Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Feast of the holy apostle princes Peter and Paul.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göritz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again many angels from all directions came to this house chapel. The statue of the Heart of Jesus, the symbol of the Trinity and the tabernacle were dipped in gold. From the Blessed Mother, rays of gold and silver went to the Tabernacle, and at the same time to the Child Jesus and the Little King of Love. The Holy Archangel Michael radiated his rays in all directions in this house chapel. The tabernacle angels also shone in golden light.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words of heaven. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved little flock, My chosen ones and My faithful, today the Heavenly Father again speaks important words to you all. Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Peter and Paul, these two martyrs. St. Peter was given the key power of heaven. And this Holy Father is the successor of Saint Peter.

My beloved faithful, I want to draw your attention and inform you about this Holy Father in Rome. Does he still obey Me, the heavenly Father in the highest authority? Has he not already entered the synagogue and the mosque? Was that right, My beloved believers? Was he allowed to do so? Can this be agreed with the Catholic faith? No! There is only one holy faith and that is the catholic one. Nothing else I let apply! I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, am the Regent of My Holy Church. Have I not sent My only Son, the Son of God, to the earth to redeem you all?

Did He not become man through the Immaculate Mother of God? Why do we attack this my mother today? Why do people call her 'Maria' today? Is that this Mary, the Mother of God. May she be called Mary as the only holy Immaculate Mother of Victory? No! She is Mary, the Mother of God, the Bearer of God. This prayer has been modified to 'The Lady of All Nations'. It continues to say according to my will: 'Who once was Mary. Once she was Mary, then she was chosen as the Mother of God and conceived the Son of God through the Holy Spirit. This is something that people today are no longer willing to admit. One would like to draw level with the Protestants, for they say 'Mary'. She is then one among many. Not 'Mary has helped', but the 'Mother of God Mary has helped'. That's what it must be called.

And today you celebrate this feast of St. Peter and St. Paul. Have they not become martyrs for the faith? Have they not stood up for the truth of Jesus Christ? Yes! They died a cruel death for this one and only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Is this Holy Father still in the succession of Peter? No! He does not want to lay down his life for this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. He destroys them. Yes, he sells them to the Muslims and to the Jews who killed My Son Jesus Christ, nailed to the cross. Is it correct that one may enter this synagogue. No! Are you allowed to enter a mosque as Holy Father? No! It is satanic powers that rule there. They want to continue killing Christians. Does not this My Holy Father on earth know this? Is he not informed about it? May He inaugurate an Interfaith Center where, at this altar, My Holy Sacrificial Feast, the Sacrificial Feast of My Son, is highly disfigured by the other religions? May he inaugurate this? No! Is he still destroying this My Church? Yes! He celebrates the modernist meal at these popular altars. He does not confess to the only holy sacrificial meal.

Through the Motu Proprio that he proclaimed, he acted correctly. Did he also perform this afterwards? No! Secretly he celebrates it. His chief shepherds have built up a collegiality with him. Are these chief shepherds the colleagues of the Holy Father? No! The Holy Father on earth, the successor of St. Peter, is to continue to be the Supreme Shepherd, for he has been given the key power, and he speaks ex cathedra. Does he do this, My beloved ones? Does he still speak ex cathedra today? No! He hinders me in the full truth to announce my word to the whole world. He is not a role model for these chief shepherds. He does not follow them. They are lost and confused and pass this confusion on to the shepherds. Is it right to completely destroy this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and say that this modernist meal should be impregnated by the Holy Sacrificial Feast? Can My Only Sacrificial Feast fertilize this modernist meal? No! It is and remains My only, Holy Sacrificial Feast, in which I let myself be transformed into My sons of priests, I as the Son of God, as Jesus Christ. That is the truth.

You are being attacked, My beloved chosen ones, My beloved little flock. You are being hostile. This is refuted. These are satanic powers. You can recognize it, My beloved father children. In the future, if you are attacked, go silently out of the sight of this person, because Satan works in them and speaks from them. This is my truth.

You, My children, remain pure and without fault. I have chosen you, and you will only be allowed to announce my words in full truth. I will give it to you in due time. You will not stray. You will continue to insist in the Catholic faith, and you will bear witness to it, the Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, like My Supreme Shepherd, Saint Peter. He died for the truth. He went to the cross like Jesus Christ My Son. He let himself be crucified with his head down. How many sacrifices has he offered to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity?

My martyrs were all persecuted, hostile and ridiculed by the Catholic Church, just like you, My beloved little flock. Therefore do not develop fears, for it is the truth that you must be persecuted. Like Jesus Christ My Son, you too will be persecuted, attacked, and you will be abandoned by all. You will continue to bear witness to Me, the heavenly Father. You will become steadfast, firm and strong. Nothing will upset you, - nothing, My beloved father children.

Yes, My beloved ones, this is what this church looks like today, which is in modernism and is still being destroyed. Jesus Christ will suffer the New Church. I tell you once more, my little one, - He will suffer it in you, but they will not believe you. You will continue to be mocked and this will be seen as untruth. Your sicknesses, which are atonement, will be made untrue. Also in it you will be mocked and you will suffer for heaven and atone for these many shepherds, who all go astray until now. I, Jesus Christ, want to save them, because they are standing at the abyss, and without atonement they will not be saved, because they will not be ready to proclaim the truth and believe in the truth. They despise My Son Jesus Christ in the tabernacle. Is it not the full truth that I had to take My only Son Jesus Christ out of the tabernacles of modernism? Isn't this the truth in the many sacrileges of priests, the shepherds of today? They have become a spectacle and you are the apostates, my beloved little flock. Satan distorts the truth. By this you recognize the satanic powers.

But you are loved! And you will advance in truth. You will be admired for your strength and your constant courage and perseverance in hostility. You will not become weaker, My beloved ones, no, stronger. Stronger in Divine Truth and stronger in Divine Power.

Continue to love the whole sky! Remain faithful to him and prove it through your constant prayer, through your constant atonement and sacrifices. I love you immeasurably as also My Heavenly Mother loves you!

And now I bless you, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, especially with your beloved Immaculate Received Mother of Victory, Queen of Heaven and Earth, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Persevere and be vigilant, for the wicked man wants to overthrow you. Be courageous and become stronger and stronger, for you remain in Divine Love! Amen.


