Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, February 6, 2010


Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through her instrument Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Many angelic hosts came into the sacred room at the beginning of the Cenacle. They wore golden, silver and white robes. They worshipped the exposed Blessed Sacrament on their knees. The Fatima Madonna also joined in and worshipped kneeling, as did St. Joseph. The Little King of Love was dipped in gold and rays of grace in red and silver went from His little heart to the Child Jesus. The Heavenly Father and Padre Pio shone in bright light. The Holy Spirit hovered over the priest. The entire sacred space was bathed in golden light during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The curtain was full of flickers and stars.

Our Lady will say: I, your dearest Mother and Mother of God, speak to you today, My beloved children, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne.

You too, My beloved children, have entered into this Cenacle today, - into the Pentecost Hall. The Holy Spirit was there. He hovered over everyone. I am the Bride of the Holy Spirit and I want to give you many insights through this holiness that has taken place here in this sacred space, in this house chapel. A chapel full of holiness, My beloved children. Even if you were to spend hours here, you would not be able to grasp this great salvation that is given to you in this Mass of Sacrifice and that took place during this Holy Cenacle. Pure holiness takes place in this house chapel. It must be so, My beloved children. You are chosen to shout the words out into the world, - the words of truth of the Heavenly Father. You, My children, are there to bear witness. Testify not only to this holiness, but to the miracles you have already experienced. Miracles have happened here in this chapel, but also before this chapel was built.

The Heavenly Father says: You must bear witness to this because I, the Heavenly Father, so desire it. It must not be kept secret what is happening here, because, My beloved elect and My beloved children, how many people today are in need and know of nothing and they are not enlightened by the true Catholic Church.

Our Lady continues to speak: I am the Mother of the Church and of Beautiful Love. I would like to enlighten you how important it is to shout all this out into the world, - through you and through the Internet, which heaven uses. How many more miracles will be performed here in this place through you? You only have to follow exactly the traces, the traces of My Son, the traces of the Heavenly Father. How much will happen here through you.

The Heavenly Father speaks: How many calls, My little one, have you already received. How many times have you given testimony of Me, your Heavenly Father, and I thank you for it, because only through this can miracles happen, in that you do not hide anything and keep nothing for yourself. Again and again you receive new instructions from Me. Look at your mother, at your Heavenly Mother. She intercedes for you, so that you may experience the Divine strengths again and again. Not your bravery and your courage are from you, but they were given to you by the Heavenly Father, by Me, so that the world may look more redeemed.

Our Lady continues: How does the Church look today, and how must I, as Mother of the Church, watch it being destroyed and how my Heavenly Son is in such great sadness, because His redeeming sacrifice is not recognized, because He is despised and set aside, and because the faithful have become too indifferent? They swim with the modernist current. They even fulfill the wishes of the devil. Who has invaded these modernist churches, My children, when My Son is no longer present in the tabernacle? Who has entered there? Do you not feel that you have to go out because so much evil is happening there - so many evil sacrileges from the priests, from the modernist meal fellowship, from the popular altar, from the priests celebrating to the people. And the people cheer them even though they do not confess the truth. The gospels have changed them. They proclaim the good news and are not open and honest with the people. They want to continue to receive the rejoicing of the people and not to obey the Heavenly Father.

Everything lies in disorder, My beloved ones, everything. The church is destroyed by evil forces. And you, my believers, watch. Is there nothing you can do? Do you have to swim in this stream? Have you not received your own will from the Heavenly Father? Do you not know that you can call on Me as the Mother of the Church? Have you not been told: "Come to my Immaculate Heart! This heart will prevail and victory is before you. Do you want to swim and swim away even further in modernism and not achieve eternal bliss? Do you also want to fall into the abyss with the many priests who fall into it like snowflakes? My little one will see it.

How many priests do not obey the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and the whole heaven? They live their own life, which is turned towards the world. They enjoy all the comforts in the world, but they make no sacrifices. Where is the willingness of these priests to sacrifice? They should live them for you, so that you can live them. How important it is today to make sacrifices! Then, My faithful, you can come to My sacrificial altar and not participate in the banquet.

Seek Me, My beloved believers and you shall find Me! If you do nothing, you continue to swim in modernism and you are caught in the evil forces. You cannot live the truth. You cannot even pronounce them. You live and enjoy the world, nothing more. And I, as Heavenly Mother, how many bitter tears have I already shed for you, - for you priests and for you, you believers, because you do not form your own opinion. You all want to obey the bishop. Is your bishop in truth? Didn't He Himself see to it that My beloved ones, My small group in Göttingen, were expelled from this Church, which the Heavenly Father and My Son had chosen? She was preferred. A place of pilgrimage was even to be built here. Yes, My Son makes the impossible possible.

Remember always, if anything seems impossible to you, come to My heart and to Me. I will bring your request before the Heavenly Father and it will be fulfilled. Often you forget this because it seems impossible for you, and because it cannot be fathomed and explained to you. Great miracles will happen if you believe more deeply, - penetrate more deeply into the mystery of My Son Jesus Christ.

What secret does a priest keep? He marries My Son daily in the Holy Sacrificial Feast. He becomes one with My Son. He is no longer himself, but he embodies Jesus Christ and is one with Him. My Son takes him in His arms during the Holy Sacrifice, - during the marriage. Such a great thing takes place here at this altar of sacrifice.

Will you, My beloved ones, not bear witness to this miracle that is happening here, only here in this house chapel, - only here. This house chapel is intended for the foundation of the New Church. How many times have I already explained to you that it is something special what is happening here, and above all that you cannot fathom it and will never understand what is happening through you. You must tell about this holiness. It is even your duty to the Heavenly Father. What you experience, this holiness, wants to be shouted out so that the others who do not believe will wake up. You can contribute to this, My beloved children.

Pray deeper into My Immaculate Heart. Unite with me so that you can draw more deeply the power, the divine power. I will make sure that Divine Love can penetrate deeper into your hearts and that more happens through you than before. Sacrifice yourselves there!

And you, My beloved priest's son, sacrifice yourself on the altar. You are involved in the sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ. You are a priest of sacrifice. And this holy sacrifice takes place daily at this altar of sacrifice. If several people knew about it and it became public, they would be able to turn around. They would no longer mock you so much, but they would feel the power of heaven, because they participate in this power, in this Divine Power and in what is happening here.

I love you, My beloved ones and I want to lead you further in holiness, in conformity with My Son. And so now I bless you with the Little King of Love, with the Child Jesus, with all the angels and saints in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love! Be brave and courageous and stand the fight of evil with me! Amen.


