Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 16, 2011

After the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the sacramental blessing, the Heavenly Father speaks from the window over Mellatz in front of the House of Glory to the pilgrims through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this Holy Mass of Sacrifice the Blessed Mother was brightly shining through here in the corridor. She moved and pointed repeatedly with her light blue rosary upwards to the chapel. The Blessed Mother in the chapel also held up the rosary to invite us to pray it again and again. The whole altar was bathed in bright light. The angels moved into this house of glory up to the chapel. They are also now, while we kneel here on this place, with us and above the house.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved believers, My beloved followers, who follow the way of My Son Jesus Christ and willingly take all sacrifices upon yourselves. I thank you for this hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during the exposition.

Beloved little flock, you have agreed to go along this most difficult path. These many years you have already gone along. You have not once deviated from this stony path. You know that it will be a road to Calvary up to the mountain Golgotha.

You, my little one, have never once said no to me. "Yes, Father, no matter how difficult this path becomes, I will fulfill your wishes, because your plan is important to me," you keep telling me.

Beloved ones, you who today also want to receive My instructions and words in this place, I thank you for coming here, because you believe in these My instructions and words. They are the words of the Father and come from heaven. Do not deviate, not once, and obey the instructions and words and the plan of your Heavenly Father in its entirety.

Soon, my beloved ones, soon it will be time for the big event in Wigratzbad. I determine the hour. To no one will I, the Heavenly Father, give this hour. No one, I said, not even my messenger. You should all be prepared for this event. Prepare for this through the sacraments. Again and again this gives you the strength to hold out, because you know that this path becomes steeper and steeper.

Many have not wanted to and could not continue on this path. They have deviated by influencing the others. Don't be distracted, because you are important. You are on this path of holiness and you can go further because your Heavenly Father in the Trinity will accompany you and I also place My dearest Mother at your side. She will call down your legions of angels so that you may continue to follow My plan.

Be brave and strong, because it takes a lot of dedication if you want to continue on this path. I am becoming so clear to you today, my beloved children, because it is just before the event. Pray, atone and sacrifice as you did the night before, which you have endured in atonement to save many priest souls from eternal disaster and the abyss. They are at the brink of the abyss and believe they are still walking the right path, although My messages are being spread all over the world through My Internet. Nevertheless many fall away in apostasy. They do not obey Me. They obey the 'church', the church commands and the church laws. These are made by men and not by me.

My plan, My divine plan contains everything, namely the full truth. And whoever stands by this truth must endure many persecutions, slanderings and mockeries. Then look at the cross of My Son. Has He not endured everything for you? Has he not gone this way to the end, - to the cross for your redemption?

Yes, My children, I know that this way is difficult, but you receive My Son daily in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice in Communion. He comes to you with Godhead and humanity in oral communion. Only this Holy Mass of Sacrifice is the only true Holy Mass. In this Mass of Sacrifice I can transform myself in the hands of the priests, but not in the meal communities, which are still being celebrated to the people at the popular altar with hand communion. This cannot be true, my children. Use your mind and you can even grasp it. But the priests at the popular altars continue to mislead you.

Leave these churches! It is important for you to pray in your homes. There you can celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Mass and receive Holy Communion spiritually after the DVD*. Then you will have a valid Holy Sacrificial Mass every day, - also on Sundays.

I love you fatherly, My beloved ones, and I want to press you today especially to My Divine, loving Heart because you follow My words and obey Me. You prove your love to me, and for this I thank you again and again anew.

Live Love and follow My Plan, then you cannot go astray, and My Heavenly Mother and Her angels will accompany you on this path. I now bless you with all the saints, all the angels, especially your dearest Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain brave and courageous! Go the way of the cross in its entirety and love me and prove to me that you really love me from the heart, then I will give you abundant gifts. Amen.

Praise be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph for all eternity. Amen.

* To refer with Mrs. Dorothea winter, Kiesseestr. 51 b, 37083 Goettingen, Tel. 0551/3054480, fax 0551/37061777, email: D [DOT] Winter45 [AT] gmx [DOT] en (5,- €).


