Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Atonement night in Göttingen in the house church.

The Blessed Mother speaks at 23.30 after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, many angels were drawn into the house church and grouped around the altar and the Mother of God. She shone in a bright glow, as did all the figures of the saints, above all the risen Savior.

Our Lady will say today: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak to you today in this night of atonement, My beloved pilgrims from near and far and to you, My beloved followers of My Son Jesus Christ and My beloved little flock, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father.

My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved little flock and herd, above all My beloved pilgrims of Heroldsbach, I, your Heavenly Mother, will speak to you today important words that will be placed in your heart by your dearest Mother who cares for all Her children.

My beloved little flock and herd, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims, how very much this one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church lies on the ground. How much it is destroyed and disfigured. Do you believe, My beloved children, that I, the Mother of the Church and also your mother, do not weep for this Church of My Son? Can I be happy when all of heaven weeps for this Catholic Church? Am I not the mother of the church? Do I not suffer with My Son Jesus Christ, who founded His Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? Do I not cry then when it is more and more destroyed and when the Supreme Shepherd is no longer in the truth and when the Vatican proclaims this erring Church - the Supreme Shepherd? Did he try to steer this little ship back on the right track? No, he didn't try, on the contrary, today this Protestant and ecumenical church is proclaimed. It is even said that this church lives the truth. You twist the truth. One presents the truth as a lie. As Heavenly Mother, don't I have to cry tears of blood?

Why do you atone, My beloved ones? Why are these atonement nights called? Is it important to make atonement for this church? Does one make atonement in the Vatican? Do we call in atonement nights today? Does the Supreme Shepherd atone for this Catholic Church? No! On the contrary, he connects this Catholic Church with all religions and religious communities. This is his truth, which he proclaims and lives and proclaims. This Church is presented as the true Church and I, as Mother of the Church, how much I suffer for this Only Church of My Son.

Again the sword penetrates into my soul. How much I suffer with My Son. His heart is pierced anew. And from this side wound blood and water flows out again. In this blood and water of the side wound of My Son the Church was founded. And now, My beloved ones, you atone.

Do you not atone, My beloved little one, the most? Do you not atone most for this supreme shepherd? How many hours of atonement have you suffered for him, and how many hours of atonement for the chief shepherds, who consider this chief shepherd to be a colleague. As bishop of Rome they honor him. Can there then still be a supreme shepherd if they equate him with themselves and do not obey him? Can they then lie in the truth? Is the whole Catholic Church then still in the truth? Is it not already destroyed and sold? And furthermore, in the modernist church, they proclaim: "We must listen to this church, to this Vicar of Jesus Christ, because he is the Supreme Shepherd. And if we do not believe in him and honor him, we are no longer Catholic. - What are you, My beloved children, if you build on this Supreme Shepherd? Then you are Protestant and ecumenical and certainly no longer Catholic. That is the twisted truth.

But I tell you as the mother of the true church, separate yourselves from this modernism and go into your homes. Pray and celebrate there the real Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast. Communicate spiritually and do not, like many today, take this Holy Communion standing as hand communion and say in addition, "this is the truth, we live the truth and believe in the truth. No, My beloved ones, what confusion is among you. How far have you been led to the edge of perdition. And I, as Mother of the Church, weep for the many souls that are lost and for which you are atoning.

How often have you, my little one, atoned for the Supreme Shepherd Is it already reversed? No! Do you still love him by atoning for him? Yes! Love your enemies, sacrifice, pray and atone for them! That is your motto. That is your task. It is said that you no longer believe in this supreme shepherd. No! You must not believe in this truth, because otherwise you will fall to the lie - to Satan. He will rejoice over you when you fall.

But I, as Heavenly Mother, have been allowed to choose you through My Son Jesus Christ. You are chosen to atone and to sacrifice for these many souls, who otherwise would fall into the eternal abyss. You atone for the many priest souls who commit sacrileges and do not want to repent. It is said after you that you no longer live love, that you no longer love your church. You live the true faith and truth and you love your enemies by praying and atoning for them. This is the truth and nothing that has already been distorted, which is deception.

My beloved ones, how much I love you this night, because you want to atone and pray and sacrifice for your enemies. My beloved ones, you are atoning so that there may be a new church again, which shall arise in full glory.

And you, My beloved little one, what are you atoning for? You place your heart at the disposal of your dearest Jesus, who is allowed to suffer in you, just as you say: "Yes Father, I am ready! Jesus Christ, the Son of God, suffers in you. He suffers the new church and the new priesthood in you. This is the truth and this is not deception, but the bitter truth! That is what you are for, my followers, to atone, to sacrifice and to pray.

You include yourselves in the night of atonement in Heroldsbach and are there in spirit and atone for this place of grace. Like many sacrileges were also committed there, as in My place Wigratzbad. And yet you do not give up. And still you want to continue to be there for your dearest Heavenly Father, for His wishes and His plans. You put your wishes on hold. You do not want to be anything, as victim souls, as atonement souls. And when your Heavenly Father says: "Go again to my place Wigratzbad", you will take this path.

You even take it upon yourselves to look for a new home, as your Heavenly Father desires. You are ready to do everything that He wants and not what is in your plans. He will make the impossible possible! Believe in it! It will be His abode that He seeks for you. According to His plans and His wishes you will be guided and directed. Do not give up, for your Heavenly Mother lives in your hearts. It shapes and guides you and does not leave you alone in your pain of atonement.

I would like to thank you again for this night of prayer and atonement that you are taking upon yourselves despite many sufferings. My little flower of suffering and sacrificial soul, I love you and I love you that you want to persevere and not give up and not despair in this time of upheaval. Everything happens according to the Divine Plan. And nothing happens without him.

So I wish you a blessed night of prayer and atonement. With all the angels and saints, with your beloved Padre Pio, with My Bridegroom, St. Joseph, I now bless you in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love, be vigilant and become strong! Amen.


