Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday of November in the week of Pentecost.

The Heavenly Father speaks to His daughter Emma in the home of Rev. Lodzig in Opfenbach, OT Göritz in Allgäu near Wigratzbad through His tools and daughter Anne.


The Heavenly Father will speak a few words for you to strengthen you and to strengthen your group of four.

The Heavenly Father will speak: Dear Emma, I, the Heavenly Father, thank you with all my heart for your perseverance, for your steadfastness, which you have proved to Me again and again. I myself, as Heavenly Father, have ordered you here because I wanted you here to be with Me, to strengthen this group here, to support it, especially in prayer, in constant prayer by day and by night, in the constant uninterrupted exposition of the Blessed Sacrament of My Son. You have proved this by kneeling for hours before the Blessed Sacrament of My Son, praying for the others, proving that you continue to do My will, because I desire from you that you also strengthen your group of four in prayer, that you want to be with them even when sickness and suffering will come. When many things come rushing at the group, you will be the one who gives courage to the others, who can strengthen them, because you were already chosen by your family from eternity. Yes, from eternity, your Heavenly Father tells you.

I chose you, not you yourself. And you will also continue to receive these strengths through me. Your Heavenly Mother will be with you, - always in your heart. She will never leave you and tomorrow, on this special day, on this feast day, the Holy Trinitarian God will give you special strengths and graces that will accompany you on your way to South Tyrol, to Italy. There you will be expected, - strengthened. And one will feel that here in Wigratzbad, in this special place of grace, you have received many strengths, you have received power - divine strengths. It will be felt on you, and your open heart has been permeated here by the Holy Spirit with a tongue of fire, with rays of love. And you will be able to pass on this love. You will not become weak when others harass you and persecute you and also mock you. Then you will keep your strengths. They will not weaken you, but on the contrary, they will strengthen you more and more and give you firmness even deeper, Divine Love will penetrate deeply into your heart, and it will give you words that are not of you, but of the Holy Spirit. Since we are in the octave of the Holy Spirit, you will receive this power from Himself, the Holy Spirit.

Dear Emma, stay strong, always stay strong and brave in special situations! You represent the truth! For here you have experienced the truth on the spot, - which means truth, but which also means suffering, to which one should say yes and you will.

You have experienced My willing tool, My daughter Anne. She suffers. It is in My suffering that I desire from you. She has given me her will, - transferred it to me and she continues to say yes. She will feel her human weaknesses again and again, but she will also get the Divine Strengths, because in her powerlessness, when she becomes weak, then my strength will enter. And the power will be there from heaven, - also with you, dear Emma. Believe in it and do not trust Me, the Heavenly Father, in other people! Remember that they want to dissuade you from your deep faith. That is why I have given you these strengths today, so that you also enter the circle of light, where you are protected by your Heavenly Father and by the saints, especially also by your guardian angels, of whom you have several. They will not allow others to attack you where you are vulnerable, - in faith. In faith you will be strong. You will prove to others that words can be said that are not of yourself, but that the Holy Spirit will give you. They will amaze the others, and they will be able to tell by your strength. Then the mockery will finally stop!

But remember that the Heavenly Father will always tell you the truth, - always. He will always be kind to you. And everything that your heavenly Father gives you means truth, - full truth. He will never demand anything from you that you cannot give Me, the heavenly Father. You will not be overwhelmed, on the contrary, you will become stronger and stronger. And you will feel these strengths, because there will be a luminosity in your heart that radiates outwards, and the others will feel that.

And for your readiness I want to thank you, for your many prayers, which you have performed here in your free time, that you were there for me; for this many holy waters, which you have sprayed here over the mountain, so that the evil one shall and will give way. I thank you for that. Thank you for everything, for all your efforts here in this special place.

In this way, the Heavenly Father wants to bless you with all the angels, especially with your dearest Mother and all those recommended for protection, protect you and continue to accompany you on your path of sanctity, from which you should never stray, as the Heavenly Father desires. Now the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen.

Praise be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph forever and ever. Amen.


