Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, February 12, 2010

Atonement night in the house chapel in Göttingen.

The Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass through her child and tool Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, flocks of angels moved into the house chapel. There were more during the Holy Transubstantiation and Holy Communion. They were grouped around the tabernacle and above the four evangelists. Some moved to the three statues of Our Lady who are present today: The Rosa-Mystique, the Fatima Mother of God and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, who will speak today. The Child Jesus sent His ray of grace to the Little King of Love on the altar. Brightly illuminated were God the Father, Saint Joseph, the archangel Michael and Padre Pio.

Today, on this day of atonement night, the great gift has also arrived with us: The pieta. She stood on the altar during the whole night. The Blessed Mother sincerely thanks the noble donor, Mrs. Johanna, and asks for all her graces to be lovingly received by all of heaven. It was a joyful day for all of us to host this dearest Mother of Sorrows with us and to be there to comfort her and the dear Savior. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

The Queen of Roses will speak: I, your dearest Mother and Queen and your dearest Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, will speak today, through My willing, humble and obedient child and instrument Anne. She speaks only words from heaven.

My beloved children, My chosen ones, My beloved pilgrims in Heroldsbach, you beloved ones near and far, you who have locked yourselves in this night of atonement, today My tears I shed in this special place Heroldsbach, My place of grace, are renewed. How many tears have I shed for My beloved sons of priests there in that place. Two years have already passed, and to this day My Tears have not been recognized as real, although 60 people were present and saw My Tears and testified to it. How many tears I still weep today for these priests' sons, especially for the priests' sons in Heroldsbach. They even disfigure this place.

Beloved children, you My beloved chosen ones, you believe in this miracle of tears. For this I thank you and also that you want to make atonement this night. I thank you for standing your ground in the hardest times of your trials. You have not let up in deep faith and trust. How much joy you have given your Heavenly Father to want to be there for Him. And you have always made the total surrender that your Heavenly Father requires of you. It is important, my beloved children of Mary, to give yourselves completely to you again and again in this time, to be able to leave everything and to consider nothing as important. Important for you is only this Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ, which you celebrate every day in this holy place. How worthy is everything with you. Everything has been appointed for you by Heavenly Father. How much joy you have given Him in these last years. How much I celebrate this feast in heaven with you, because you give me the consolation - you, my beloved ones.

Also for the many unborn children and the mothers I weep tears today on this day. You cannot see them, but I cry inside. How much bitterness these priests have caused the Heavenly Father. How many bitter tears have My Son and I shed for the sons of priests, that they not only acknowledge this miracle of tears, but it should also be an impulse to want to repent. You are standing at the abyss. Many of them will fall into eternal damnation because they do not believe the Heavenly Father, do not obey, and do not accept all these messages which the Heavenly Father has revealed to you, My beloved sons of priests, to induce you to repent.

Your dearest mother wants to enter your hearts. I want to let this Divine Love flow into you, which gives you the realization that nothing is more important than celebrating this Holy Sacrificial Feast at the altar of sacrifice and not at a grinding table.

Yes, My beloved ones, I, your dearest Mother and Queen of Roses, I will look upon you, upon the consolation you give Me this night. This comfort is important for me. And I thank you for it. Many priests are also saved that night. They will be moved to repentance, and they will realize that nothing is more important than celebrating this holy sacrificial meal. For every single priest who consecrates himself to Me, I am grateful to you and rejoice in your night of atonement. Atone, My beloved ones! It is important! Look at my heart burning with love! Many graces will be poured into your hearts this night, but especially into the hearts of those who atone for their sins in Heroldsbach.

You, My beloved ones, have been asked to atone that night in your house chapel for reasons of weather conditions and more. Your Heavenly Father will not open to you everything that should prevent you from going this far. Here you are protected. Here you can atone all night, as far as your powers allow it.

I want to thank you, My beloved ones, that you persevere again and again, that you are always ready to make sacrifices. This way you can manage many things. The atonement in this time, My beloved children, My children of Mary, is so important. Everything wants to be atoned for and you atone, sacrifice and pray. The rosary is the ladder to heaven. Your guardian angels and angels, the cherubim and seraphim, I will ask for and place at your disposal. They will atone with you and stand behind you.

I love you, My beloved children of Mary. Soon it will be the anniversary of your Mariengarten consecration. In advance I would like to thank you for wanting to renew this one on February 18th as well. And so your beloved mama, with all the angels and saints, bless you as the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A broad ray of grace in dark red and gold passed from the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach to us today. Thank you, dearest Mother, for all Your graces that You have asked for and will be asked for this night. Amen.


