Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, January 18, 2010

Petri Chair celebration at Rome.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large crowds of angels were gathered around the tabernacle during the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Banquet and were present throughout the sacred space. The image of God the Father shone in a golden glow and a dark red ray emanated from the heart of the Heavenly Father. The Mother of God, the Child Jesus and Saint Joseph were also dipped in light gold. The Jesulein in the Christmas bouquet sparkled especially.

The Heavenly Father now speaks: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved believers, My beloved Holy Father, I, the Heavenly Father, want to announce to you, My beloved believers, that My Holy Father, the Vicar of Christ on earth, is no longer in the truth. I have chosen him myself and called him to proclaim my word in the whole world and also to live it.

My beloved believers, how much must you suffer through his weakness. He gives up because the Catholic Church is in total destruction, but he has contributed to it.

My beloved faithful, how much it hurt My heart when a Cardinal stepped on the Body of My Son Jesus Christ several times. How hard it was for me to have to endure this and watch. How hard it was for Me when this Archbishop denied the sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ on the cross.

Didn't My Holy Father see this too? Was it not possible to suspend these two superior shepherds? Was this not possible? Did you have to watch, My beloved Holy Father, Vicar of Jesus Christ here on earth? Could you watch it without changing it? You still have no regrets about entering a mosque, a Muslim mosque. Don't you know what that means for the Catholic Church? Do you not know what it means to inaugurate an Interfaith Center in Fatima? Did you not do this yourself? Didn't you even feel sorry to do this without trying to prevent it.

Yes, My beloved Vicar of Jesus Christ here on earth, it is bitter for you to see the Catholic Church in destruction. Can't you put a stop to this? Are you not My representative on earth, the representative of Jesus Christ, who is to lead the universal church and steer the little ship in the right direction? Have you tried to do it? How many times have I asked you to listen to My messages. They have been sent to you. You know about my messenger that she speaks the truth and repeats my words and does not see herself. She has accepted a great atonement for you today, because you persist in untruth.

Today you celebrate the feast of Peter Chair. You, My beloved Holy Father, have received the key power with this feast. Are you following this? No. You are contributing to the continued destruction of My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and bringing it to ruin.

My faithful, could the Holy Father not prevent that this Vatican II is still lived? Couldn't he prevent after the Motu Proprio that only the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast may be celebrated? Is not this alone the sacrificial banquet of My Son Jesus Christ? Why does he contribute to this by celebrating the modernist meal community himself? This goes all over the world. Are you not also responsible for My Catholic Church, Beloved Holy Father?

My believers, and you watch. You still say: We must obey this Holy Father. Does this Holy Father also show obedience to Me? Does he not contribute to continue destroying this world church, the Catholic Church, which My Son Jesus Christ instituted with His blood? Yes, my beloved believers, you too must now recognize that he does not live the truth. Pray, sacrifice and atone, so that the New Church may soon come into being in full splendor and glory.

But before that much will still happen, my believers. Stay out of these modernist churches. Go out and go into your homes and pray fervently and include yourselves in the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ, which is celebrated in Göttingen daily at 10:00 a.m. You have the opportunity, My beloved ones, because it is My true sacrificial banquet, the sacrificial banquet of My Son. This is the truth completely! My beloved little messenger Anne fights for this truth. She fights and she offers me her life for this truth. For this I thank you, My beloved daughter.

You too, My beloved little flock, hold on! Persevere in the truth and testify to me, the heavenly Father, completely so that I have joy in you and you are pleasing to me! And so now your Heavenly Father with all the angels and saints blesses you, especially your beloved Mother of God, the little child Jesus, Saint Joseph, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love! Be vigilant and persevere! Amen.


