Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday. Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Resurrection Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Before the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, a conspicuous crowd of angels moved into this house church in Göttingen, which was festively decorated. The resurrected Jesus Christ with the victory flag on the altar raised the flag several times during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and showed us heaven with the victory flag. He said to me during the ecstasy...

Jesus Christ says: I have earned heaven for you through my suffering! I, Jesus Christ, Son of God, am truly risen! Sing the Alleluia! My suffering on the cross was very, very difficult, especially in this year 2011. Never before have I had to experience so much suffering in this time of Passion. But the victory is certain for you, My beloved Father children!

The Heavenly Father says: Look at My Son as He holds the flag with certainty of victory. And the Mother of God supports Him. Yes, She also weeps bitter tears as the Mother of the Church, for Her Catholic and Apostolic Church, which lies utterly in destruction. Your dearest Mother sees this futility in Her Son Jesus Christ, and She and My Son suffer from this.

How many souls have been drawn down into the eternal fire at this Easter time. They have committed so many wicked deeds and could not repent. And you, my little one, have suffered to the utmost for her.

Didn't I tell you two years ago that I will overthrow the leader of Wigratzbad? Did you still believe in it, my little one, or had you forgotten?

I am the truth and the life! I only speak the truth through you, My little one. And I overthrew him. And many, many others, who act against my truths, my messages, in a mighty way, I will also overthrow!

You will be able to see it in My omnipotence, because I am the omnipotent God and also the Father who has raised the arm of wrath and will pour out the cup of wrath on those who are hostile to My Truths, and who despise My messenger so much that they call her satanic, and who want to destroy the New Church that I, the Heavenly Father, want to found through My Son Jesus Christ.

These wicked sons of priests want to continue to exercise their power, and I want to save their souls. Thus an eternal struggle arises in you, my beloved little one. You still carry this battle within you, because the evil one is still playing out his last power.

I tell you all: My beloved Germany, where have you come to: Protestantism, atheism, ecumenism. Is this really necessary? Didn't I plan to use Germany for the big shipment? Have I not chosen My messenger from Germany for the task of shouting these messages out into the world?

Where are My sons of priests who obey Me? Where are they? They have strayed. Must I not weep for them, I, the risen Jesus Christ? I can sweep them all away in an instant.

My Son has suffered the most severe suffering for all mankind and they do not believe Him. One does not celebrate His Holy Sacrificial Feast, no, one despises it. One hinders it in every way. My sons of priests who celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast at a sacrificial altar in full reverence and love, how are they treated? They are despised. As a sect they are called, as those possessed by demons, as you, my little one, are also called. Is that all right?

Jesus Christ says: Yes, little one, so I am despised in you as the dearest Jesus who has done everything for mankind. The greatest suffering, the last drop of blood I have given for you sinners. And from My side wound flowed blood and water for My Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

The heavenly Father says: And what has he done, my beloved Supreme Shepherd? What have you done? What have you done with My Son Jesus Christ? You have crucified Him again and out of His wound continues to flow water and blood. My little one was allowed to see it. I showed her His burst open new wound, because it is she who is to continue atoning, atoning and sacrificing as My passion flower, as My flower of suffering.

Look at the wonderful Easter weather. I make My sun rise on the good and the righteous and on those who despise Me. So far I have presented My Son to you as the merciful Jesus Christ. But I, the heavenly Father, am also righteous and let my righteousness prevail, because the measure is full, the cup of wrath overflows.

What happens in the place of grace of My beloved mother in Wigratzbad? What happens in Heroldsbach? Do you believe, My believers, above all My beloved sons of priests, do you believe that all this will go unpunished? No! I allow many things, My beloved ones, but the wrath of your Heavenly Father has broken out. The futility of the suffering of My Son Jesus Christ hurts very much in this time. Have you looked upon the exceedingly great sufferings of My Son? Could a human being ever have held out? No! Only in divinity has My Son been able to bear this. It should be so because the written word had to be fulfilled.

And you, My little one, have suffered and have also had to experience a part of the nothingness of My Son. You cried out. Many times you have said: "I can't go on. Father, take this cup from me, but your will be done, not mine. Yes, My little one, I must continue to strain you as My Atonement Soul. It is necessary because the iniquities and wickedness against My Catholic Church continue to be committed in the most evil way. Never can you imagine how I, the Heavenly Father, must watch this suffering of the whole world.

