Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Atonement night in the house church in Göttingen.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass at 23.30 through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, the tabernacle in particular was surrounded by a large group of angels who were kneeling and adoring the Blessed Sacrament. The Father Symbol was brightly illuminated during the Holy Transformation. Golden rays emanated from the heart of the Blessed Mother, who sent Her to the Merciful Jesus.

Our Lady will say: I, your dearest Mother, your Mother of God, speak to you today as Queen of the Rose, as I am venerated in Heroldsbach, to give you some instructions for this coming time.

My beloved pilgrims in Heroldsbach, My beloved faithful from near and far, My beloved little flock and herd, you have gathered today for this night of atonement to atone for these great sacrileges of the priests. That is why you have come today. My beloved pilgrims, hold on! My time is fulfilled! Very soon the action will come!

The heavenly Father says now in this moment: I will not announce to you the day and the hour. Prepare yourselves for this time! Prepare your hearts and go to the Holy Sacrament of Penance! The time has come, My children, My beloved children of the Father, who want to walk this way in the following of My Son Jesus Christ. He walks this sacrificial way and this path of atonement with you.

Now Our Lady says again: My beloved children of Mary, you have heard it. The Heavenly Father says, His time is fulfilled. I, your Heavenly Mother, will now accompany you in a very special way and ask the angels to descend the most difficult way of My Son, who have not strayed, who atone.

Today you celebrate this Gaudete Sunday. My priest son put on a pink liturgical robe. Pink is the color of the liturgy today. I also say to you as Heavenly Mother: Rejoice! Rejoice in the Lord, for the birth of Jesus Christ, My Son, is drawing near. The dearest Jesus is waiting for you. I, as Queen of Roses, will rain roses upon you again today. Do not be sad that this time and this way is so hard.

You are in battle. You know that, My children. I am with you. Have I ever left you one day alone as a mother, as your mother, as the mother of the Church? No! On the contrary. Again and again I send down to you many legions of angels.

Do not let up in prayer, sacrifice and atonement. On this night you can save many priest souls from the eternal abyss. You will want to turn back. It is not because, My beloved sons of priests, that you cannot repent. You do not want it. Give up your power! I teach you total devotion. Give up everything you have. The Triune God, the Heavenly Father, is waiting for your total surrender, which you have not yet made. What do you want to keep back? Does it have a value for eternal life or is it only valuable for you in this time and in this world? Drop it. It is ballast for you. Only eternal life counts. I, as Heavenly Mother, beg for you, for your souls. I want to bring them to the Heavenly Father. If you give up all that you possess and surrender everything to the Heavenly Father, you will become pure and so you can proclaim the truth, the whole truth. This is what your Heavenly Father is waiting for. So far you have not done so. I, as Heavenly Mother, mourn for your souls. All of them I want to save and all of them I want to bring back to the Heavenly Father. They belong to Him.

Atone this night especially for the priests. The more you can save, the better it will be for you and the more joy will come into your hearts. Many I call up that night: Hang in there and pray a lot this night! If you cannot visit the place of grace Heroldsbach, you can pray and atone at home. This is what I want from you as your Heavenly Mother.

How much I will embrace you in joy when a priestly soul returns to the Heavenly Father and makes a penitent confession, especially in this Advent season. Then rejoice, My beloved children, because you have endured until now! You will master the last little bit if you firmly and deeply trust in the love of the Heavenly Father.

But you can not only experience the joys of today. There will also be suffering. Carry this suffering and cross willingly. Put it on your shoulders, take it and drive to the lawn cross. This grass cross in the Oberallgäu in Meggen is valuable. If you kneel there and pray, the Heavenly Father gives you the grace to accept your cross gratefully and not to throw it away any more.

I wait for your readiness, My beloved children of Mary. How much I have feared for you until now. How many have fallen away from you in the meantime. For every single soul I mourn.

My little Monika, hold on!! A little while more and you will have climbed this mountain. I love you! I love you!

And I bless you now in the Trinity, your Heavenly Mother, who sends you out to proclaim the truth and always to live only the truth, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love! Be faithful and brave and courageous! Go this way, all the way to the top of Golgotha, because I love you, your Heavenly Mother! Amen.


