Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, innumerable hosts of angels were drawn into the house church during this Holy Mass of Sacrifice. The altar of Mary and the Father Symbol were especially surrounded by angels. Above all, the angels circled the Holy Spirit.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today on this octave day of Ascension, My beloved children, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved faithful, My beloved followers, My beloved small flock and small herd, I, the Heavenly Father, would also like to give you some words today on this Sunday.

Love one another in Divine Love as I have loved you! Love and be of one mind together, then you will be able to master many things that are to happen in my plan and desire! You will not be able to believe it. The Heavenly Mother will at all times extend her protection over you, but also especially the Most Holy Trinity.

Yes, the Holy Spirit will come upon you. In a few days you will celebrate Pentecost, that is, the Holy Spirit will overflow you. The tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit will be upon you. Everything will be given to you, what you are to announce in my name. You will leave out nothing because I wish that you announce and live the full truth at my place Wigratzbad. Not everything will be easy for you, but protection is assured in this place. The evil one will rave that you will appear there again. Everything is fate, and everything is in my heavenly plan.

Is it not a great thing that My Son Jesus Christ, after His Resurrection, ascended to Me in heaven with God and mankind? Will He not now send you the Holy Spirit I have promised you? Because you are my followers, my small flock, that is why you are showered with gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Everything will be entered for you. Do not be afraid! Do not develop human fears, because you will also be under the protection of the Holy Spirit! Again and again I would like to announce this protection to you, because still much in this place Wigratzbad must be cleaned. In the middle of this purification you are there. It cannot run without problems. Therefore many things will be different from what you imagine and wish for. Then remember that My Son Jesus Christ ascended to Me, the Heavenly Father, to give you this Spirit of love. You will pour out the gifts of grace on others who lie there in falsehood, who continue to follow the modernist Church, who do not want to worship Me and also not My Mother to the extent it is due to Her, especially in this place where My Heavenly Mother will win the victory.

And you Mary's children, who belong to My Mother, you too will experience suffering, much suffering and much cross. Especially my little one will expiate there again. You also will be there in the nights of atonement, because I need much atonement. Much has happened in this place, which includes the greatest sacrileges. There they sinned against the Holy Spirit to a great extent. Still today in this place my seers and my prophets are despised, slandered and rejected. But you, my beloved little flock, will endure there in humility and in love. Love is the greatest thing and it will weld you together so that you can bear all suffering together.

The move is also planned. In all peace and serenity you will master this, because I, the Heavenly Father, will send down My angels on you, who will protect you and impart Divine Power to you.

And so today I want to bless, love, protect and send you out in threefold power, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Especially your Heavenly Mother will also bless you and protect you in this place.


