Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 27, 2011


The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the prayer of the rosary, angels moved from the house church to the sickroom and back to the tabernacle. They floated around the Blessed Mother, around the Father Symbol, especially around the Tabernacle. The whole sacral space was bathed in golden and silver light. The rays emanated especially from the Father Symbol and the Tabernacle. The Mother of God and her legions of angels had appeared. All the figures were brightly lit, especially the baby Jesus. It was connected with the little king of love. The Holy Archangel Michael again struck his sword in all four directions to keep all evil away from us during this Holy Sacrificial Feast.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me. Today she is especially My flower of suffering.

Today you celebrate the Sunday Sexagesima. My beloved Father children from near and far, My beloved Mary's children, My beloved faithful, My beloved little flock and small flock, how very, intimately and deeply I have taken you today into this Holy Sacrificial Feast, especially into My Goblet of Sorrows, the Goblet of Sorrows of My Son Jesus Christ.

Suffering becomes more, My beloved little one. The time of penance, the pre-Lenten period has begun. Believe, my beloved little one, that it is necessary for your Heavenly Father that He causes you so much suffering. Look at this modernist Church, which does not want to obey Me, - in no way, which does not obey Me despite the many messages and the many instructions.

Yes, they were partly prophecies for you, My beloved clergy. Have you not felt it that this My Church is being destroyed, - more and more? And you participate in the destruction, because you do not distance yourselves from this modernism. How many outrages, how many sacrileges have been committed in recent times by the entire clergy and also the authorities. Do you not feel it, My beloved sons of priests, that My longing for you becomes greater and more intimate? I long for your souls, which shall turn back. I wait for you and beg you, but you do not obey me. You turn away from me, from the Holy of Holies, and you are without divine power. Do you not know, My beloved ones, that the wicked man is surrounding you, giving you the wrong instructions, which in no way correspond to My instructions and prophecies? My little one is in conformity with My Divine Will because I, the Heavenly Father, want it that way and it is in conformity with My Divine Plan. Again and again she gives me a full 'yes father'.

My little flower of suffering, you are Mine and I need you for the suffering of My Son in your heart for the New Church, because this modernist Church is sinking more and more into the abyss. And the whole authority is watching! Is this possible, My beloved ones, to watch My Church being destroyed - My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church?

Of course the gates of hell will never overwhelm them. I am the Regent and remain the Supreme Shepherd. I will steer this little ship again into the right direction, but I expected this from my chief shepherd, whom I have chosen. He has turned his back on me. He obeys the Masonic powers and carries out these acts that they want. I fear for his soul! I shout it out into the world! But so far he has not shown me any obedience and has not declared this Second Vatican Council ineffective until today.

My beloved Brotherhood of Pius, did you expect that this modernist Supreme Shepherd would recognize in dialogue what is My truth? Did you expect this? Put an end to this dialogue. It devalues My Church even more. Look where My Supreme Shepherd turns: To all religious communities and wants to celebrate a meal with all. Is that okay? Can this correspond to My truth? No!

My only, holy, catholic and apostolic church is the only one. Listen to her! Listen to them when My Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated in full reverence in the full truth, as My priestly son has done today! Him I have chosen! And I wish that this Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V will continue to be celebrated and celebrated throughout the world.

My beloved Brotherhood of St. Pius and also the Brotherhood of St. Peter celebrate this Holy Sacrifice after 1962 in the modified form. That does not correspond to my truth. Completely, My beloved Pius brotherhood and Peter brotherhood, you need a complete conversion. Everything must be in accordance with order and truth.

Why do you still not believe in mysticism? Why don't you do the mysticism? Is not My Son Jesus Christ the full and entire mysticism of the Holy Sacrificial Feast, My Holy Sacrificial Feast? Do you want to take steps back or do you want to realize that this is the only truth to carry out this Holy Sacrificial Feast according to the Holy Pope Pius V?

How often have I pointed out to you, the Heavenly Father, through My messages, this My truth. But you have become stubborn, - proud and stubborn! Why do you not believe My messages that I give you through My little one. Is she proud or does she lie in humility? Completely, my beloved ones, it lies in humility and suffers. in the greatest agony of her pain she says her ready Yes to Me. "yes Father, I want" she says, "even if this pain and suffering grows, I will always say again: yes, dearest heavenly Father, I am ready and believe in Your truths and suffer as You wish".

This is humility, my beloved Pius and Peter brotherhood. That is mysticism, true mysticism! You must recognize it. These instructions correspond to the full truth. You must become more humble and serve me in humility. Do not want to grow up. On the contrary, even to a small nothing behind. Do you, My beloved Pius Brotherhood? Have you not also become proud and risen above the others? Is it not I, the Regent of your souls, and do I not wish that you celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in full truth, - in reverence? And that includes not celebrating this sacrificial meal after 1962. I beg you and reveal to you again and again that this Holy Sacrificial Feast will be celebrated in the whole world according to My plan and will because I am the Ruler of My Church. I have taken the scepter in my hand. Why, My beloved ones? Because my chief shepherd does not obey me. Him I had chosen. He was to steer my little ship and steer it into the paths of truth and love. Now I am the helmsman!

And now, My beloved ones, I weep for this My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I have shed bitter tears also for you. And My Heavenly Mother? Does she not weep for you? Yes, she even cries tears of blood.

You, My beloved Brotherhood of Peter, are in a sacred place of My dearest Mother, the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory, and dare not celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the full truth! You let yourselves be influenced and yet you want to be the first, the first who stand beside my chief shepherd. Can you do this, obey a Supreme Shepherd who is not even willing to celebrate my Holy Sacrificial Feast in truth and reverence publicly, but continues to hold the meal fellowship, the Lutheran and Protestant meal fellowship, - nothing else? I have chosen him to do everything out of love for me.

It is up to your will and willingness, My beloved Supreme Shepherd. Turn around! Turn around! Turn around! My time has come. My time is not your time. You do not know what will happen, how your Heavenly Father will intervene. I hope it is not too late for you. Decide for my full truth completely, then you are first protected, then your heavenly Mother will watch over you and protect you with her angels from the great event that must come. I must let it come over mankind. With much prayer, atonement and sacrifice it is still held and softened. But it will come. Decide for me, my beloved ones!

I am still waiting for you with longing because I have given you free will and will not break it and will not take it from you. I love you! Come to My Holy Sacrament of Penance with a penitent heart and repent of everything from the bottom of your heart for having destroyed My Church. Only then can I allow love to flow into your hearts again, because I cannot bear it when you go more and more towards the abyss and have to descend into eternal hell.

My beloved Mother is crying for you too in this special place, your place of apparition Wigratzbad, - not only place of pilgrimage, my beloved ones, it will be a place of apparition. You will not be able to fathom it or understand it. My mother, My dearest mother will appear there. Why? Because she calls my children, because she does not want to let my children sink into the eternal abyss, because she wants to draw their attention to the Trinity. All will come after the Revelation of My Holy John. Look into the apocalypse! Everything will happen, and nothing will fail to happen that corresponds to this truth.

I love you and bless you and I want to protect you to the fullest extent. Now the Trinity, the Heavenly Mother with all the angels and saints, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen. Live love and turn back! I wait in great longing for your deep repentance and conversion!