I love My following and I thank you who want to continue to follow the way of My Son, the Way of the Cross, to the top of the mountain Golgotha.

You will experience the greatest joys. I will welcome you all with rejoicing into heaven! I promise this to you because you persevere, because you give everything and do not pay attention to what happens to you, but what happens to your heavenly Father. This is important to you. Again and again you are ready to atone, to sacrifice and to pray for your enemies. Many enemies surround you. But what are you doing? Do you despise them? Are you accusing her? No! You pray and atone for them. And that is the right way.

Has not My Son Jesus Christ forgiven the greatest criminal? Did He not look at the mob that wanted to kill Him even before He was crucified with whip lashes, which were carried out one after the other? He was scourged in the most evil way, so that the body of My Son was a single flesh wound. A crown of thorns was placed on His head. Nothing was still whole in the body of My beloved Son. And Heavenly Mother had to watch Him being mistreated like this because of all your sins and the sins of the whole world. He knew that many go this wrong way and fall down into eternal fire. But He prayed for His enemies: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

And you too say this so often, my little one: "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do! They do not know that they accuse You, the Heavenly Father, in the worst way, although You are Love Himself, and would forgive them everything - everything, in a moment of repentance. But they lack this repentance, this confession of a repentant, good, holy confession.

Thank you, my priest son for this sermon. It was controlled by the Holy Spirit. After this sermon you felt a most foul odor. Yes, the wicked man has gone against this sermon. He was terribly annoyed that this priest's son dares to speak the truth, the whole truth and not half the truth.

And, My little one, did you not also suffer during this holy mass of sacrifice that I wanted to give you? You should be present, but you should also feel pain because My Son suffers in you, because so many people despise this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, because they want to continue to participate in the popular altar, not have to, but want to. And this is flung at Me, the Heavenly Father, as contempt for My Holy Sacrificial Feast.

You shepherds, where are you, where have you landed? In the biggest cesspool of sin. You do not confess even the most serious sins. You have become atheists. Not a little do you believe in the holiness of the Trinity that it is given to you on this Holy Easter. Yes, if you do not believe, you will not be saved.

Your Heavenly Father determines the hour of the event. It comes overnight, then, if you don't think of it at all, if you only think of the beautiful weather, of the vacation season in the Easter time. Have I not given you the most beautiful weather? But at what time does this happen? At a time which I determine, I, the omnipotent, who also determines the weather.

You know that this weather cannot be measured with normal scale: In April the most beautiful summer weather. But I give it to you in my Easter joy. I am the Risen One and the victorious Jesus Christ united with the Heavenly Father in the Holy Spirit.

I love you immeasurably, My followers, and I beg you, continue to atone, so that no more will descend into the eternal fire, into eternal damnation, for it is forever.

My beloved Christian, I also want to include you in My Truth at the end. Believe! Keep on being strong, because you are there to save your whole family and your brothers and sisters, who are all standing on the brink of the abyss - all of them! Not a single one will stand by you. You will be all alone and lonely and still want to live the truth. I will strengthen you beyond measure. Be faithful to Me! Your Heavenly Father loves you! I don't want to let your whole family be dragged down from evil into the abyss, as it looks like right now. I still have a longing for their souls and my longing grows in the love for them.

Thus, today your Heavenly Father in the Trinity wishes you a gracious and blessed Easter, because I have poured out My full graces on you today, full graces that you cannot measure, but your Heavenly Mother, the Mediator of all graces, knows how many graces have been poured into your souls.

Thank you for your suffering today, my little one. It was predestined. Don't be sad that your Heavenly Father has to put so much on you, even on this most holy Easter.

Moreover, I would like to say that during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei and the Gloria were sung along by the nine choirs of the Angels and you, My little one, were strengthened by it very much, because the scents also reached you.

I bless you all and wish you the most beautiful Easter in your heart. Do it with love, with gratitude to your Triune God, who has taken you out of this modernist church. You too would fail, but I have saved you because I love you all.

Be blessed also by your dearest Heavenly Mother, your Bridegroom, Saint Joseph, Padre Pio and all the other Saints: Blessed Easter! Amen. He is truly and truly risen, alleluia!


