Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fourth Sunday in Advent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel of the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large crowds of angels came into this house chapel from outside. They also moved from Our Lady in the hallway to the upper floor to the house chapel. The altar of Mary was also surrounded by many angels. The chancel and the sacrificial altar were bathed in bright, glistening light. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus again and also the Archangel Michael struck His sword in all four directions. He said it had to be done.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved believers and beloved pilgrims from near and far, yesterday, My beloved ones, was again the great atonement night in Wigratzbad. You participated in this at your altar of sacrifice here in Mellatz and kept the hours of atonement as I wished.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, as you know, here in Wigratzbad there is still much to be atoned for as the founder Antonie Rädler did day by day. This pilgrimage church is the Church of Atonement. How many sacrileges have been committed since then. Also the previous priest, the leader here in Wigratzbad, has left great traces. Sacrileges are still not atoned for, but are still being committed.

You, My children, atone for this in your house chapel in Mellatz, where you also hold the atoning hours of Heroldsbach. For this I would like to thank you, because every hour of atonement is extremely valuable for the whole world. How many priests lie in grave sins and sacrileges and do not want to repent. How often have I given them the chance to turn back. But it lies in their will, and this will I, as heavenly Father, will not break.

Yes, My beloved ones, it is the fourth Sunday in Advent. The light becomes brighter in your hearts. Let the candles burn and let the light, Jesus Christ, flow into your hearts, this most holy light. In one week, My Son Jesus Christ will be born in your hearts. The dearest Mother of God will give Him to you. He is to give out much light, light for the others who cannot believe and do not want to adore, not to venerate the Blessed Sacrament of My Son, yes, not even believe in it.

Yes, My beloved ones, I am always waiting for the hours of atonement and the sacrifices of you. Why? Because so many priests continue to be led further and further astray. You can't find out about it on your own. They need your victims. Every day you will pray and atone in the house chapel at this place in Mellatz. Daily from 19.00 to 20.00 hours you hold adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.

And so I also call you, My followers, to follow this call and to keep the prescribed hours of atonement and daily worship from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. If it is possible for you, I would like to call upon you once again to join in this Holy Mass of Sacrifice at 10:00 a.m. every day and pray the Holy Rosary before it at 9:30 a.m. Most precious graces will be given to you and to many others, because you are not only there for yourselves, but also for others.

Didn't the founder, Antonie Rädler, set an example for you? Has she not held many hours of atonement and prayed and sacrificed for nights on end? Courageously and bravely she went on this prescribed way, because she was my chosen one.

And you, My little one, will you also always continue to go this way I am prescribing to you with your little flock, even if this shortage of air makes it very difficult for you? You will be able to continue this atonement if you want to persevere. Not with your power, but with My Divine Power will I come and console you and give you courage. Do not give up and persevere until the end of time, because My Son Jesus Christ will appear with His Heavenly Mother very soon! In advance the big cross in the sky will be visible, the Dozulé cross. It will point you to the great power and glory of heaven. Yes, He will come in great power and glory, although you do not expect it and continue to reject Him, My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity.

My daughter Anne is always ready to follow My ways, no matter how hard they are for her. Many will support her in prayer today because she cannot bear the suffering alone, because she must have many prayers behind her and pray and sacrifice for her, because she is atoning and sacrificing for the whole world. She has received the world broadcast. She is aware that Jesus Christ must now suffer in her heart the New Church and also the New Priesthood because it is thus my will and my desire and my plan.

Yes, how much suffering He has already endured in your heart, My little one! You have felt it, and you know how He suffers. You will suffer with Him and continue to make yourself available in His suffering and pain for the whole world. I have chosen and chosen you to make this great sacrifice. You will be strengthened from heaven. You will never fall if you continue to agree to obey everything I, the Heavenly Father, desire.

Dear little one, how much I love you in your suffering. You will not feel that. Especially in these sufferings you are loved because My Son Jesus Christ suffers in you. Did I not have to sacrifice My only Son, the Son of God, for the whole world and have Him crucified to redeem mankind?

And now, My beloved ones, what happens now? Now this church lies in ruins, which My Son once founded. They have been sold, betrayed. Fraternization was made with all religious communities, that is, the Catholic faith was betrayed with the Judas kiss from the Holy Father, the successor of Peter. This is hard for Me, My children. It is incomprehensible how it is that once again My Son is crucified and My little one is persecuted and mocked.

One believes she is a self-proclaimed, self-determined seer. How is this possible, My beloved authority? How could she do this on her own? She is sent from heaven and is destined. She will walk for all of you this arduous and hard way, the Way of the Cross, with her small flock. You will not give up. They will see what now comes up to you, who do not want to believe and thwart my plan.

Remain faithful to Me, My beloved little flock, My followers and you My pilgrims from near and far! Follow this my plan, then you are saved and nothing can happen to you! Follow my messages, my instructions, which only correspond to the truth. And so I bless you now in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, with My dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praised be Jesus Christ forever and ever Amen.


