christmas decorations on the windows will remain until February 2. I would like to show by this that it is I who pour these graces into the hearts during the Christmas season, which show their readiness to accept the rays of grace from the Child Jesus, because they are all in dire need of them.

And so I bless you today, your dearest Heavenly Father, your dearest Heavenly Mother, the little Child Jesus, Saint Joseph, the Bridegroom of the Mother of God, with all the angels and saints, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Live the love, persevere and courageously continue on this path of light and not darkness! I continue to radiate this Divine Light into your hearts. Live love, for love is the greatest! I, your Heavenly Father, am watching over you in every moment, especially over my beloved little flock, which again and again tries to obey my will. Amen.


