Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, October 7, 2011

Rosary Festival.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in front of the entrance of the House of Glory in Opfenbach/Mellatz through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The tabernacle and the symbol of the Trinity were bathed in glittering light during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, as were the Madonna of Fatima, the Child Jesus, the Little King of Love, above all the Immaculate Heart of the Mother and Queen of Victory, and also the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach. During the Rosary and the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the new statue of the Virgin Mary was brightly lit in the hallway. Flocks of angels have come down the stairs with us and they are now also in the hallway around Our Lady. She became very bright at that moment. Yes, she did appear in this statue.

Our Lady will speak at the door of the House of Glory: I, your dearest Mother, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and speaks only words that come from Him. Today from Me. She lies in obedience to the Heavenly Father and always speaks only His words and has given Him her own will.

My beloved children, I, your dearest mother, speak to you on this great feast, the feast of the rosary. The Heavenly Father has so provided, for you have consecrated and blessed Me today in this statue. I was very happy about this, and I thank you with all my heart for celebrating this feast so intensely on this day. Everything is in order, everything is in the will of the Heavenly Father. You are in full obedience to Him.

My beloved children, in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice you have received My Son Jesus Christ with divinity and humanity. He has come to you and has drawn you into Himself. This is a great mystery, which you can never understand and will never fathom, - not even I, the Heavenly Mother.

Beloved children, beloved children of Mary, you must bear much suffering. Did not I, as Heavenly Mother, also stand under the Cross, under the Cross of My Son, and had to endure the most bitter sufferings? The Heavenly Father in the Trinity wanted it that way and I followed Him in obedience.

My beloved children, you too are always in obedience to the Heavenly Father, - also to My Son Jesus Christ, because you celebrate daily the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, as it is in order and as it is foreseen in the will of the Heavenly Father. Thank Him, thank Him with all your heart that you can participate in this sacrificial banquet! As you all know, in the modernist churches the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son is not celebrated, but rather the communion of meals in Protestantism with hand communion. The Communion of My Son Jesus Christ is most highly disfigured. One cannot receive Him oneself with the hand, but receives Him only with the blessed hand of a priest, to whom My Son Jesus Christ has given the authority to be able to transform Him in the Holy Transformation. Only in this holy sacrificial meal is this possible. The other people receive only a piece of bread. Yes, it is, because it is not the sacrificial banquet of My Son Jesus Christ. They lie in Protestantism and ecumenism.

How much it pains My heart that My Son Jesus Christ is being disgraced to the utmost by My priestly sons whom I love so much, love above all, but they do not obey. This disobedience, which one reproaches the priests who celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, these priests should not be persecuted. They do it to the highest degree and even despise them, although they celebrate only the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son. Only this lies in the truth and these are My beloved priestly sons, not those who celebrate the meal fellowship.

Pray and atone for these priests. They shall be saved through your atonement, especially through your atonement night next Saturday and also through the atonement night next Wednesday. Adore and glorify My Son Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, for the Blessed Sacrament is being disfigured. People no longer worship, and they no longer believe in My Son Jesus Christ, in His divinity and mankind. He is the most important thing in the life of every Christian. So it should be, my beloved ones, and so it is not.

Pray and atone for this, because as you know, I will appear with My Son Jesus Christ very soon for all people to see. At the moment I still appear daily with My Bridegroom, St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel above this house of glory, but only visible to My little one, not to the others. She tells you all. But very soon I will appear for all to see with My Son Jesus Christ in Wigratzbad. Before that, you will all experience the warning, the soul-vision. People will run away screaming from their sins. They do not pray, they do not sacrifice, they do not believe and they do not worship. And I wish, because My Son Jesus Christ died for all and redeemed you, that you believe, that you open your hearts to Him, to My Son Jesus Christ.

Not for nothing, My beloved ones, I moved into the House of Glory on October 5th at 5 pm. This is the time that was predetermined. And also today, the feast of the rosary, was intended for my inauguration.

Pray, sacrifice and atone for many hours every day, because it is necessary because many people no longer practice prayer. They are in total apostasy, in total darkness, because they are no longer enlightened by their priests, by the entire clergy. They remain in darkness because they cannot receive My Son Jesus Christ. They are cut off from the Holy Communion, from the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. Only the sacrificial banquet of My Son Jesus Christ is of importance and not the banquet community, which is celebrated everywhere and which hurts My Son to the utmost. I tell you again, beloved believers: why do you not turn back, why do you not recognize the holiness of My Son, why do you not recognize the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It does not exist in interreligion, where all religious communities are made equal. This cannot be the truth!

You, My little one, now proclaim these words and the full truths of My Son Jesus Christ and give them to the public. So it is the wish of the Heavenly Father.

And now, My beloved ones, I want to take you again into the house of glory where I will be with you, day and night. Your dearest Mother now blesses you, with all the angels and saints, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity! Live this love! Remain faithful to heaven! Pray, sacrifice and atone for those who do not believe and do not want to worship! Amen.


