Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fatima and Pink Mysticism Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the domestic church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large crowds of angels moved into the house church from all four directions during the Holy Sacrificial Feast but also during worship. Again the altar of Mary was brightly lit, especially the Fatima Madonna and the Rosa Mystica. The tabernacle and the father symbol shone in bright splendor.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today and now through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is entirely in My will and only repeats My words and the words of Our Lady. Nothing is out of you, My little one.

My beloved Father's children, My beloved Mary's children, today, on this day, you also celebrate the Rosa Mystica Day, - My dearest Mother as Rosa Mystica adorned with roses Roses of Grace will ask her for you for this time of tribulation.

I want to thank you for this fruitful night. You have endured many hours in prayer and atonement. You have offered the sacrifice and have sacrificed your sleep for the priests as an atonement, so that they can and want to repent. It is still up to her will. My Heavenly Mother wants to accompany them on this path, but they do not call their Heavenly Mother. You do not look at your pure heart, at your Immaculate Heart. They look at themselves. Powerfully they proclaim the Word of God, - powerfully. Is that right, My believers? Is the power, the pride that has entered into these priests today important to proclaim the Word of God? No! It is important to live holy and celebrate the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast in all reverence. But for them it is not important.

But I tell you, My beloved ones, only in this Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast is My Son Jesus Christ present in flesh and blood. In this Holy Sacrificial Feast He lets Himself be transformed in the hands of holy priests. This is important, My beloved ones, and not the meal fellowship that these modernist priests, who obey the Masons, still celebrate. They cannot differentiate between meal fellowship and sacrificial meal. Victims have become strangers to them.

Look at your dearest mother! Didn't she make all the sacrifices? Did not She stand under the Cross of My Son and shed bitter tears, because Her Son Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was crucified for the sins of mankind. Innocent is He and was He. And you, My beloved ones, atone for these unworthy priests. They are not able to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast. They do not even recognize the truth and certainly do not live it.

And yet, My beloved sons of priests, I demand many sacrifices from you in this time of grace of Lent. Can you not see that I am waiting for you, - full of longing, full of love? Can you not imagine that I would like to press your hearts to be able to pour in my love? But you close the doors of your heart very firmly. Who has access to your hearts? The Evil One! He surrounds you with the power of the Freemasons, with the power of evil. You do not recognize the good and do not live the good.

You, My beloved sons of priests, are in untruth, in confusion and in error. And who are you leading astray? The believers. They listen to your word. They look at your life. Is that still perfect today? Do you live chastity, My beloved sons of priests? Look at my purest mother! I have given her to you and you shall consecrate yourselves to her! Can you still do this today, My beloved sons of priests? No! You have strayed. The worldly desires have become important for you. But to bring sacrifices in this time of grace of Lent has become completely foreign to you. You do not even know what sacrifice means. You do not even know what atonement means.

How many atonement souls I had to choose to save you from the eternal abyss. Still there is time, still I warn you, my beloved ones, but then, when the great event comes, then the chance that I give you is over. How often have I admonished you because I love you. And how many times has My Heavenly Mother reproved you? She wanted to put you on the right track. She begged you: "Turn back! Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart! Do I not offer it to you? Am I not your mother, your intercessor in all situations? Do you still walk the Way of the Cross during this Lent? Do you even know what this Way of the Cross means to you? Look on My Son as He suffered, as He was scourged, as He was persecuted!

And you, my beloved sons of priests, who do you persecute today? My chosen ones! My chosen messengers and messengeresses! You take away their honor. But they do not despise you. On the contrary, they expiate for you and pray for you and accept many a sacrifice for the salvation of your souls. Nothing becomes too much for them, these victim souls. They do it out of love for you. They atone and see no success with you and yet they are willing to continue to make any sacrifice.

Look at my little one! How often does she wear the crown of thorns for you! How often she carries the cross for you on Friday! How often is she bedridden and cannot get up because I wish it on her as atonement for your sins, for your many sacrileges that you still commit today! Your burden of sin is getting heavier and heavier as you load it onto My Cross!

You also load the cross on the shoulders of My messengers. Often it becomes too difficult for them and they desperately ask to have it taken away from them. But then they continue to atone - gladly and out of love. Out of love for their Heavenly Father these messengers atone. Not because they have to, because it is their duty. No! Out of love, out of great love for me and the many sinners. They want to save souls, and nothing else was their wish in this last night, namely to atone for the fallen sons of priests.

You, My beloved ones, have comforted Me this night. And for that I thank you. Many souls, priest souls, have you saved. Even though you cannot see them, but trust in what I tell you. Every atonement prayer, every atoning night I make fruitful for many, many priests. Once, in eternal glory, you will see these priests whom you have drawn into heaven, who otherwise would have been lost, - lost forever and ever! They should never then have seen the eternal glory, for the eternal glory is eternal. Even the abyss is eternal!

Look, my beloved ones, how many atonement souls I still have to appoint, who are ready to transfer their will to Me, who cultivate total devotion, who want to give everything - to Me, their Heavenly Father, - all out of love!

They want to leave everything, like my little Monika. It is in her that I am pleased. I thank you, My little Monika, for continuing to work so courageously and diligently. You do not give up! No, you atone, you pray and you suffer! For my sake you suffer! I thank you with all my heart, dear little Monika. Here, in this message, I would like to express my special thanks to you. And also your dearest mother, who accompanies you on this path, gives you heavenly thanks!

And now, My beloved ones, I want to bless you in love and guide you and lead you so that you may climb this arduous path further and further up to the top to Golgotha and not give up.

I bless you in the Trinity with My dearest Mother, all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity! Persevere and remain courageous and strong! Amen.


