Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Feast cross elevation.

Jesus Christ speaks in the domestic church in Göttingen after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Many angels gathered around the tabernacle and the cross. They adored the Blessed Sacrament and also Jesus on the cross. All the figures were brightly illuminated, especially the Pieta. The image of the Heavenly Father moved from the right side over the cross in the same way as the Father symbol is to be placed over the cross. The canon tablets were dipped in gold during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. The Blessed Mother blessed us.

Jesus Christ in the Trinity will speak: I, Jesus Christ, speak to you today in the Trinity, My beloved little flock, My beloved pilgrims from near and far and My believers.

My beloved children, was it not also providence for you too that you, My beloved priestly son, were allowed to free My daughter E. from evil by My grace, by My help, not by you? You remain and are My humble servant.

Yes, My beloved ones, I, Jesus Christ, wanted to prove to you today that I am the Ruler in the Trinity also over Satan. He loses his power if I do not allow him to continue to work in My daughter E. Nor do I allow it, because much must be atoned for through my daughter E., not because of her guilt, but because of the guilt of others. How many people have been missing, and how much atonement has she already made, Me, Jesus Christ in the Trinity. Thank you, My beloved daughter E., for always being willing to have yourself exorcised.

My beloved priest's son has taken this exorcist ordination. Also all My priests should take this ordination today. It is not necessary that they are determined by a head shepherd. No! I determine My exorcists myself. They receive from me the power and the strength to be allowed to exorcise. And you, My beloved daughter E., were allowed to experience today that you were freed from these evil spirits. Thank you for your willingness.

Now, My beloved children, My beloved little flock, today you have celebrated the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. In the cross is salvation! Nowhere else is there salvation for you. Therefore willingly take your cross, which was made for you, on your shoulders. It is your personal cross. Important is the acceptance of the cross.

So that you can better accept it, I have erected this grass cross in Meggen. It is the truth, my beloved ones. This cross exists for a long time. Pilgrim there if it is possible for you, for there you will be given the grace to accept your crosses in love and not to throw them down. Your dearest Lord Jesus Christ will help you in all concerns, in all crosses, in all diseases. I, Jesus Christ, am with you every day.

Of course I prophesied to you through My little one that I could no longer be present in these modernist tabernacles of these churches because My dearest Heavenly Father in the Trinity had to take Me out of these tabernacles. Even today I am still so strongly disfigured in these churches by Protestantism and ecumenism. My Heavenly Father does not want these priests to be allowed to transform me in their hands in the future. No! You cannot do it in these Protestant churches. They also do not speak the exact words of transformation. It is not possible that this transformation can take place.

Why are you, My beloved believers, My beloved children, still rebelling against it? Why do you still go into these modernist churches? You make it easy and comfortable. There is only one Holy Sacrificial Feast and that is the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast without laymen at the altar with oral communion and reverence for the Tabernacle, because all priests offer this Holy Sacrificial Feast before the Tabernacle and do not have the Tabernacle behind them. The meal fellowship to the people is a Protestant and nothing else, My beloved believers. Why do you not turn back? How much I want to drive you out of the modernist churches. Why? The evil is in these tabernacles. Because My Father has taken Me out, I am no longer present there. Accept it, as the Heavenly Father has prophesied to you.

I love you, My beloved faithful and I do not want to let you go further astray through these priests of modernism.

Yes, today you have celebrated this special feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. It was offered to Me in all reverence at this sacrificial altar in the house church in Göttingen by My beloved priest son. Many already include themselves in this Holy Sacrificial Feast and thus have a valid Holy Sacrificial Mass. This is also possible for you, My beloved believers, to join in daily at 9:30 in the Rosary and at 10:00 in the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast. You receive communion spiritually and have a valid Holy Sacrificial Mass. In addition, My beloved, that soon this film, indicated by Me, will be produced in all accuracy. Just a little while longer, My beloved ones, because it takes a lot of work to film this holy sacrificial meal. When you have this DVD in your hands and can play it, My beloved believers, it is easier for you. You will find the address of a client who will send you this DVD on the Internet.

My beloved, in every city, in every small town there is an internet store. Please inquire about it, so that you can celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast and receive these messages.

In this last time of great tribulation, it is important to read these messages and to follow them. Many people are already following this difficult path of faithfulness and love, the path to Golgotha. I thank you, My beloved ones, who so far have gone along this difficult path. You receive special graces.

I love you and want to keep you away from all evil. Believe and trust, for then you will have the full protection of all heaven. Do not be sad and desperate to say goodbye to these modernist churches, to your parishes. It is My will and My way and the plan of the Heavenly Father.

And now I want to bless, love, protect and send you, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, on this special day of the Exaltation of the Cross. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tomorrow a message will be given from heaven, because you are going this vigil in Göttingen. It begins at 9.00 a.m. and ends around 12.00 p.m. After four months you will go back into this city of Göttingen praying the rosary, because it is my wish and will.


