Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Holy Archangel Michael.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göritz/Opfenbach through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Before the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, a large group of angels was already waiting outside, kneeling and raising their hands in prayer. They were dressed in white robes. Among them were three larger angels in golden robes. When the Holy Sacrificial Mass began, they all went into the house chapel and worshipped. The tabernacle cross was brightly illuminated. Above it the Trinity sparkled and sent golden rays into the room. The angels were grouped around the trinity. Another part of the angels were with the Blessed Mother at the altar of Mary. Her immaculate heart turned dark red and the twelve-star wreath shone in golden light. The statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was also bathed in golden light and rays of love flooded from the Heart of Jesus to the Heart of the Blessed Mother and back again. The Holy Spirit hovered over the head of the priest. He was sent by the Blessed Mother because She is the Bride of the Holy Spirit.

Now Our Lady says: I, your Heavenly Mother, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats words from heaven. Nothing is out of her.

I, your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory, My beloved children, am speaking to you at this moment. I love you very much and have asked for these graces for you. You too have entered today the hall of Pentecost, the Cenacle, with Me, because I have asked the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of knowledge, the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of love and faithfulness.

Yes, My beloved ones, I, as Mother of the Church, will speak to you also today. I love the Church and I desire nothing more for you and for all of you, for the entire clergy, for the new clergy, that they fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father and that they do not continue to thwart His plan in obedience to Him. Then there will be a holy priesthood that no longer persecutes the messengers of heaven, who are chosen, appointed and sent by the Heavenly Father.

You, My beloved ones, experience the greatest persecution here in Wigratzbad. Why, My beloved ones? Because I will appear here as mother and queen of victory. What must take place then, My beloved ones? The greatest fight between Satan and Me. I will trample the head of the serpent with you, My beloved children. I am the Mother of Beautiful Love and the Mother of the Church and through Me the Holy Spirit also flows to you. Call Me therefore here in this place very often as Mother and Queen of Victory.

My beloved children, has not this founder, Antonie Rädler, My daughter, also gone the way of persecution? Has it been recognized by this church so far? No! She is not recognized, despite having founded this special place of pilgrimage, of course with the help and mission from above, from the Triune God. Has she done everything in obedience? Yes! Did she not atone the most, sacrifice and pray and ask for this place? Yes, My beloved ones! For nights on end she atoned, sacrificed and prayed, - also for the clergy. She was especially persecuted by him. Will you too, my little one, not have to go the same way, - the way of persecution? Yes, you will continue on this path of persecution. You are the little chosen tool that receives the greatest graces. This involves a great responsibility for you. But you will also get the greatest pain and suffering. And that comes from the Heavenly Father. I, your beloved mother, will support you with My angelic host. You have your group to help you and they will accompany you in all these situations. Have patience, My beloved little flock!

This Wigratzbad will continue to be subject to persecution. But then, after this time of struggle, the New Church will rise gloriously. I, as the Mother of the Church, may reveal this to you. Especially you should learn to love the New Church. The new priests who come out of the catacombs according to the wishes of the Heavenly Father will be holy priests. They have suffered and endured so much underground. Why, My children? They were cast out, slandered and accepted these slanders and ridicules by this church. They continued to celebrate the holy sacrificial banquet of My Son Jesus Christ in the underground, in the catacomb. They have taken this persecution upon themselves.

And now, with My Son in the Trinity, I desire that these priests come to the surface and that they profess this Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast. You get the greatest protection of the sky. What have you to lose, My beloved sons of priests? What can be against you when I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with My beloved Son, with the Holy Spirit and with My beloved Heavenly Mother who is speaking now, will protect you? Why do you have these fears? Am I not above your fears that are still there? Am I not the greatest of all, the omniscient, who will act in His omnipotence and in His omnipotence? Am I not the ruler of the entire universe? Only to this Triune God you are subject.

My beloved ones and you My beloved priestly son especially, in you the new priesthood is suffered, not only founded. This is a long way, My beloved priestly son and also a painful one. You are priest forever after the order of the Melchizedek. And to this priest you are appointed. A great purification is still needed to eradicate and burn out this self-will that you still possess, as with my beloved daughter Maria Sieler. Read her words quite often and contemplate her suffering, then your willingness will increase. I, as your Heavenly Mother, prophesy this to you today. Yeah, it's a prophecy.

My little one is the little prophetess, - a very important one, but not of herself. Out of you, my little one, you do not make any difference. You lie in your human impotence. These human powers will diminish. But then you know that the divine powers increase. For Jesus Christ, My Son, will begin His suffering in your heart - His great suffering for the New Church. It shall blossom anew in all glory, - in great splendor and above all in the full truth. This is the most important thing, My beloved children, because today's church is completely in untruth and in complete destruction.

The believers must ask themselves: "What is the truth? Where is the truth? Is this truth still proclaimed to us by the Supreme Shepherd when he goes to the mosque and synagogue of the Jews and inaugurates an 'Interreligious Center'? Does this correspond to the truth of heaven, the Heavenly Father? No! It is not the truth. There is only one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and no interreligiousness. And there is also no ecumenism. This is what is cultivated in the church of today. And you must not emulate this church - in any way.

I only wish that My whole truth be lived and that My Supreme Shepherd and My Superior Shepherds do the whole devotion. Only then, My beloved ones, are there these Holy Shepherds. And there is a holy chief shepherd and these want to be prayed for and suffered. That is what you are for, My beloved ones.

Go this way of pursuit often. Have I not told you that you stand in the Divine Light, in the Divine Circle of Light, and that no one may enter this circle of light because then you are protected, - protected, loved and sent? It is something quite extraordinary what you will experience here in this place of grace Wigratzbad.

This ban and expulsion that you have received, above all My beloved son of the priest, is not in the truth. Isn't this a place of pilgrimage, a pilgrimage church, a place of grace, - accessible to everyone? What are you doing here, My beloved ones? You do not make a fuss; on the contrary, you sacrifice, pray and atone. This is the way for you to enter the Chapel of Grace to sacrifice, atone and pray. I also wish you the night of atonement now at this place of grace Wigratzbad. You will also think of My place of grace Heroldsbach on the 12th But in this month I wish that you atone here for this place of grace in Wigratzbad in the atonement night in the Church of Atonement. Think of your protection. Let yourselves be persecuted and also humiliated. Am I not your dearest mother who will stand by you in all situations?

And so I want to bless, protect, love and send you today as your beloved Mother and Queen of victory in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end.

Mother of God: Love is the greatest, and love will outlast everything! Amen.


