Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday.

After the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in Opfenbach near Wigratzbad in the Allgäu region, Our Lady speaks in the house chapel through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Cenacle, many angelic hosts have moved into several rooms. They were present not only in the sacred space, but also in the whole apartment, especially in the living room. They have felt comfortable there because it is here that the objections are written and sent, because this space is sanctified by the messages that the Heavenly Father gives us. A great ray of sunshine, which spread into many small rays, was in the house chapel. Especially the ray emanated from the Blessed Mother, from the Little Child Jesus and from the Little King of Love.

Our Lady will say: I, your dearest mother, am speaking now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in the will of God's plan and in His desires and only repeats words from heaven.

My beloved chosen ones, I greet you today in the Pentecost Hall, which you have entered to the glory of many, many people who are waiting for your holy way, because they too will benefit from it. You are still on this path of holiness. Your dearest Mother will guide, guide and direct you, because I, your dearest Mother, am called to be the Mother of the Church and to be there as your Mother.

Yes, my beloved ones, the time of Antichrist has come. It is sad for the whole Church of My Son, which He founded in the Trinity. It lies in the last and most difficult fight. You, My children, are allowed to take part in this fight, with your dearest mother, who will crush the head of the snake, with My children of Mary, who are ready to bear even the hardest, as I suffered as your dearest mother, the Mother of the Church. Look how I suffer under the cross. Do you also want to continue on this path with me and not stand still? Look at this destroyed church. Can My Son Jesus Christ continue to work with this clergy, especially with these chief shepherds, continue to direct and guide this holy Catholic and Apostolic Church? No! They have given him a clear No, because they do not want to celebrate a Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son in the Tridentine Rite. They do not show their willingness and availability to act according to the Heavenly Father's plan. You, My children, have been following this path steadily until now and shall continue to do so.

Are also the words of My priest's son Don Gobbi still in truth? Did he not receive special messages and receive a special calling from Me and the Triune God? I was allowed to give him many insights and he received them and wrote them down in great reverence, gratitude and in truth. Why, My beloved son of priests, are you today going against the prophets of My Heavenly Father? Why do you despise them? Are you alone the one called? Does My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity, especially the Heavenly Father, not have the right to choose His prophets Himself? Have you this wisdom to know whether they are in the truth or whether they are false prophets? Can you do that, my priest son? No! The Heavenly Father can work in all places and in every person whom He has chosen and called according to His plan, to bring His truths into the world, to lead people back to the truth.

Today, in the time of battle and in the time of the Antichrist, this truth of the Heavenly Father is no longer proclaimed. My son is put on the side. One despises Him. Yes, one distributes His Holy Body with unworthy hands, not only by priestly hands, but also by the hands of the laity in hand communion and standing. Is this still reverence for My Son Jesus Christ, who suffered the death on the cross for all of you and redeemed you. You do not offer him the greatest reverence. No, you don't! You do not respect him at all. You receive Him as if He were a piece of bread.

And that is why, My beloved ones, the Heavenly Father had to take My Son Jesus Christ out of the tabernacles of the modernist churches, because the reverence for Him was no longer given. It is He who will wash your souls with flesh and blood, - with His precious blood. Receive Him only in oral communion and kneeling, because this reverence is due to Him, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, My Son. He wants to enter into your hearts with His Divine Power and His greatest love, which He reveals to you again and again.

You lie also in the greatest suffering. The sufferings of My Son are not indifferent to you. You look at the cross and want to obey My Son. You are making the greatest effort to do this, because He wants to found the New Church in you. He must do it because it has been destroyed and is still in the greatest destruction. Therefore the greatest fight of Satan. He wants to achieve the last thing, namely to pull people further and further towards the abyss. But the Heavenly Father struggles for every soul full of longing just like I, your dearest mother. Every soul I want to give to My Son again, because the graces of repentance are poured out in every Holy Mass of the Trentino Sacrifice. There the greatest graces are contained and they are poured out into the world, into your surroundings and far beyond.

I, as your dearest mother, ask much for you with My great host of angels. I go to the Heavenly Father to pray to you again and again the Holy Spirit, as Bride of the Holy Spirit. May He give you again and again the knowledge that you can and want to suffer for the Church, for the New Church. Why has the Church been so destroyed even though My Son has sent these messages to the world through the Internet. He has made use of it and wants to continue to do so, so that people wake up from their sleep of death. They are to respect and honor My Son again, and above all to celebrate His Holy Sacrificial Feast - only His Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Mass. Graces flow from it. And My sons of priests, who celebrate His Holy Sacrificial Feast in its entirety, will be sanctified and led deeper into Divine Love without feeling it. These graces, however, are conveyed to people through her, through her holy path and through her availability and readiness.

You shall love one another as I have loved you! Support each other and do not leave My little one alone in her suffering. I wanted to inflict the greatest sufferings on her so that My Son can suffer the New Church in her. Do not quarrel with yourselves, but believe deeply. It is the full truth.

And you, My beloved ones, from near and far, establish oases of love and peace and continue to read these prophecies and messages that are spread on the Internet - not daily, but very often. Be interested in receiving these messages. This is the best possible way to advance in holiness, - step by step. There everything will be revealed to you that heaven desires. Nowhere will the truth be made known to you. All lie in misbelief and think that my little one is led by evil. No! Read the messages, then you can see that only the Heavenly Father directs and guides them and wants to proclaim His truths through them. Everything is truth, everything is in the desire and will of the Heavenly Father. Never will He put My little one aside or not accompany her. Especially in suffering lies His love. There the suffering is connected with the suffering of My Son, - the suffering of a messenger or a prophetess. Have no fears. Do not develop them again and again. Be brave and courageous and move forward.

Believe in the truths and go on step by step! Form a unity and a union, for only in unity do you become strong, then you can persevere, then the good surrounds you. You will recognize the good and do the good. But if you divide, the evil one has access and thus has the possibility to harass you as well.

Look at the suffering of My Son, - especially today. Am I not the Mother who is allowed to make these truths manifest to you as Mother of the Church today in this Cenacle? You too are in the Pentecost Hall. You too will experience the knowledge of the Holy Spirit and you will accomplish things that you can never fathom yourselves. Yes, miracles will happen through you as the Heavenly Father has told you many times. But remain in the fight for the time being. I want to fight with you, My beloved children, beloved chosen ones, beloved brides of Christ. Hang in there! Become brave and strong! For love and failure will strengthen you if you remain in unity and oneness.

I love you, My beloved children, My children of Mary and bless you now in the love of God, in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. If you also love all Heaven and are ready to do everything for the truth, then you will be guided and your Heavenly Mother will accompany you on the most difficult path of your life. Amen.


